Winter War: Suomussalmi Battle Mod Apk

Winter War: Suomussalmi Battle Hack - Mod Apk

Developer: Joni Nuutinen
Category: Strategy
Price: $3.99 (Download for free)


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Battle of Suomussalmi is a turn based strategy game set on the border area between Finland and the USSR during the Second World War. From Joni Nuutinen: by a wargamer for the wargamers since 2011

You are in command of the Finnish forces, defending the most narrow sector of Finland against a surprise Red Army offensive aiming to cut Finland into two parts. In this campaign, you will be defending against two Soviet attacks: Initially, you have to stop and destroy the first wave of the Red Army offensive (the Battle of Suomussalmi) and then regroup to take on the second attack (the Battle of Raate Road). The object of the game is to control as many victory points as possible, or achieve a total victory by controlling all the VPs.


+ Historical accuracy: Campaign mirrors the historical setup.

+ Thanks to in-built variation and the game's smart AI technology, each game provides a unique war gaming experience.

+ Competitive: Measure your strategy game skills against others fighting for the Hall of Fame top spots.

+ Supports casual play: Easy to pick up, leave off, continue later.

+ Challenging: Crush your enemy quickly and earn the bragging rights on the forum.

+ Settings: Various options are available to alter the look of the gaming experience: Change difficulty level, hexagon size, Animation speed, choose icon set for units (NATO or REAL) and cities (Round, Shield, Square, block of hourses), decide what is drawn on the map, and much more.

+ Tablet friendly strategy game: Automatically scales the map for any physical screen size/resolution from small smartphones to HD tablets, while settings allow you to fine tune hexagon and font sizes.

In order to be a victorious general, you must learn to coordinate your attacks in two ways. First, as adjacent units give support to an attacking unit, keep your units in groups in order to gain local superiority. Secondly, it is rarely the best idea to use brute force when it is possible to encircle the enemy and cut off its supply lines instead.

Join your fellow strategy gamers in changing the course of the Second World War!

Privacy Policy (full text on website and app menu): No account creation is possible, the made-up username used in the Hall of Fame listings is not tied to any account and does not have password. Location, personal, or device identifier data is not used in any way. In the case of crash the following non-personal data is sent (vie web-form using ACRA library) to allow quick fix: Stack trace (code which failed), Name of the App, Version number of the App, and Version number of the Android OS. The app only requests the permissions it needs to function.

"This psychology, that we’ll win by sheer numbers, must be finished if you want our army to become a really modern army... Aviation, mass aviation, not hundreds but thousands of airplanes. Therefore, whoever wants to wage a modern war and win in a modern war, he cannot say that we should conserve bombs. Nonsense, comrades, we should give the enemy more bombs to stun him, to overturn his cities, then we can achieve victory. More shells, more ammo must be given, then fewer people will be lost. If you save bullets and shells, you lose more men. One must choose."
-- Segment from Stalin's April 1940 speech at a meeting of the commanding officers about the experience of military action against Finland

Version history
+ City icons: Settlement option
+ Animation delay before combat result is shown
+ FALLEN dialog after player loses a unit during AI phase. Options: OFF, HP-only (exclude support units), MP-only (exclude dugouts), HP-and-MP-only (exclude support units and dugouts), ALL
+ Unit Tally tracks what % of combat did end up in: win/draw/loss/escape and lists units the player has lost (data since v4)
+ Switching to fictional flags as out-of-control AI bots ban games if you use historically accurate flags
+ Selecting a unit will pop-up any battle results from AI phase. Red B1/B2 tag on black. ON/OFF option
+ AI: Summer 2024 update: Higher priority vs dugouts/mines/support-units, unit-type-base logic for route selection
+ Bombarding enemy HQ might result loss of MPs
+ Setting: Set mine icon to REAL, (triangle) NATO, default
+ Setting: Confirm moving a resting unit
+ More MPs in rear area over time (player), Soviet commanders
+ Cost of Mines/Dugouts change more
+ Icons: More contrast
+ HOF refresh
+ Revamped movement arrow drawing mechanism
+ Artillery and Airforce can now use MPs to prepare for the barrage/sortie to make it more efficient
+ Setting: Alter how strongly hexagon grid is drawn on the map
+ Setting: Scattered Units marked with symbols instead of icons (various options)
+ Setting: MAP button can either show full screen map with default city icons or VP is drawn over the city in a circle
+ Setting: Make support units to be at higher or lower initial selection priority
+ Setting: Turn AutoMove ON/OFF or alter its range (moving the selected unit multiple hexagons after one faraway tap)
+ Unused RMPs lost at a slower rate between turns
+ AI: Less excessive tactical-task-switching
+ Setting: General switched from ON/OFF to % chance of getting each general
+ If a unit covers a tactical route, narrow green line drawn over the unit
+ Ending turn requires using all the resources that would expire between turns
+ 30 UNDOs
+ Simplified Shield city icons
+ General can request sabotage: a couple of nearby enemy controlled hexagon change sides
+ Dugout can be placed on a border hexagon of a province if enemy control at most around 5 percent of it
+ AI: More comprehensive situation assessment before attacking over rivers
+ Stats include length of the front-line
Jan 10, 2023
+ Dugouts will from now on be available via Build Dugout action by a general
+ Any unit can be disbanded by selecting it and pressing the REL-button (relieve) for more than 5 seconds
+ Setting: Draw Finnish flag over empty spots on map over player controlled area (if any)
+ Railway crossroads show RMPs if any (white text on black circle)
+ Stats show total travel by ground combat units per turn
+ AI: Slightly more focus towards the biggest cities
+ HOF cleared from the oldest scores
Aug 19, 2022
+ Replacements for Recon unit type
+ Map labels show peak Soviet advance
+ When replacement resource selected, unit types able to receive +1 HP will have yellow edges
+ When MP resource selected, eligible units will have yellow edges
+ More Tactical Routes, more rear area movement, easier to auto-move multiple hexagons at once (select rear area unit, tap 2-6 hexagons away)
+ Setting: Randomly & secretly make X units from each side both a hero+coward unit (0-50% combat bonus/penalty)
March 9, 2022
+ Minefields requested by Generals/Commanders now arrive with one turn delay
+ Assigning replacements (+1 HP) to a unit is a bit easier (3 adjacent enemy hexagons allowed, but the severity of enemy-blocks-replacements depends on the Difficulty Level
+ HOF relocated to web (see dev-log for details)
+ Setting: HOF: Send scores to online database (ON/OFF switch)
+ Setting: Turn major developer alerts ON/OFF
+ AI: Improvements in front line coherence
February 17, 2022
+ Minefields requested by Generals/Commanders now arrive with one turn delay
+ Assigning replacements (+1 HP) to a unit is a bit easier (3 adjacent enemy hexagons allowed, but the severity of enemy-blocks-replacements depends on the Difficulty Level
+ HOF relocated to web (see dev-log for details)
+ Setting: HOF: Send scores to online database (ON/OFF switch)
+ Setting: Turn major developer alerts ON/OFF
+ AI: Improvements in front line coherence

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