Waking Up: Beyond Meditation Mod Apk

Waking Up: Beyond Meditation Взлом - Mod Apk 3.8.0

Разработчик: Waking Up LLC
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Waking Up — это не просто еще одно приложение для медитации — это новая операционная система для вашего разума и руководство по улучшению жизни. Вы не только откроете для себя более глубокий подход к внимательности, чем где-либо еще; вы также узнаете мудрость, понимание и философию, которые помогут изменить то, как вы видите себя и мир вокруг вас.

Сэм Харрис, нейробиолог и автор бестселлеров, создал «Пробуждение» как ресурс, о котором он мечтал, когда начал изучать медитацию и осознанность более 30 лет назад.

Waking Up бесплатен для всех, кто не может себе это позволить. Мы никогда не хотим, чтобы деньги были причиной того, что кто-то не может извлечь выгоду из того, что мы создали.

Практикуйте внимательность👤
• Начните по-настоящему понимать медитацию с помощью нашего пошагового вводного курса.
• Независимо от того, являетесь ли вы новичком или продвинутым практиком, вы попадете прямо в суть настоящей осознанности.
• Узнайте не только «как» осознанность, но и «почему»
• Наша функция «Момент» предлагает ежедневные напоминания, которые помогут вам сделать вашу жизнь более осознанной.

Узнайте истинную цель медитации🗝️
• Медитация — это больше, чем просто снятие стресса, улучшение сна или повышение концентрации внимания.
• Откройте дверь к более глубокому пониманию себя
• Найдите полезные функции, такие как таймеры медитации, вопросы и ответы и постоянно растущая аудиотека.

Мудрость для лучшей жизни💭
• Исследуйте некоторые из самых важных жизненных вопросов по таким темам, как неврология, психоделики, эффективный альтруизм, этика и стоицизм.
• Мнения известных авторов и ученых, таких как Оливер Беркеман, Майкл Поллан, Лори Сантос, Артур С. Брукс, Джеймс Клир и другие.
• Откройте для себя мудрость и философию, свободную от заявлений Нью Эйдж или религиозных догм.

Известные учителя внимательности💡
• Вы пройдете медитацию под руководством таких выдающихся учителей, как Джозеф Гольдштейн, Диана Уинстон, Адьяшанти, Джаясара и Генри Шукман.
• Получите доступ к широкому спектру созерцательных практик, включая випассану, дзен, дзогчен, адвайта-веданту и многое другое.
• Слушайте глубокие идеи, мудрость и созерцательные учения из разных эпох — те, которые выдержали испытание временем, включая такие исторические голоса, как Алан Уоттс.

«Пробуждение — это, без сомнения, самое важное руководство по медитации, которое я когда-либо использовал». Питер Аттиа, доктор медицины, автор бестселлера Outlive

«Если у вас возникли проблемы с медитацией, это приложение — ваш ответ!» Сьюзан Кейн, автор бестселлера «Тихо».

«Пробуждение — это не приложение, это путь. Это в равной степени руководство по медитации, мастер-класс по философии и конференция TED с акцентом на внимание». Эрик Хиршберг, бывший генеральный директор Activision

Подписки автоматически продлеваются, если автоматическое продление не отключено по крайней мере за 24 часа до окончания текущего периода. Управляйте своей подпиской в ​​настройках учетной записи Google Play. Оплата будет снята с вашего аккаунта Google.

Условия обслуживания: https://wakingup.com/terms-of-service/
Политика конфиденциальности: https://wakingup.com/privacy-policy/
Гарантия удовлетворения: если вы не находите приложение ценным, напишите нам по адресу [email protected] для полного возмещения.

