Firefight Mod Apk

Firefight Взлом - Mod Apk 10.8.1

Разработчик: Sean O'Connor
Категория: Стратегии
Цена: 899,00 ₽ (Download for free)


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Firefight - это игра-симулятор Второй мировой войны в реальном времени с большим количеством искусственного интеллекта и вниманием к деталям, чем любая другая игра в этом жанре на сегодняшний день. Танки смоделированы с помощью физического движка и оснащены передачами, счетчиками оборотов и спидометрами, а также управляются тормозными рычагами, чтобы придать им реалистичное движение гусеничной техники. Каждая пуля, снаряд или осколок моделируются в 3D и реалистично рикошетят от наклонных поверхностей. Вы можете увидеть звание каждого пехотинца, имя, оружие, оставшиеся боеприпасы, частоту сердечных сокращений и уровень усталости. Пулеметчики вызовут боеприпасы, когда они закончатся, а другие члены отряда бросятся с запасными боеприпасами, если они у них есть. Раненые вызывают медиков, которые бегут к ним, чтобы оказать первую помощь. Можно вызвать внебортовую артиллерию, но ей придется сделать несколько прицельных выстрелов, прежде чем полная батарея из 8 орудий откроет огонь одновременно.

Если вам понравился Close Combat, вам понравится Firefight!

История обновлений

- fix for mis-aligned country flag images
- vehicles are now better at deciding whether to reverse along a path, rather than turning 180 degrees and driving the path forwards
- turretless vehicles are now better at manoeuvring to get a line of sight onto a target
- infantry stay tighter on to their squad goto marker
- small objects now have a ‘damaged’ state in between ‘undamaged’ and ‘destroyed’
- separate cannon load voice sounds can be added for each shell type
- added Japanese Type 2 Ka-Mi and Type 3 Ka-Chi amphibious vehicles
- added Russian SU-76i
- barriers (hedges, walls, fences etc…) are now moddable
- radio messages now report if a hit was ‘friendly fire’
- mortars’ range is calculated so their ‘aim lines’ will never be longer than their range
- added a visual indication if a vehicle's crew is panicked
- improved vehicle route finding and movement
- infantry avoid tactically hopping to the same position as other squad members
- aim lines for a mortar fire mission will only be drawn as far as the mortar can shoot
- fixed bug where vehicles with multiple fixed machine guns would turn even if one machine gun could see the target
- speeded up the code when projectiles are created and moved
- now loads all of the map background tiles at the start of a game so there are no longer glitches as they get loaded when scrolling around the screen
- fixed a bug where infantry in the open weren't affected properly by HE blasts
- fixed a bug where grenade launchers tended to shoot too far
- infantrymen will now only call for spare ammo if they know other squad members actually have some ammo to give
- minor bug fix
- a yellow beam (rather than the usual grey one) now signifies that a unit can see an enemy but isn't shooting as it has been ordered by you not to shoot
- grenade launchers are more careful about not causing friendly fire
- improved network efficiency
- updated some Eastern Front map background images
- minor bug fixes for network games
- added a Social Media button
12 февр. 2023 г.
- fixed bug that loaded the wrong Eastern Front map in Custom games
19 янв. 2023 г.
- added Japanese: tanks, infantry and anti-tank guns
- added German: SdKfz 250/8,9 and 11, SdKfz 251/16, 17 and 22
- added French: Renault R40, 75mm M1897 field gun
- added British: SAS, A43 Black Prince, Universal Carrier with Boys ATrifle
- added US: 75 and 105mm howitzers
- buy/sell artillery in Custom battles
- re-position your flag in Custom battles
23 нояб. 2022 г.
- new German tanks: Maus, Nashorn, Flammpanzer II
- new Russian tanks: IS-3, KV-2, SU-122, ISU-122, SU-152, ISU-152
- new anti-tank guns: 15cm sFH 18, 122mm D-30 howitzer, 152mm ML-20 howitzer
- added rifle grenade launchers
19 окт. 2022 г.
- added new British tanks: Crusader, Humber Scout Car, Humber Armoured Car, Matilda II CS, AEC Armoured Car, Daimler Armoured Car, Staghound and Bren Gun Carrier
- added new US tanks: M26 Super Pershing, M2 Light Tank and M2 Medium Tank
- added new Russian tanks: KV-8 Flamethrower Tank
- added new German tanks: Ostwind
- added US Marines
- added heavy mortars
- anti-tank guns can now be moved by their crews
5 сент. 2022 г.
- new building graphics
- added 14 new tank types, including M26 Pershing, M3 Lee/Grant, Flammpanzer III, and M8 Greyhound
- added the ability to drag bought squads in Custom battles to other slots
- vehicles can break down
- tanks now have separate gun mantlet armour
21 авг. 2022 г.
- minor bug fixes
21 июл. 2022 г.
- added a "Capture The Flag" mission type to custom battles
28 июн. 2022 г.
- minor bug fix
9 июн. 2022 г.
- fix for devices that couldn't load the game background image all in one go
11 ноября 2021 г.
- fixed minor tank data issues

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Скачать Firefight MOD APK 10.8.1

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