+ Turned some T34 units into weaker T70 units
+ Bombarding enemy artillery or HQ might result loss of MPs
+ Unit Tally shows what percentage of combat did end up in: win/draw/loss/escape
+ AI: Summer 2024 update: Higher priority vs dugouts/mines/support-units
+ Selecting a unit pop-ups any battle results from AI phase. Red B1/B2 tag on black ON/OFF switch
+ Setting: Set minefield icon to REAL, (triangle) NATO, default
+ Setting: Confirm moving a resting unit
+ Fix: Random out-of-supply events
+ TMP:RMP button also turns Fuel delivery ON/OFF
+ Reset the possible out-of-control second landing
+ Setting: Alter how strongly hexagon grid is drawn
+ Revamped movement arrow drawing
+ Settings: Scattered Units marked with symbols
+ Fuel Depot can dump 8 fuel to gain +1 MP. Fuel Truck can dump 3 fuel to gain 0-2 MPs
+ Rear area units with multiple MPs might not leave movement arrows
+ MP cost of fortifying goes up by 1 for each 20 mines in play
+ Fix: Corrupt trigger in withdraw-process
+ Setting: Alter how strongly hexagon grid is drawn
+ Reset the possible out-of-control Taman landing
+ Revamped movement arrows
+ Setting: Scattered Units marked with symbols
+ Rear area units with multiple MPs do not leave movement arrows to avoid filling the entire map
+ MP cost of fortifying action goes up by 1 for each 20 mines in play/resource-pool to prevent filling the entire map with mines
+ Longer max supply route length in case the player makes a deep hook behind enemy forces
+ Possibility of losing MPs near key ports due to Soviet naval fire
+ More passive Soviet strategic posture on the Kalmyk Steppe
+ Variation to the location of the second landing to prevent player having 'pre-knowledge' of future events
+ Soviet landings require the Red Army holding at least one Black Sea coastal city
+ Soviet Antitank Gun units were placed incorrectly
+ Fix: Various typos like Astrakhan
+ Tweaking the Soviet Order of Battle
+ Fixes if ammo and fuel are turned off