Calistree: home & gym workouts Mod Apk

Calistree: home & gym workouts Hack - Mod Apk 4.25.3

Developer: Calistree
Category: Health & Fitness
Price: Free


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Workout at home or at the gym, with or without equipment, the app adapts to what you have available, and to your level! It will create personalized programs based on your objectives, equipment and experience.
These programs will be slowly adjusted over time based on your progress, so that you can always get closer to your goals. It is like having a personal trainer, couting your every rep and making small workout program tweaks along the way.
The main focus in on bodyweight exercises, minimal equipment and calisthenics, but the app also offers traditional weight training, yoga, animal walks and movement training.

- Learn 1300+ exercises with videos (and growing).
- Generate training programs based on your equipment, objectives and level, so that you can workout at home, in the gym or in a park!
- Customize your workouts with added weight, counterweight, elastic bands, eccentric option, RPE, rest times, ...
- Track your progress with Personal records, exercises Mastery and Experience points.
- Follow logical difficulty progressions with the Skill tree
- Find new exercises and workouts by target muscle, joint, equipment, category, difficulty, …
- Sync with Google Fit.
- Choose among a wide variety of objectives: calisthenics skills, home workout and bodyweight exercises, yoga, gymnastics, balance and movement training.

What is it
Calisthenics, or bodyweight exercises, is a form of physical training that uses the body as main source of resistance. It requires minimal equipment and aims at improving strength, power, endurance, flexibility, balance and coordination. It is also called “bodyweight training” or “street workout”.

Calistree will be your best companion in your calisthenics journey, whether you are a beginner or advanced athlete, because it adapts to your level and follows your progress with personalized exercises recommendations. Master your body with the help of personalized workouts based on your level, equipment available and objectives.

Our mission is to help people exercise in a safe, efficient and enjoyable way to have a long, healthy and happy life.

What users says
"Hands down!! Best fitness app I've come across" - B Boy Maverick

"Best over any calisthenics app. Very simple and practical." - Varun Panchal

"What a fantastic app this is! It really embraces the spirit of calisthenics and bodyweight training. I cancelled my trial period with another big name app, as this is soooo much better. Try it!" - cosimo matteini

We want to help as many people as possible to improve their life through bodyweight fitness, so the basic free version is unlimited in time and unlimited in number of workout Sessions. The only restrictions are in the number of certain other objects that you can create, such as Journeys, Locations and Custom exercises. This way, light users can enjoy the full power of the app for free.
The app is absolutely free of ads!
- Free version: unlimited workouts, one Journey, one Equipment location.
- Pro version (no restrictions): $5.99/month or $44.99/year

Read the interview of Calistree's founder in Voyage Raleigh's Hidden Gems:

Terms of Use:
Privacy Policy:

Version history

- Sets, reps, times and weights in Sessions are now always limited by the min/max ranges in the Exercise parameters.
- Indicate date of last performance during Session.
- Show selected exercises in placement screen.
- Exercise history graph: only bodyweight values for the selected time period are shown.
- Experience profiles: improve the way accumulated fatigue is handled.
- Bug fixes.
- Sets, reps, times and weights in Sessions are now always limited by the min/max ranges in the Exercise parameters.
- Indicate date of last performance during Session.
- Show selected exercises in placement screen.
- Exercise history graph: only bodyweight values for the selected time period are shown.
- Experience profiles: improve the way accumulated fatigue is handled.
- Bug fixes.
- 130 new exercises (new total: 1478)
- "Set parameters" get cleaned up to only show relevant options
- Custom exercises are extended to get all the options of official exercises
- "Sagittal symmetry" to add clarity on how to log exercises
- "Grip width" property added
- Equipment: add "Slant board"
- Improved clarity for band-assisted, eccentric and weighted exercises
- Exercise timer: quick access from the keyboard
- How to count the reps, time and weights to remove doubts
- Fix bug playing videos on some older devices.
- Simplified layout of muscles and joint movements datasheets.
- Fix entering large values in minutes/seconds fields.
- Adjusted readiness in generation/recommendation algorithm.
- Exercises picked in a program structure are added in the order selected.
- NEW: Knowledge center.
- Show dates of PRs in exercise history.
- Set timer: fix issue with objective time in linked sets.
- Clarify flow for adding exercises to a workout structure.
- Fix deep links.
- Fix adding custom exercises and flows to a program or session.
- Add personal notes to exercise history view.
- Improve layout for long exercise names in "Edit structure" screen.
- Improved email link sign-in experience.
- Fix order of sessions in experience profile after updating one of them.
- Fix disappearing workout sections following the deletion of an exercise.
- Deep step up conversion to Step up with Height.
- Do not show suggestions every time we open a Journey.
- Improve journey duration estimation.
- Session timer starts directly (unless it's an empty session).
- Fix bug with Left/Right and Linked/Unlinked not updating right away.
- Decrease default journey program duration.
- Update Pro access as soon as purchase is completed.
- New Kal images.
- Improved tutorials.
- Improved session duration estimation.
- Add long-press option for reordering exercises.
- Rename "Location" to "Equipment" for clarity.
- Add initial experience edition possibility to Profile page.
- Add superset inner rest time.
- Add equipment options for resistance of custom exercises.
- Add Notes field in Set parameters when editing a Journey Program.
- Fix bug creating a superset with exercises without set range.
- Fix missing Custom exercises names in some places.
- Do not uncheck boxes when simply changing grip position.
- Add grip position set parameter.
- Introduction of Exercise "variations" concept.
- Add Reps in Reserve option for exertion estimation.
- Upgrade purchases package.
- 15 new videos, of which 4 for new exercises.
- Fix wrong difficulty of Custom flows.
- Add shortcut to view exercise history from session page.
- Take Custom flows elements into account for Objectives, Readiness and Mastery progress.
- Calendar: show planned Journeys for the current day as well.
- Remove rest timer between sides in Set timer.
- Fix layout issue in Kal bottom sheet on small screens.
- Fix bug with adding a set in an exercise in a superset.
- Fix navigation bug when navigating away and back to a Journey page.
- Improve Set parameters layout.
- Add counterweight and bilateral options to set parameters.
- Add mastery to advanced filter.
- Add option to choose between voice and bip for set timer.
- Add automatic supersets for workout and cooldown generation.
- Remove obligation to enter RPE value when enabled.
- Improve new exercises starting work volume.
- Fix: estimated session duration.
- Fix: using Android back button to dismiss numeric keyboard.
- Fix: replacing exercise in session in progress.
- Improved Set Timer.
- Fix bug with rest timer at 0.
- Make sets font more visible.
- Indicate total volume above numeric keyboard when editing weight values.
- Keep superset when Quick-switching an exercise.
- "Custom Flows" are there! Create your own sequences of exercises.
- Improved Rest timer positioning.
- Improved layout for Supersets edition.
- Added "Next" exercise button in Session carousel.
- Added option to edit the Email address (Account settings).
- Fix: Supersets always have the same number of sets when start a Session.
- Automatic caching of exercise videos.
- Add Objective links to Exercises data sheets.
- Improved Quick Start guide.
- Fix: Allow to add exercises manually to empty Journey.
- New advanced Filter on the search page, to filter exercises by combining equipment, objective, difficulty, velocity and unilaterality.
- 70 new exercise videos, including 50 new exercises.
- Open web links in phone browser instead of in-app-webview.
- Fix birthdate selection.
- Improvements in how the payments are handled and displayed.
- Videos are now hosted on own server and load faster.
- Add Volume/Intensity slider in Journey parameters.
- Session difficulty now takes into account a sample of the hardest exercises instead of just the hardest one.
- More exercises in the initial experience questionnnaire.
- 72 new videos, including 44 new exercises.
- Integration with Google Fit.
- Remove session duration from XP calculation.
- Add more daily tips.
- Fix bug with band colors not saving.
- Fix two small bugs with Supersets.
- Fix Continued session duration (Grease-the-Groove).
- Fix bug when searching some weight exercises.
- Other minor bug fixes.
Feb 19, 2023
- 75+ new exercises added!
- Add Lifetime payment option.
- Fix crash with displaying too many search results.
- Got the confetti back for the end-of-session screen.
Dec 22, 2022
- New Muscle visualizer!
- Fix startup crash on foldable android devices.
- Improve Journey Program header and Journey card.
- Move up limit of number of exercises per Program to 42.
- Android back button pop page inside a search bottom sheet.
- Improve image picker.
- Improve text-based search.
Nov 16, 2022
- Improve algorithm for suggestions.
- Fix layout issue with Kal's dialogs.
- Improve subscription flow with notification.
- Improve elastic bands pictures.
- Remove legacy Programs and Favorites sections.
- Minor bug fixes.
Oct 29, 2022
- Introduction of Kal, the digital coach.
- Improved Program generation and Suggestions algorithms.
- Improved "Mastered exercises" progressions.
- Bug fixes and design tweaks
Oct 16, 2022
- Bug fix adding searched exercise to Journey being edited.
- Fix some layouts with warmup-cooldown indications.
Oct 1, 2022
- Improved in-app-browser.
- Improved Dialogs UI.
- Improved datasheet image loading + allow to scale image to see details.
- Improved search engine + Show what caused a match if different from main name.
- Add Cancel option in Weight and Height tracking pages.
- Removed "Skill Tree" card in search page because it was not useful anymore.
- Various other small improvements.
Sep 10, 2022
- Added the "Reminders" feature to program notifications to work out (accessible through Journeys and the calendar).
- Session Timer tweaks: 1- reset on change countdown value. 2- better objective placement in the design. 3- objective value takes the set pre-filled value by default. 4- fix bug with the objective time being incorrect after timer is paused and started again.
- Add weight options for some exercises.
- Fix bug when editing weight type.
- Add sync button in account page.
Aug 31, 2022
- New end-of-session screen showing progress and more!
- Variable rest time option in set parameters.
- Larger workout session timer and title area.
- Improved timer layout.
- Session objectives are reached when minimum values are met.
- Stop growing sets and reps when max values are met.
- Fix bug with eccentric value being transfered from one session to the next even when eccentric was not enabled.
Aug 2, 2022
- Add 50 exercise videos
- Fix bug with the Quick switch button not working
- Add welcome video
Jul 19, 2022
- Improved personal skill tree with correct difficulty levels indicated.
- Start adding form tips to exercises.
- Anonymous session: fix wrong identification bug.

Ways to hack Calistree: home & gym workouts

Download Calistree: home & gym workouts MOD APK 4.25.3

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