This release includes important bug fixes and optimizations.
Fixed a bug where templates in the "Mine" tab were missing after saving a template.
This release includes important bug fixes and optimizations.
- Fixed a bug where if you swapped an exercise during a workout the previous sets would still show the old exercise.
Recommended Exercises - You'll now see recommended exercises for placeholder exercises and when swapping an exercise. I'm still working on improving the algorithm so please let me know if you have any feedback.
Change Set Percentage - You can now tap on the percent for a set during a workout to change it which will cause the weight to recalculate.
- Added ability to remove exercise attributes, just tap the 'clear' button in the top right of the attribute selection screen.
- Fixed crashing when trying to create a new exercise in Settings -> Exercise -> Create.
- Fixed a bug preventing inputing a rep range when adding exercise to a template.
- When you change the percentage scheme for an exercise in the "Quick" editor, it will now only change the exercises for that day, so you can have different percentage schemes for the same exercise on different days.
- Reset Target reps for PRs
- Copy a workout or week of workouts
- Add YouTube links to an exercise.
- Change distance units.
- New Public Feature Request Board.
Just a few small bug fixes, new features coming soon!
Fix crashing when adjusting training maxes.
Fix bug where percentages were set to zero for supplemental exercises
Fix bug in onboarding screen.
Fix some rounding errors.
When you change your body weight post-workout the volume for that workout will be updated accordingly.
Fixed a bug that caused the app to be unresponsive and crash when swapping an exercise.
- Create a single workout. Want to record a single one-off workout? Now you can! When you tap the "+" button on the Workout screen you\'ll see the option to create a single empty workout. Perfect for the times you want to record a quick workout without building a template.
- Override workout duration.
- Band tracking. You can now track the bands you use for an exercise.
- Body weight included in volume calculation.
- Fix bug that prevented changing template name.
New "Quick" template editor.
- Fix Personal Record celebration not showing when hitting a new PR
1 мар. 2023 г.
- Fixed a bug where reps would auto-increase more than one if you modified a set or added a set after completing an exercise
- If you uncheck a set that increased your Training Max, the TM increase will be reverted. If you modify the weight/reps of a set PR set the Training Max increase will be adjusted also.
- Change the data export to CSV in Settings, now you can choose to either export all sets or all training maxes.
17 февр. 2023 г.
Fixed a bug where when selecting "Swap all" it would add an exercise to each day of the template instead of just the days of the exercise you were swapping.
5 февр. 2023 г.
Fixed a bug where the app would double-count exercise changes during a workout
25 янв. 2023 г.
- Automatic Progressions for Assistance Exercises.
- Update all reps in a template with the push of one button.
- Pick Push/Pull/Leg exercises before starting a workout.
- Select sets and reps when choosing a Push/Pull/Legs exercise.
- Fixed auto-collapsing workouts.
- Fixed auto-filling of weights.
8 янв. 2023 г.
- Fixed random crashing when editing a template.
- Fixed bug that caused lag when tapping on a template.
22 дек. 2022 г.
2022 Year in Review.
20 нояб. 2022 г.
New Features
- You can now track Reps in Reserve (RIR) and Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) for any exercise.
- Two new exercise types added, Duration x Weight and Distance.
- For exercises with a duration, you'll see a timer icon instead of the check mark to complete the set. Tapping the timer will automatically start a timer for the duration of your set.
- Fixed a bug where the app would occasionally crash when changing the reps or percentages for a template.
7 нояб. 2022 г.
Bug fixes and performance improvements.
20 окт. 2022 г.
Fix password reset.
3 окт. 2022 г.
Fix performance issues.
Fix filters when searching for templates.
17 сент. 2022 г.
Fix issue with keyboard.
4 сент. 2022 г.
Performance improvements
25 июл. 2022 г.
A few bug fixes.
11 июл. 2022 г.
Fix Sign In with Google
2 июл. 2022 г.
- Share templates with friends
8 июн. 2022 г.
- Fix Training Max not auto increasing when hitting new PR
- Fix formatting input for durations.
5 июн. 2022 г.
- New custom keyboard which allows to you easily select the next reps or weight for an exercise. The keyboard also has increment/decrement buttons to quickly adjust weights and reps on the fly.
- Program Rep ranges - When creating or customizing a template you can now input a rep range, e.g you can enter 2-5 reps.
- Collapse completed exercises
- Fixed bug that prevents workout notes from being entered.
- Fixed bug that shows the wrong reps and weights for previous exercises.
1 июн. 2022 г.
- New custom keyboard which allows to you easily select the next reps or weight for an exercise. The keyboard also has increment/decrement buttons to quickly adjust weights and reps on the fly.
- Program Rep ranges - When creating or customizing a template you can now input a rep range, e.g you can enter 2-5 reps.
- Collapse completed exercises
- Fixed bug that prevents workout notes from being entered.
- Fixed bug that shows the wrong reps and weights for previous exercises.
14 мая 2022 г.
- Fixed Training Max Auto Increase bug - If you've changed your auto increase amount you may have noticed that the increasing amount is still wrong, that should be fixed now but you need to re-entry your Auto Increase amount in Settings (whether the correct amount is displayed or not).
- Fixed bug with training max percentage for sets changing to the wrong amount if you use kilograms.
19 февраля 2022 г.
Mark sets as failed
See Personal Records after a workout
Share workout results
25 января 2022 г.
Fixes for rounding.
15 января 2022 г.
- Exercises using plates will automatically have their weight rounded based on your available weight plates. You can adjust available plates in Settings.
- Select different units for different units. For example, if all your exercises are in pounds except you deadlift in kgs, you can change deadlift to kg and keep all other exercises pounds. Change units for an exercise by pressing the "3 dots" button next to an exercise name during a workout.
Improvements to plates and bars
30 декабря 2021 г.
Added a calendar with workout history to the Profile tab for Pro users.
Fixed bug where timer notification would still go off if you hit "skip".
5 декабря 2021 г.
A few small bug fixes.
24 ноября 2021 г.
Fixed bug where the app would crash if you tried to create a cycle from a template without a name.
14 ноября 2021 г.
Fix issue where the app freezing up during a workout for some users.