+ Placing dugout: Allowed hexagons marked with (v). Few more hexagons available as rules loosened a bit.
+ If unit has multiple negative MPs at the start of a turn and it has no other text-tags set, -X MPs tag will be set. If nothing else is happening, focus will be on the unit with most negative MPs at start of turn
+ Switching to fictional flags as bots ban games even if you use policy-team okay'ed flags (appeal system doesn't work)
+ Fixes: Reset scattered-units-list, wrong color on tank icon
+ More options to FALLEN dialog: OFF, HP-only (exclude support units), MP-only (exclude dugouts), HP-and-MP-only (exclude support units and dugouts), ALL
+ Faster new game initialization (take II)
+ Fix: A long game might have experienced a crash
+ City icons: new option, Settlement-style
+ Setting: Show/hide FALLEN dialog after player loses a unit during AI movement phase. Includes unit-history if it is ON.
+ Moved some docs from the app to the webpage (app-size reduction)
+ City icons: new option, Settlement-style
+ Setting: Show/hide FALLEN dialog after player loses a unit during AI movement phase (options: OFF/HP-units-only/ALL). Includes unit-history if it is ON.
+ Moved some documentation from the app to the webpage (notable app-size reduction)
+ Faster new game initialization
+ City icons: new option, Settlement-style
+ Setting: Show/hide FALLEN dialog after player loses a unit during AI movement phase (options: OFF/HP-units-only/ALL). Includes unit-history if it is ON.
+ Moved some documentation from the app to the webpage (notable app-size reduction)
+ Faster new game initialization
+ HOF will start to catch with the latest scores after hosting company switch
+ Animation delay before combat result is shown (player side, delay duration is the same as animation speed if delay is ON)
+ Unit Tally tracks what percentage of combat did end up in: win/draw/loss/escape for the player (shown if enough data)
+ Unit Tally includes units the player has lost (data since v1.5)
+ Bombarding enemy HQ might result loss of MPs
+ The zoom buttons now have a consistent size
+ HOF cleanup
+ Bombarding enemy HQ might result loss of MPs
+ Selecting a unit pop-up any battle results from AI phase. Red B1/B2 tag on black. ON/OFF option.
+ AI: Summer 2024 update: Higher priority vs dugouts/mines/support-units, more variety & unit-type-base logic for route selection
+ Setting: 2X Panzer Divisions
+ Setting: Set minefield icon to REAL, (triangle) NATO, default
+ Setting: Confirm moving a resting unit
+ Setup mistake: Some German divisions were on defensive mode
+ Icons: More contrast
+ Revamped movement arrow drawing
+ Setting: Scattered Units marked with symbols
+ Setting: Alter how strongly hexagon grid is drawn
+ Artillery/Airforce can now use MPs to prepare for the barrage/sortie to make it more efficient
+ Polish mechanized units break down from time to time
+ Setting: MAP button can show full screen map with city icons or VP in a circle
+ Setting: support units can have higher/lower selection priority
+ Setting: Automove can focus map into direction of travel
+ Setting: Turn AutoMove ON/OFF or alter its effective range (moving the selected unit multiple hexagons after one faraway tap)
+ AI: Trying to reduce excessive tactical-task-switching
+ More effective Polish bombardment
+ Setting: General switched from ON/OFF to % chance of getting each general (options 0-100)
+ If a unit covers a tactical route, narrow green line drawn over the unit to indicate the route
+ 40 UNDOs
+ Simplified Shield-styled city icons
+ Setting: General switched from ON/OFF to % chance of getting each general (options 0-100)
+ If a unit covers a tactical route, narrow green line drawn over the unit to indicate the route (similar to blue line draw on units to indicate a river)
+ Number of UNDO-actions increased to 40
+ Simplified Shield-styled city icons
+ General can request sabotage: a couple of nearby enemy controlled hexagon change sides
+ Dugout can be placed on a border hexagon of a province if enemy control at most around 5 percent of it
+ AI: More comprehensive situation assessment before attacking over rivers
+ It costs less to transport zero HP units via railways
+ Fix: Some hexagons of a province detached from the province
+ Stats include length of the front-line
+ Added USSR flags to Soviet units
+ HOF cleanup
+ Release