+ City icons:Settlement-style
+ Options to FALLEN dialog: ALL, OFF, HP-only (exclude support units), MP-only (exclude dugouts), HP-&-MP-only (exclude support units & dugouts)
+ Changing to fictional flags as rapid AI bots ban apps even if you use policy-team approved historical flags (appeal system is defunct)
+ If unit has many minus MPs at the start of a turn & has no other text-tags, -X MPs tag will be set. If nothing else is happening focus will be on the unit with least MPs at start of turn
+ FALLEN dialog after player loses a unit during AI move-phase (options: OFF/HP-units-only/ALL). Includes unit-history if it is ON.
+ Moved docs from app to webpage (smaller app size)
+ Easier to get a free movement on roads (nearby enemy-held hexagons do not always block cheaper move)
+ A new road can be build adjacent to more existing roads than previously
+ Fix: AI struggled to spot support units in weak spots
+ Shortening longest unit-names
+ Quicker start-up
+ Size of zoom buttons is fixed
+ HOF will be slowly restored back to normal after a hosting company debacle on November 2024 that resulted in change of servers.
+ Setting: Orange circle around units which are about to be redeployed
+ Brighter colors on labels and markers of Planned US Airfields
+ CI tag given from each captured city to the unit, is now replaced with C1/C2/C3 tag showing number of cities the unit has seized. For the list of cities captured, select unit, TACTICS, INFO
+ Size of the zoom buttons is now fixed