Symptom & Mood Tracker Mod Apk

Symptom & Mood Tracker Взлом - Mod Apk 1.0.472

Разработчик: Bearable
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно


Game screenshot Symptom & Mood Tracker mod apkGame screenshot Symptom & Mood Tracker hackGame screenshot Symptom & Mood Tracker apk download


✅ Восстановите контроль над своими симптомами и настроением

Bearable позволяет людям восстановить контроль над своим самочувствием, делая отслеживание настроения и симптомов простым, удобным и доступным. Делать записи в нашем дневнике здоровья можно быстро и без усилий, поэтому вы можете сосредоточить больше усилий на улучшении самочувствия.

Приложение было создано нашим сообществом из тысяч людей с различными хроническими проблемами со здоровьем.

✅ Получайте статистику всего за несколько кликов в день

Узнайте о тенденциях и корреляциях в ваших привычках, симптомах, настроении и многом другом.

Всего несколькими щелчками мыши каждый день наш интеллектуальный дневник здоровья может помочь вам получить представление о том, какие повседневные действия и факторы здоровья положительно и отрицательно влияют на ваше психическое и физическое здоровье.

✅ Отслеживание всего вашего здоровья в одном месте

Устали жонглировать несколькими приложениями, чтобы отслеживать свое настроение, симптомы, сон, физические упражнения, диету и лекарства? Мы считаем, что все это должно храниться в одном удобном месте, чтобы вы и ваши врачи могли получить полную картину о вашем здоровье.

Bearable поможет вам:

✔️ Записывайте свое настроение и симптомы за считанные секунды быстро записывайте изменения в эмоциях, психическом здоровье и тяжесть ваших симптомов, таких как боль, усталость и симптомы острых и хронических заболеваний.

✔️ Получите представление о том, как ваша повседневная деятельность коррелирует с изменениями вашего настроения, симптомов, сна и энергии.

✔️ Все в одном месте с нашей хронологией здоровья. Отфильтруйте свои записи, чтобы сделать их еще проще для вашего врача или терапевта.

✔️ Полностью настраивайте, как вы записываете свои ежедневные привычки и факторы здоровья, такие как сон, диета, физические упражнения, лекарства, стресс, тревога, эмоции и симптомы острых и хронических заболеваний.

✔️ Подготовьтесь к следующему приему у врача или терапевта с подробным расписанием, полным дневником изменений в вашем самочувствии, а также информацией о потенциальных триггерах и методах лечения.

✔️ Превратите ведение дневника в здоровую привычку с помощью нашего быстрого и приятного процесса входа.

И многое другое…

➕ Установите напоминания. Настройте напоминания о здоровых привычках, лекарствах, проверках психического здоровья и т. д.

➕ Общий доступ и экспорт. Экспортируйте свои данные конфиденциально и безопасно.

➕ Автоматическая синхронизация данных о здоровье, таких как сон, шаги и пульс из GoogleFit.

➕ Темный режим.

➕ Восстановление данных на разных устройствах.

💡 Некоторые способы использования Bearable

Трекер симптомов
Трекер настроения и журнал
Трекер эмоций
Трекер психического здоровья
Трекер тревоги
Трекер боли
Трекер хронических заболеваний
Трекер лекарств
Журнал здоровья и дневник


Будьте спокойны, зная, что ваши данные надежно зашифрованы на наших серверах. Вы имеете полный контроль над своими данными и можете удалить их из приложения в любое время. Важно подчеркнуть, что мы никогда и ни при каких обстоятельствах не будем продавать какие-либо личные данные кому-либо.


Создано людьми, которые сами жили с проблемами со здоровьем. С отзывами и запросами характеристик от исследовательской группы тысяч людей с широким спектром хронических заболеваний и состояний психического и физического здоровья, включая тревогу, депрессию, CFS (ME), MS (рассеянный склероз), фибромиалгию, эндометриоз, биполярное расстройство, ПРЛ, посттравматическое стрессовое расстройство, мигрени, головные боли, головокружение, рак (симптомы химиотерапии), артрит, болезнь Крона, диабет, СРК и ВЗК.

Наша цель — сделать наш трекер симптомов простым и доступным для всех, даже если вы страдаете от усталости и тумана в голове, которые часто сопровождают многие заболевания.

Мы создали реальное чувство общности вокруг Bearable и будем продолжать внимательно прислушиваться к тем, кто больше всего в этом нуждается. Мы стремимся улучшить это приложение, чтобы помочь как можно большему количеству людей восстановить контроль над своим здоровьем. Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы, отзывы или пожелания, отправьте их на адрес [email protected]. Мы хотели бы услышать от вас.

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История обновлений

Dear Bearable Community,

A few things to note in this update:

- Added a few more goals for mental health awareness day.

