Symptom & Mood Tracker Mod Apk

Symptom & Mood Tracker ハック - Mod Apk 1.0.469

開発者: Bearable
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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✅ 症状と気分のコントロールを取り戻す

Bearable は、気分や症状の追跡をシン​​プル、便利、そしてアクセスしやすいものにすることで、人々が自分の幸福をコントロールできるようにします。私たちの健康日記への記入は素早く簡単にできるので、気分を良くすることにもっとエネルギーを集中することができます。


✅ 1 日に数回クリックするだけで洞察を得る



✅ すべての健康状態を 1 か所で追跡



✔️ 気分と症状を数秒で記録 感情、メンタルヘルスの変化、および痛み、疲労、急性および慢性疾患の症状などの症状の重症度をすばやく記録します。

✔️ 毎日の活動が、気分、症状、睡眠、エネルギーの変化とどのように関連しているかについて、洞察を得る。

✔️ 健康タイムラインで すべてを 1 か所に保管。エントリをフィルタリングして、医師やセラピストと簡単に共有できるようにします。

✔️ 睡眠、食事、運動、投薬、ストレス、不安、感情、急性および慢性疾患の症状など、毎日の習慣や健康要因を記録する方法を完全にカスタマイズします。

✔️ 次の医師またはセラピストの予約に向けて、詳細なタイムライン、健康状態の変化の完全な日記、潜在的な引き金と治療法に関する洞察を準備してください。

✔️ 迅速で楽しいエントリー プロセスで、ジャーナリングを健康的な習慣にしましょう。


➕ リマインダーを設定。 健康的な習慣、投薬、メンタルヘルスのチェックインなどのリマインダーをカスタマイズできます

➕ 共有とエクスポート。 データを非公開かつ安全にエクスポートします。

➕ 健康データを自動的に同期 GoogleFit の睡眠、歩数、心拍数など

➕ ダークモード。

➕ デバイス間でデータを復元します。

💡 Bearable の使い方の一部


🔐 プライベート & 安全


💟 理解とケアを行う人々によって作られています

健康問題を抱えて生きてきた個人によって作成されました。不安、うつ病、CFS (ME)、MS (多発性硬化症)、線維筋痛症、子宮内膜症、双極性障害など、さまざまな慢性疾患と精神的および身体的健康状態を持つ何千人もの人々の研究グループからのフィードバックと機能の要求により、 BPD、PTSD、片頭痛、頭痛、めまい、がん(化学療法の症状)、関節炎、クローン病、糖尿病、IBS、IBD。


私たちは、Bearable の周りにコミュニティの真の感覚を生み出しており、それを最も必要としている人々の声に耳を傾け続けます。できるだけ多くの人が自分の健康をコントロールできるようになるために、このアプリの改善に取り組んでいます。質問、フィードバック、または機能のリクエストがある場合は、[email protected] に送信してください。あなたからの御一報をお待ちしています。

アイコンは Freepik の功績によるものです


Dear Bearable Community,

📈 You can now view symptom prevalence insights for each symptom group.

⌚️ Sync Weight, Sleep and Steps and HRV + Resting Heart Rate directly from Fitbit.

🎯 Self Care Goals - easily add recurring habits or one-off tasks to the top of your homepage. Check out the new stats/insights for these!

⭐️ ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

📈 You can now view symptom prevalence insights for each symptom group.

⌚️ Sync Weight, Sleep and Steps and HRV + Resting Heart Rate directly from Fitbit.

🎯 Self Care Goals - easily add recurring habits or one-off tasks to the top of your homepage. Check out the new stats/insights for these!

⭐️ ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

📈 You can now view symptom prevalence insights for each symptom group.

⌚️ Sync Weight, Sleep and Steps and Resting Heart Rate directly from Fitbit.

🎯 Self Care Goals - easily add recurring habits or one-off tasks to the top of your homepage. Check out the new stats/insights for these!

⭐️ ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

📈 After many requests, you can now view symptom prevalence insights for each symptom group.

⌚️ Sync Weight, Sleep and Steps directly from Fitbit.

🎯 Self Care Goals - easily add recurring habits or one-off tasks to the top of your homepage. Check out the new stats/insights for these!

⭐️ ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

NEW FEATURE - We're delighted to release our goals feature, where you can easily add recurring habits or one-off tasks to the top of your homepage. Check out the new stats/insights for these goals by pressing the "..." button.

Remember to also checkout the Symptoms upgrade we made recently for much faster entries!

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We've fixed some small bugs and made a few other behind the scenes improvements.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

You'll now be able to sync weight from Fitbit directly into Bearable.

