- Sets, reps, times and weights in Sessions are now always limited by the min/max ranges in the Exercise parameters.
- Indicate date of last performance during Session.
- Show selected exercises in placement screen.
- Exercise history graph: only bodyweight values for the selected time period are shown.
- Experience profiles: improve the way accumulated fatigue is handled.
- Bug fixes.
- Sets, reps, times and weights in Sessions are now always limited by the min/max ranges in the Exercise parameters.
- Indicate date of last performance during Session.
- Show selected exercises in placement screen.
- Exercise history graph: only bodyweight values for the selected time period are shown.
- Experience profiles: improve the way accumulated fatigue is handled.
- Bug fixes.
- 130 new exercises (new total: 1478)
- "Set parameters" get cleaned up to only show relevant options
- Custom exercises are extended to get all the options of official exercises
- "Sagittal symmetry" to add clarity on how to log exercises
- "Grip width" property added
- Equipment: add "Slant board"
- Improved clarity for band-assisted, eccentric and weighted exercises
- Exercise timer: quick access from the keyboard
- How to count the reps, time and weights to remove doubts
- Fix bug playing videos on some older devices.
- Simplified layout of muscles and joint movements datasheets.
- Fix entering large values in minutes/seconds fields.
- Adjusted readiness in generation/recommendation algorithm.
- Exercises picked in a program structure are added in the order selected.
- NEW: Knowledge center.
- Show dates of PRs in exercise history.
- Set timer: fix issue with objective time in linked sets.
- Clarify flow for adding exercises to a workout structure.
- Fix deep links.
- Fix adding custom exercises and flows to a program or session.
- Add personal notes to exercise history view.
- Improve layout for long exercise names in "Edit structure" screen.
- Improved email link sign-in experience.
- Fix order of sessions in experience profile after updating one of them.
- Fix disappearing workout sections following the deletion of an exercise.
- Exercise history graph: fetch whole bodyweight history and adjust scale of bodyweight data.
- Fix duplicate neighbours in Personal skill tree.
- Update Pro access as soon as purchase is completed.
- Add initial experience edition possibility to Profile page.
- Add superset inner rest time.
- Add equipment options for resistance of custom exercises.
- Add Notes field in Set parameters when editing a Journey Program.
- Fix bug creating a superset with exercises without set range.
- Fix missing Custom exercises names in some places.
- Do not uncheck boxes when simply changing grip position.
- Add grip position set parameter.
- Introduction of Exercise "variations" concept.
- Fix bug with black screen when opening Journey page.
- Show all Objectives progress at the end of a Session.
- Fix issue with adding an exercise to a Journey Program when starting the flow from the Quick Switch.
- Keep Pro access active when offline.
- Improve Set parameters layout.
- Add counterweight and bilateral options to set parameters.
- Add mastery to advanced filter.
- Add option to choose between voice and bip for set timer.
- Add automatic supersets for workout and cooldown generation.
- Remove obligation to enter RPE value when enabled.
- Improve new exercises starting work volume.
- Fix: estimated session duration.
- Fix: using Android back button to dismiss numeric keyboard.
- Fix: replacing exercise in session in progress.
- Improved Set Timer.
- Fix bug with rest timer at 0.
- Make sets font more visible.
- Indicate total volume above numeric keyboard when editing weight values.
- Keep superset when Quick-switching an exercise.
- Automatic caching of exercise videos.
- Add Objective links to Exercises data sheets.
- Improved Quick Start guide.
- Fix: Allow to add exercises manually to empty Journey.
- New advanced Filter on the search page, to filter exercises by combining equipment, objective, difficulty, velocity and unilaterality.
- Fix bug with Pro access not always being enabled righ away after purchase.
- Increase max value for exercise-specific rest time to 300 secs.
- Default timer countdown changed to 10 secs instead of 5 secs.
- Fix deselection of "done" checkbox on changing reps/secs value.
- Fix extra padding on renaming a Custom exercise during a workout Session.
- 70 new exercise videos, including 50 new exercises.
- Open web links in phone browser instead of in-app-webview.
- Fix birthdate selection.
- Improvements in how the payments are handled and displayed.
- Improve algorithm for suggestions.
- Fix layout issue with Kal's dialogs.
- Improve subscription flow with notification.
- Improve elastic bands pictures.
- Remove legacy Programs and Favorites sections.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Add 50 exercise videos
- Fix bug with the Quick switch button not working
- Add welcome video
- Improved personal skill tree with correct difficulty levels indicated.
- Start adding form tips to exercises.
- Anonymous session: fix wrong identification bug.