Union Mod Apk

Union Hack - Mod Apk

Developer: Joni Nuutinen
Category: Strategy
Price: $3.99 (Download for free)


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Union is a strategy boardgame set on American Civil War 1861-1865 modelling the historical events at roughly corps level. From Joni Nuutinen: By a wargamer for the wargamers since 2011

Imagine for a moment that you are the commander of the Union armies during the most pivotal moment in American history - the Civil War. Your mission is clear: conquer the cities held by the rebellious Confederacy and reunite a nation torn apart by strife.

As you survey the vast front line stretching from the eastern coastline to the wild west, you are faced with critical decisions at every turn. Do you prioritize raising new infantry corps to bolster your forces? Do you rely more heavily on the power of gunboats and artillery to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies? Or do you take a more strategic approach, constructing a comprehensive transportation network with railways, locomotives, and riverboats to optimize the logistics of your military machine?

Though the road ahead may be long and treacherous, you have the strength, the will, and the determination to see this through. The fate of a nation hangs in the balance, and it is up to you to make the tough choices that will shape the course of history.

"My enemies say I am too cautious: I go slow and make sure of my ground. Let them call me what they please, so long as they call me victorious."
- General Ulysses S. Grant, 1864


+ Thanks to in-built variation of terrain, location of units, weather, the game's smart AI technology, etc., each game provides a fairly unique war gaming experience.

+ A comprehensive list of options and settings to alter the visual look and how the user interface reacts.

Joni Nuutinen has offered highly rated Android-only strategy board games since 2011, and even the first scenarios are still regularly updated. The games are based on the time-tested gaming mechanics TBS (turn-based strategy) enthusiasts are familiar with from both the classic PC war games and legendary tabletop board games. I want to thank the long-time fans for all the well thought-out suggestions over the years which have allowed the underlying game engine to improve at a much higher rate than what any solo indie developer could dream of. If you have advice on how to improve this board game series please use email, this way we can have a constructive back and forth chat without the limits of the store's comment system. In addition, because I have huge number of projects on multiple stores, it’s just not sensible to spend handful of hours each day going through hundreds of pages spread all over the Internet to see if there is a question somewhere -- just send me an email and I will get back to you. Thanks for understanding!

Version history
+ HOF will be restored back to normal after a hosting company debacle on November 2024 that resulted in change of servers. The scores gained just before the switch might be the slowest to return in the HOF
+ Zoom buttons stay the same size during zoom-in/out process
+ Unit Tally shows list of units the player has lost (data gathered since version 1.4.4)
+ Relocated Allow-Moving-Of-Unselected-Unit switch from DICE-Options to Settings / Unit Selection sub-section
+ Animation delay before combat result is shown (player side)
+ Unit Tally tracks what % of combat did end up in: win/draw/loss/escape for the player
+ Bombarding enemy artillery or commander might result MP-loss
+ AI: Summer 2024 update: Higher priority vs dugouts/mines/support-units, more unit-type-base logic
+ Fixes: Excessive riots/uprisings, east-west flip of army names, ammo depot created in east-coast drifts less to west, tweaking army names, front-length stat, missing initial ammo depots
+ Revamped movement arrow drawing mechanism
+ Setting: Alter how strongly hexagon grid is drawn on the map
+ Setting: Scattered Units marked with symbols instead of icons (various options)
+ Rear area units with multiple MPs might not leave movement arrows to avoid filling the entire map with them
+ Setting: Rounded Display: If turned ON, the game tries to pad the status line text to prevent info being covered by the rounded corner
+ Setting: MAP button can show full screen map with default city icons or VP is drawn over the city in a circle
+ Setting: Make support units to be at higher or lower selection priority when using NEXT button
+ Setting: Automove (moving several hexagons at once) can focus the map into direction of travel
+ Slightly bigger Status Line at the bottom of the screen
+ Only one Disband action (via long press of REL button) allowed per turn
+ Fix: Transporting General could reset its negative MPs
+ Units that will get a combat bonus from the selected General marked with black-and-white edges
+ Setting: Turn AutoMove ON/OFF or alter its range (moving the selected unit multiple hexagons after 1 faraway tap)
+ AI: Less tactical-task-switching
+ Reserved more memory for the resources
+ More effective Union bombardment
+ Bug fixes: east-west unit name flip, unit list not continuing to page 2, taking cargo loops through all units at the spot, unit stack had issues with build-railway etc
+ Units that will get a combat bonus from the selected General marked with black-and-white edges
+ Setting: Turn AutoMove ON/OFF or alter its effective range (moving the selected unit multiple hexagons after one faraway tap)
+ AI: Less excessive tactical-task-switching
+ Reserved more memory for the resources
+ A bit more effective Union bombardment
+ Minor bug fixes: east-west unit name flip, unit list not continuing to page 2, taking cargo now loops through all units at the same hexagon
+ Dugout can be placed on a border hexagon of a province if enemy control at most around 10% of it
+ AI: Tweaking attacking priorities (the large scale of the map causing some imbalances)
+ Simplified Shield-styled city icons
+ Fix: Units attempting a bigger long-distance landing via the sea might not be visible for a turn and then reappear
+ General Actions: Request Sabotage alters with Summon New General action (sabotage when near the front-line)
+ Tweaking the order of battle and reducing issues caused by out-of-control variation
+ Fix: Sharpshooter event in city might hide the city from view
+ Number of UNDO-actions increased to 40
+ Refined the Victory Point distribution cities
+ Gunboats and riverboats can now move via coastal water hexagons. If a riverboat transports a combat unit over coastal waters, it suffers a movement penalty, and the transported unit can only move back to land on a hexagon that is empty of all units.
+ Fix: Purchases, like Ammo Depot, near New Orleans might end up on enemy-controlled hexagon
+ Control-all-VPs-to-win option was hidden/showed-incorrect-text in some devices
+ Tweaks, fixes, typos

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