- Allows Goals section to be hidden from your homepage.

- Also a reminder that you can now sync Weight, Sleep and Steps and, HRV and Resting Heart Rate directly from Fitbit

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the play store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

A few things to note in this update:

- Added a few more goals for mental health awareness day.

- Allows Goals section to be hidden from your homepage.

- Also a reminder that you can now sync Weight, Sleep and Steps and, HRV and Resting Heart Rate directly from Fitbit

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the play store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

📈 You can now view symptom prevalence insights for each symptom group.

⌚️ Sync Weight, Sleep and Steps and HRV + Resting Heart Rate directly from Fitbit.

🎯 Self Care Goals - easily add recurring habits or one-off tasks to the top of your homepage. Check out the new stats/insights for these!

⭐️ ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

📈 You can now view symptom prevalence insights for each symptom group.

⌚️ Sync Weight, Sleep and Steps and HRV + Resting Heart Rate directly from Fitbit.

🎯 Self Care Goals - easily add recurring habits or one-off tasks to the top of your homepage. Check out the new stats/insights for these!

⭐️ ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

📈 You can now view symptom prevalence insights for each symptom group.

⌚️ Sync Weight, Sleep and Steps and Resting Heart Rate directly from Fitbit.

🎯 Self Care Goals - easily add recurring habits or one-off tasks to the top of your homepage. Check out the new stats/insights for these!

⭐️ ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

📈 After many requests, you can now view symptom prevalence insights for each symptom group.

⌚️ Sync Weight, Sleep and Steps directly from Fitbit.

🎯 Self Care Goals - easily add recurring habits or one-off tasks to the top of your homepage. Check out the new stats/insights for these!

⭐️ ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

NEW FEATURE - We're delighted to release our goals feature, where you can easily add recurring habits or one-off tasks to the top of your homepage. Check out the new stats/insights for these goals by pressing the "..." button.

Remember to also checkout the Symptoms upgrade we made recently for much faster entries!

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We've fixed some small bugs and made a few other behind the scenes improvements.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

You'll now be able to sync weight from Fitbit directly into Bearable.

We've also fixed some small bugs and made a few other behind the scenes improvements.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We're excited to release a beta version of our new Goals and Habits feature, which allows you to add habits/tasks to the top of your homepage, set reminders and check them off. Note: You'll need to turn on this feature via the profile/settings page.

Check out the insights page for these new goals too!

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We've fixed some small bugs and made a few other behind the scenes improvements.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We've added a new heading above the sleep amount slider, to make it clearer that it relates to "Last night's" sleep, whilst also adding space from the top of the section, so you're less likely to accidentally hit the slider.
Dear Bearable Community,

We’ve switched on body temperature syncing from Google Fit..

We've also squashed a few bugs and made a couple of optimisations. For example, when you share insights, you should now see a high resolution image.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We've made some small technical improvements in this update, notably with notifications.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
14 мар. 2023 г.
Dear Bearable Community,

We've made some small technical improvements in this update, notably with notifications.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
8 мар. 2023 г.
Dear Bearable Community,

We've made some small technical improvements in this update, notably with notifications.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
24 февр. 2023 г.
This release contains some behind-the-scenes changes and minor bug fixes. We want some pre-release testing to make sure everything is working as it should. Use the app as usual, there's nothing specific to test.
17 февр. 2023 г.
Dear Bearable Community,

We've made some small technical improvements in this update, notably with notifications.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
1 февр. 2023 г.
- Renovated the Favourite Correlations section so that you can now see all correlations on the insights page
- You can now see the impact of your factors on your health measurements
- Added the ability to easily share images of your insights for both Experiments and Factor Effect sections.
- Performance improvements - notably to the factor section

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others find us and gain control over their health too :)
19 янв. 2023 г.
- Renovated the Favourite Correlations section so that you can now see all correlations on the insights page
- You can now see the impact of your factors on your health measurements
- Added the ability to easily share images of your insights for both Experiments and Factor Effect sections.
- Performance improvements - notably to the factor section

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others find us and gain control over their health too :)
5 янв. 2023 г.
After many requests we've added the ability to easily share images of your insights for both Experiments and Factor Effect sections.

We've also made some performance improvements.

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
30 дек. 2022 г.
21 дек. 2022 г.
- Introducing Custom Health Experiments, which allows you to create and run your own experiments, such as "How does having no caffeine after 12pm impact my Sleep?" or "How does meditation impact my anxiety and mood?"

- We've also redesigned the results page for experiments to make it much more user-friendly to see all health outcomes in one place.

- You can now also run tests with meds/supplements.
9 дек. 2022 г.

Introducing Custom Health Experiments, which allows you to create and run your own experiments, such as "How does having no caffeine after 12pm impact my Sleep?" or "How does meditation impact my anxiety and mood?"