История обновлений

We've made some behind-the-scenes improvements to enhance your app experience. This update focuses on fixing bugs and optimizing performance, ensuring everything runs smoothly and reliably. No big changes this time—just refining the little details that make a big difference.
We've made some behind-the-scenes improvements to enhance your app experience. This update focuses on fixing bugs and optimizing performance, ensuring everything runs smoothly and reliably. No big changes this time—just refining the little details that make a big difference.
We've made some behind-the-scenes improvements to enhance your app experience. This update focuses on fixing bugs and optimizing performance, ensuring everything runs smoothly and reliably. No big changes this time—just refining the little details that make a big difference.
This update brings smoother performance and bug fixes to enhance your experience. While no major changes are introduced in this version, these refinements help ensure everything runs as seamlessly as possible.
This update brings smoother performance and bug fixes to enhance your experience. While no major changes are introduced in this version, these refinements help ensure everything runs as seamlessly as possible.
This update brings smoother performance and bug fixes to enhance your experience. While no major changes are introduced in this version, these refinements help ensure everything runs as seamlessly as possible.
This update brings smoother performance and bug fixes to enhance your experience. While no major changes are introduced in this version, these refinements help ensure everything runs as seamlessly as possible.
- You can now extend the length of your Daily Meditation sessions by adding silence. Also, choose your preferred background sound in advance and make the ending bell optional—with more customization to come.
- You can now rename your downloaded—not just your saved—Daily Meditations and Moments.
- We’ve added the option to mark all sessions and series as played.
- Bug fixes and feature improvements.
- You can now save and download episodes of the Work in Progress show (and find your episode listening history in the History tab).
- Bug fixes and feature improvements.
- You can now save and download episodes of the Work in Progress show (and find your episode listening history in the History tab).
- Bug fixes and feature improvements.
- You can now save and download episodes of the Work in Progress show (and find your episode listening history in the History tab).
- Bug fixes and feature improvements.
- Introducing a new show from Waking Up. Launching soon.
- Reflections—a new homescreen button that brings the app’s content directly to you—is now available to all members.
- Choose from a selection of new Waking Up heads to customize your user profile.
- Improvements to our new Reflections feature and some visual changes to the homescreen.
- Improvements to our search functionality, including the ability to search for speakers and for words directly mentioned in a session.
- By popular request, we’ve brought back the ability to mark any session as unplayed.
- Introducing “Reflections”: Stream hours of curated clips, lessons, and Moments, all through a single button on your homescreen.
- Listen to multiple Daily Meditations. After listening to the featured meditation, tap the Daily Meditation button on your homescreen, and a new one will play.
- We’ve replaced the beginning/end and interval bells in the self-timer.
- We’re dropping support for older operating systems. If your device is running Android 5.0 or earlier, please update your OS
- Introducing “Reflections”: Stream hours of curated clips, lessons, and Moments, all through a single button on your homescreen.
- Listen to multiple Daily Meditations. After listening to the featured meditation, tap the Daily Meditation button on your homescreen, and a new one will play.
- We’ve replaced the beginning/end and interval bells in the self-timer.
- We’re dropping support for older operating systems. If your device is running Android 5.0 or earlier, please update your OS
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
10 мар. 2023 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
2 мар. 2023 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
30 янв. 2023 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
9 янв. 2023 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
26 дек. 2022 г.
7 дек. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
5 дек. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
15 нояб. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
7 нояб. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
28 окт. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
15 окт. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
6 окт. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
14 сент. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
22 авг. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
5 авг. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
25 июл. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
15 июл. 2022 г.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
1 июл. 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
20 июн. 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
16 июн. 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
5 мая 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
22 апреля 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
4 апреля 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
29 марта 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
16 марта 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
10 марта 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
15 февраля 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
31 января 2022 г.
We're excited to announce the app has been fully reimagined and redesigned. We've collaborated with dozens of artists—known and unknown—from around the world.
We've refined our navigation for a cleaner and more intuitive way to explore our library. This includes descriptions of every meditation, lesson, and conversation in the app, so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Whether you're a beginning or advanced meditator, Waking Up opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself.
22 декабря 2021 г.
Search (Beta): To help you discover or quickly recall content, we are excited to introduce our Search feature. From the main navigation bar, click the magnifying glass icon. In the search field, use pre-populated terms or search free-form. If you can’t find what you are looking for, our support team would love to hear from you throughout the beta period.

Fair Pricing: As always, if you would like to use the app but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected] for a free account.
24 ноября 2021 г.
Search (Beta): To help you discover or quickly recall content, we are excited to introduce our Search feature. From the main navigation bar, click the magnifying glass icon. In the search field, use pre-populated terms or search free-form. If you can’t find what you are looking for, our support team would love to hear from you throughout the beta period.

Fair Pricing: As always, if you would like to use the app but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected] for a free account.
3 ноября 2021 г.
Search (Beta): To help you discover or quickly recall content, we are excited to introduce our Search feature. From the main navigation bar, click the magnifying glass icon. In the search field, use pre-populated terms or search free-form. If you can’t find what you are looking for, our support team would love to hear from you throughout the beta period.

Fair Pricing: As always, if you would like to use the app but truly cannot afford it, please email [email protected] for a free account.

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