We've also fixed some small bugs and made a few other behind the scenes improvements.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We're excited to release a beta version of our new Goals and Habits feature, which allows you to add habits/tasks to the top of your homepage, set reminders and check them off. Note: You'll need to turn on this feature via the profile/settings page.

Check out the insights page for these new goals too!

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We've fixed some small bugs and made a few other behind the scenes improvements.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We've added a new heading above the sleep amount slider, to make it clearer that it relates to "Last night's" sleep, whilst also adding space from the top of the section, so you're less likely to accidentally hit the slider.
Dear Bearable Community,

We’ve switched on body temperature syncing from Google Fit..

We've also squashed a few bugs and made a couple of optimisations. For example, when you share insights, you should now see a high resolution image.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We've made some small technical improvements in this update, notably with notifications.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We've made some small technical improvements in this update, notably with notifications.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
Dear Bearable Community,

We've made some small technical improvements in this update, notably with notifications.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
This release contains some behind-the-scenes changes and minor bug fixes. We want some pre-release testing to make sure everything is working as it should. Use the app as usual, there's nothing specific to test.
Dear Bearable Community,

We've made some small technical improvements in this update, notably with notifications.

ps. If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
- Renovated the Favourite Correlations section so that you can now see all correlations on the insights page
- You can now see the impact of your factors on your health measurements
- Added the ability to easily share images of your insights for both Experiments and Factor Effect sections.
- Performance improvements - notably to the factor section

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others find us and gain control over their health too :)
After many requests we've added the ability to easily share images of your insights for both Experiments and Factor Effect sections.

We've also made some performance improvements.

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)

Introducing Custom Health Experiments, which allows you to create and run your own experiments, such as "How does having no caffeine after 12pm impact my Sleep?" or "How does meditation impact my anxiety and mood?"

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
- Try out our new animated deep sleep breathwork experiment! We'll help you stick to it and then show you the impact on any health outcome.

You can now also:
- Edit health outcomes during an experiment.
- Invite a friend to join you in doing and experiment.
- Add Health Measurements (like heart rate) as experiment outcomes.

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
- Try out our new animated deep sleep breathwork experiment! You'll find in the "More" bottom menu tab when you click "Health experiments".

You can now also:
- Edit health outcomes during an experiment.
- Invite a friend to join you in doing and experiment.
- Add Health Measurements (like heart rate) as experiment outcomes.

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store and gain control over their health too :)
- Try out our new animated deep sleep breathwork experiment! We'll help you stick to it and then show you the impact on any health outcome. You'll find in the "More" bottom menu tab when you click "Health experiments".

You can now also:
- Edit health outcomes during an experiment.
- Invite a friend to join you in doing and experiment.
- Add Health Measurements (like heart rate) as experiment outcomes.

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review :)
- We've raised the limit of Outcomes and Factors you can add to your Favourite Correlations on the insights page.

- Check out our Health Experiments feature in the "More" bottom menu tab. Right now you can join "digital bedtime detox", where we'll help you stick to this new habit for 14 days and then show you the impact on your sleep and health! More experiments coming soon!

If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)

- Health Experiments (beta): You'll find this new feature in the More tab. Right now you can join our "digital detox" experiment, where we'll help you stick to this new habit for 14 days and then show you the impact on your sleep and health! Many more health experiments coming soon!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)

- Health Experiments (beta): You'll find this new feature in the More tab. Right now you can join our "digital detox" experiment, where we'll help you stick to this new habit for 14 days and then show you the impact on your sleep and health! Many more health experiments coming soon!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you're enjoying Bearable, please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the app store :)
NEW FEATURE - In our last survey, you voted overwhelmingly for Weekly Reports, which we're now happy to introduce!

Monitoring changes in your weekly health metrics can help you to discover what’s working well and what you should focus on for the next week.

We also squashed a few bugs!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the play store :)
NEW FEATURE - In our last survey, you voted overwhelmingly for Weekly Reports, which we're now happy to introduce!

Monitoring changes in your weekly health metrics can help you to discover what’s working well and what you should focus on for the next week.

We also squashed a few bugs!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the play store :)
NEW FEATURE - In our last survey, you voted overwhelmingly for Weekly Reports, which we're now happy to introduce!

Monitoring changes in your weekly health metrics can help you to discover what’s working well and what you should focus on for the next week.

We also squashed a few bugs!

Please continue to message [email protected] with any feedback! If you like this update please leave us a nice review, as this helps others to find us on the play store :)

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