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
23 нояб. 2022 г.
- Try out our new animated deep sleep breathwork experiment! We'll help you stick to it and then show you the impact on any health outcome.

You can now also:
- Edit health outcomes during an experiment.
- Invite a friend to join you in doing and experiment.
- Add Health Measurements (like heart rate) as experiment outcomes.

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
16 нояб. 2022 г.
- Try out our new animated deep sleep breathwork experiment! We'll help you stick to it and then show you the impact on any health outcome.

You can now also:
- Edit health outcomes during an experiment.
- Invite a friend to join you in doing and experiment.
- Add Health Measurements (like heart rate) as experiment outcomes.

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
9 нояб. 2022 г.
- Try out our new animated deep sleep breathwork experiment! You'll find in the "More" bottom menu tab when you click "Health experiments".

You can now also:
- Edit health outcomes during an experiment.
- Invite a friend to join you in doing and experiment.
- Add Health Measurements (like heart rate) as experiment outcomes.

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
1 нояб. 2022 г.
- Try out our new animated deep sleep breathwork experiment! We'll help you stick to it and then show you the impact on any health outcome. You'll find in the "More" bottom menu tab when you click "Health experiments".

You can now also:
- Edit health outcomes during an experiment.
- Invite a friend to join you in doing and experiment.
- Add Health Measurements (like heart rate) as experiment outcomes.

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review :)
19 окт. 2022 г.
- Try out our new animated deep sleep breathwork experiment! We'll help you stick to it and then show you the impact on any health outcome. You'll find in the "More" bottom menu tab when you click "Health experiments".

- Some bug fixes and performance improvements

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and reclaim control over their wellbeing too :).
Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback!
3 окт. 2022 г.
- We've raised the limit of Outcomes and Factors you can add to your Favourite Correlations on the insights page.

- Check out our Health Experiments feature in the "More" bottom menu tab. Right now you can join "digital bedtime detox", where we'll help you stick to this new habit for 14 days and then show you the impact on your sleep and health! More experiments coming soon!

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
29 сент. 2022 г.
- We've raised the limit of Outcomes and Factors you can add to your Favourite Correlations on the insights page.

- Check out our Health Experiments feature in the "More" bottom menu tab. Right now you can join "digital bedtime detox", where we'll help you stick to this new habit for 14 days and then show you the impact on your sleep and health! More experiments coming soon!

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
15 сент. 2022 г.
- We've raised the limit of Outcomes and Factors you can add to your Favourite Correlations on the insights page.

- Check out our Health Experiments feature in the "More" bottom menu tab. Right now you can join "digital bedtime detox", where we'll help you stick to this new habit for 14 days and then show you the impact on your sleep and health! More experiments coming soon!

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
12 сент. 2022 г.

- Health Experiments (beta): You'll find this new feature in the More tab. Right now you can join our "digital detox" experiment, where we'll help you stick to this new habit for 14 days and then show you the impact on your sleep and health! Many more health experiments coming soon!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
18 авг. 2022 г.

- Health Experiments (beta): You'll find this new feature in the More tab. Right now you can join our "digital detox" experiment, where we'll help you stick to this new habit for 14 days and then show you the impact on your sleep and health! Many more health experiments coming soon!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
5 авг. 2022 г.
- Significant performance improvements to the start-up speed.

- Tidied up the insights page to make it a bit less busy - you'll now only see graphs for the sections you have active on your homepage.

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
11 июл. 2022 г.
NEW FEATURE - In our last survey, you voted overwhelmingly for Weekly Reports, which we're now happy to introduce!

Monitoring changes in your weekly health metrics can help you to discover what’s working well and what you should focus on for the next week.

We also squashed a few bugs!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the play store :)
28 июн. 2022 г.
NEW FEATURE - In our last survey, you voted overwhelmingly for Weekly Reports, which we're now happy to introduce!

Monitoring changes in your weekly health metrics can help you to discover what’s working well and what you should focus on for the next week.

We also squashed a few bugs!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the play store :)
10 июн. 2022 г.
NEW FEATURE - In our last survey, you voted overwhelmingly for Weekly Reports, which we're now happy to introduce!

Monitoring changes in your weekly health metrics can help you to discover what’s working well and what you should focus on for the next week.

We also squashed a few bugs!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the play store :)
8 июн. 2022 г.
NEW FEATURE - In our last survey, you voted overwhelmingly for Weekly Reports, which we're now happy to introduce!

Monitoring changes in your weekly health metrics can help you to discover what’s working well and what you should focus on for the next week.

We also squashed a few bugs!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the play store :)
16 мая 2022 г.
Dear Bearable family, we've...

