Firefight Mod Apk

Firefight Hack - Mod Apk 10.8.1

Developer: Sean O'Connor
Category: Strategy
Price: $9.99 (Download for free)


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Firefight is a World War II real-time simulation game with more AI and attention to detail than any other game in its genre to date. Tanks are modelled with a physics engine and have gears, rev counters and speedos, and steer themselves with brake levers to give them realistic looking tracked vehicle movement. Each bullet, shell or piece of shrapnel is modelled in 3D and ricochets realistically off sloping surfaces. You can see each infantryman's rank, name, weapon, ammunition remaining, heart rate and fatigue levels. Machine gunners will call for ammunition when they're running low and other squad members will rush over with spare ammo if they are carrying any. Wounded men call for medics who will sprint over to administer first aid. Off-board artillery can be called in but will have to fire several ranging shots before the full 8 gun battery opens fire simultaneously.

If you liked Close Combat you'll love Firefight!

Version history

- fix for mis-aligned country flag images
- vehicles are now better at deciding whether to reverse along a path, rather than turning 180 degrees and driving the path forwards
- turretless vehicles are now better at manoeuvring to get a line of sight onto a target
- infantry stay tighter on to their squad goto marker
- small objects now have a ‘damaged’ state in between ‘undamaged’ and ‘destroyed’
- separate cannon load voice sounds can be added for each shell type
- added Japanese Type 2 Ka-Mi and Type 3 Ka-Chi amphibious vehicles
- added Russian SU-76i
- barriers (hedges, walls, fences etc…) are now moddable
- radio messages now report if a hit was ‘friendly fire’
- mortars’ range is calculated so their ‘aim lines’ will never be longer than their range
- added a visual indication if a vehicle's crew is panicked
- improved vehicle route finding and movement
- infantry avoid tactically hopping to the same position as other squad members
- aim lines for a mortar fire mission will only be drawn as far as the mortar can shoot
- fixed bug where vehicles with multiple fixed machine guns would turn even if one machine gun could see the target
- speeded up the code when projectiles are created and moved
- now loads all of the map background tiles at the start of a game so there are no longer glitches as they get loaded when scrolling around the screen
- fixed a bug where infantry in the open weren't affected properly by HE blasts
- fixed a bug where grenade launchers tended to shoot too far
- infantrymen will now only call for spare ammo if they know other squad members actually have some ammo to give
- tweaks to the engine physics so low powered vehicles cope better in difficult terrain
- minor bug fix
- a yellow beam (rather than the usual grey one) now signifies that a unit can see an enemy but isn't shooting as it has been ordered by you not to shoot
- fix for auto-cannons not firing correctly
- wasn't initializing the random number generator
- improved network efficiency
- minor bug fix
- updated some Eastern Front map background images
- minor bug fixes for network games
- added a Social Media button
- tanks can launch defensive smoke bombs and create smoke screens from their exhausts
- tank crews have their own uniforms
- trees are destroyable
Mar 7, 2023
- added Italian tanks, infantry and anti-tank guns
- added Russian SMG infantry sections
- added American vehicles for use by the Free French
- infantry squads can now have specialist uniforms (eg Marines, Volkssturm etc...)
- mortar, anti-tank, and bazooka teams can now start the game mounted on half-tracks too
- infantry move to their positions more quickly, until the shooting starts
Feb 12, 2023
- fixed bug that loaded the wrong Eastern Front map in Custom games
Jan 25, 2023
- minor bug fixes
Jan 19, 2023
- added Japanese: tanks, infantry and anti-tank guns
- added German: SdKfz 250/8,9 and 11, SdKfz 251/16, 17 and 22
- added French: Renault R40, 75mm M1897 field gun
- added British: SAS, A43 Black Prince, Universal Carrier with Boys ATrifle
- added US: 75 and 105mm howitzers
- buy/sell artillery in Custom battles
- re-position your flag in Custom battles
Nov 23, 2022
- new German tanks: Maus, Nashorn, Flammpanzer II
- new Russian tanks: IS-3, KV-2, SU-122, ISU-122, SU-152, ISU-152
- new anti-tank guns: 15cm sFH 18, 122mm D-30 howitzer, 152mm ML-20 howitzer
- added rifle grenade launchers
Oct 19, 2022
- added new British tanks: Crusader, Humber Scout Car, Humber Armoured Car, Matilda II CS, AEC Armoured Car, Daimler Armoured Car, Staghound and Bren Gun Carrier
- added new US tanks: M26 Super Pershing, M2 Light Tank and M2 Medium Tank
- added new Russian tanks: KV-8 Flamethrower Tank
- added new German tanks: Ostwind
- added US Marines
- added heavy mortars
- anti-tank guns can now be moved by their crews
Sep 5, 2022
- new building graphics
- added 14 new tank types, including M26 Pershing, M3 Lee/Grant, Flammpanzer III, and M8 Greyhound
- added the ability to drag bought squads in Custom battles to other slots
- vehicles can break down
- tanks now have separate gun mantlet armour
Aug 21, 2022
- minor bug fixes
Jul 21, 2022
- added a "Capture The Flag" mission type to custom battles
Jun 28, 2022
- minor bug fix
Jun 9, 2022
- fix for devices that couldn't load the game background image all in one go
November 11, 2021
- fixed minor tank data issues

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