- Introduced new in-app support pages
- Redesigned the profile/settings page
- Added a new starter-pack to help new users understand how to best use Bearable from day 1
- Added a new Insights checklist to help people find the different ways to visualise their data

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
6 мая 2022 г.
Dear Bearable family, we've...

- Introduced new in-app support pages
- Redesigned the profile/settings page
- Added a new starter-pack to help new users understand how to best use Bearable from day 1
- Added a new Insights checklist to help people find the different ways to visualise their data

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
21 апреля 2022 г.

- We've added 60 and 90 day periods to all graphs and insights
- Time periods will now be selectable at the bottom of the screen for easier interaction
- We've also made the designs even prettier, with line graph gradients + other general quality of life improvements

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
23 марта 2022 г.
NEW FEATURE - Favourite correlations

- We’ve made it even easier for you to keep a closer eye on key correlations! You can now bookmark correlations to the top of your Insights page and for the first time see how a factor impacts all health outcomes in one place.

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
17 марта 2022 г.
We've made a couple of changes:

- You can now sort Moods, Symptoms and Factors alphabetically.
- A few minor performance improvements and bug fixes

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
1 марта 2022 г.
We've made a couple of changes:

- You can now sort Moods, Symptoms and Factors alphabetically.
- A few minor performance improvements and bug fixes

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
22 февраля 2022 г.
- Improved onboarding process to make it even easier to set up factors + symptoms.
- Sleep + diet factors can be added in the Factors section.
- Performance improvements when entering factors/symptoms.

As always, your feedback is vital to us. We read every message and you could help shape the app with your suggestions!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :).
8 февраля 2022 г.
We made some other general performance improvements.

As always, your feedback is vital to us. We read every message and you could help shape the app with your suggestions!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :).
22 января 2022 г.
This update includes a couple of bug fixes

Check out our recent feature, based on user requests. You ask, we listen:

Factor Routines - entering your daily factors is now much quicker, as you can create routines for different types of days. Premium users can create unlimited routines.

As always, your feedback is vital to us, and we read every message. Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! We appreciate your kind reviews :)
13 января 2022 г.
This update includes a couple of little bug fixes.

Check out our recent feature, based on user requests. You ask, we listen:

Factor Routines - entering your daily factors is now much quicker, as you can create routines for different types of days. Premium users can create unlimited routines.

As always, your feedback is vital to us, and we read every message. Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! We appreciate your kind reviews :)
6 января 2022 г.
This update includes a couple of little bug fixes

Check out our recent feature, based on user requests. You ask, we listen:

Factor Routines - entering your daily factors is now much quicker, as you can create routines for different types of days. Premium users can create unlimited routines.

As always, your feedback is vital to us, and we read every message. Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! We appreciate your kind reviews :)
21 декабря 2021 г.
This update includes a couple of little bug fixes

Check out our recent feature, based on user requests. You ask, we listen:

Factor Routines - entering your daily factors is now much quicker, as you can create routines for different types of days. Premium users can create unlimited routines.

As always, your feedback is vital to us, and we read every message. Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! We appreciate your kind reviews :)

Happy holidays!
17 декабря 2021 г.
This update includes a couple of little bug fixes

Check out our recent feature, based on user requests. You ask, we listen:

Factor Routines - entering your daily factors is now much quicker, as you can create routines for different types of days. Premium users can create unlimited routines.

As always, your feedback is vital to us, and we read every message. Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! We appreciate your kind reviews :)
8 декабря 2021 г.

- Introducing Factor Routines - entering your daily factors is now much quicker, as you can create routines for different types of days. Premium users can create unlimited routines.


- We've also made some small performance improvements and fixed some pesky bugs.

As always, your feedback is vital to us, and we read every message. Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! Thanks :)
3 декабря 2021 г.

- Introducing Factor Routines - entering your daily factors is now much quicker, as you can create routines for different types of days. Premium users can create unlimited routines.


- We've also made some small performance improvements and fixed some pesky bugs.

As always, your feedback is vital to us, and we read every message. Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! Thanks :)
17 ноября 2021 г.
We've been working hard on our new "Home Reports' feature, allowing you to quickly access a graph/stats and recent timeline entries for each homepage section.

You can rotate your phone on any of these new graph pages to quickly compare with anything else!

We're also made several performance optimisations.

We'd love to know what you think at [email protected]. Thanks for all of your amazing feedback! We have some really exciting features planned for the next few months!
3 ноября 2021 г.
We've been working hard on our new "Home Reports' feature, allowing you to quickly access a graph/stats and recent timeline entries for each homepage section.

You can rotate your phone on any of these new graph pages to quickly compare with anything else!

We're also made several performance optimisations.

We'd love to know what you think at [email protected]. Thanks for all of your amazing feedback! We have some really exciting features planned for the next few months!

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