Waking Up: Beyond Meditation Mod Apk

Waking Up: Beyond Meditation ハック - Mod Apk 3.8.0

開発者: Waking Up LLC
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Waking Up: Beyond Meditation mod apkGame screenshot Waking Up: Beyond Meditation hackGame screenshot Waking Up: Beyond Meditation apk download


Waking Up は単なる瞑想アプリではありません。心のための新しいオペレーティング システムであり、より良い生活を送るためのガイドです。マインドフルネスへのより深いアプローチを発見するだけではありません。また、自分自身と自分の周りの世界の見方を変えるのに役立つ知恵、洞察、哲学を学びます。

神経科学者でありベストセラー作家であるサム・ハリスは、30 年以上前に瞑想とマインドフルネスを探求し始めたとき、欲しかったリソースとして Waking Up を作成しました。

Waking Up は、余裕がない人なら誰でも無料で利用できます。私たちは、私たちが構築したものから誰かが利益を得られない理由がお金であることを決して望んでいません。

• ステップバイステップの入門コースで瞑想を真に理解し始めましょう
• 初心者でも上級者でも、真のマインドフルネスの核心に直行できます
• マインドフルネスの「方法」だけでなく、「理由」も学ぶ
• 私たちのモーメント機能は毎日のリマインダーを提供し、あなたの生活により多くのマインドフルネスをもたらすのに役立ちます

• 瞑想は、ストレスを和らげたり、睡眠を改善したり、集中力を高めたりするだけではありません。
• 自分自身をより深く理解するための扉を開く
• 瞑想タイマー、Q&A、増え続けるオーディオ ライブラリなどの便利な機能を見つける

• 神経科学、サイケデリック、効果的な利他主義、倫理、ストア主義などのトピックについて、人生で最も重要な問題を探ります。
• Oliver Burkeman、Michael Pollan、Laurie Santos、Arthur C. Brooks、James Clear などの有名な作家や学者からの洞察
• ニューエイジの主張や宗教的教義にとらわれない知恵と哲学を発見する

• ジョセフ ゴールドスタイン、ダイアナ ウィンストン、アディアシャンティ、ジャヤサーラ、ヘンリー シュクマンなどの著名な教師による瞑想に導かれます。
• ヴィパッサナー、禅、ゾクチェン、アドヴァイタ ヴェーダンタなどを含む、幅広い瞑想の実践にアクセスできます。
• アラン・ワッツのような歴史的な声を含む、時の試練に耐えてきた歴史全体からの深い洞察、知恵、瞑想的な教えに耳を傾けます。

「ウェイクアップは、間違いなく、私が今まで使った中で最も重要な瞑想ガイドです。」 Peter Attia、MD、Outlive のベストセラー著者

「瞑想に入るのに苦労しているなら、このアプリが答えです!」 『Quiet』のベストセラー作家、スーザン・ケイン

「Waking Up はアプリではなく、パスです。それは、瞑想のガイド、哲学のマスタークラス、そして非常に焦点を絞った TED カンファレンスです。」アクティビジョンの元CEO、エリック・ヒルシュバーグ

現在の期間が終了する少なくとも 24 時間前に自動更新を無効にしない限り、サブスクリプションは自動的に更新されます。 Google Play アカウント設定からサブスクリプションを管理します。お支払いは Google アカウントに請求されます。

満足保証: アプリの価値が感じられない場合は、[email protected] までメールでご連絡ください。全額返金いたします。


We've made some behind-the-scenes improvements to enhance your app experience. This update focuses on fixing bugs and optimizing performance, ensuring everything runs smoothly and reliably. No big changes this time—just refining the little details that make a big difference.
We've made some behind-the-scenes improvements to enhance your app experience. This update focuses on fixing bugs and optimizing performance, ensuring everything runs smoothly and reliably. No big changes this time—just refining the little details that make a big difference.
We've made some behind-the-scenes improvements to enhance your app experience. This update focuses on fixing bugs and optimizing performance, ensuring everything runs smoothly and reliably. No big changes this time—just refining the little details that make a big difference.
This update brings smoother performance and bug fixes to enhance your experience. While no major changes are introduced in this version, these refinements help ensure everything runs as seamlessly as possible.
This update brings smoother performance and bug fixes to enhance your experience. While no major changes are introduced in this version, these refinements help ensure everything runs as seamlessly as possible.
This update brings smoother performance and bug fixes to enhance your experience. While no major changes are introduced in this version, these refinements help ensure everything runs as seamlessly as possible.
- You can now extend the length of your Daily Meditation sessions by adding silence. Also, choose your preferred background sound in advance and make the ending bell optional—with more customization to come.
- You can now rename your downloaded—not just your saved—Daily Meditations and Moments.
- We’ve added the option to mark all sessions and series as played.
- Bug fixes and feature improvements.
- You can now save and download episodes of the Work in Progress show (and find your episode listening history in the History tab).
- Bug fixes and feature improvements.
- You can now save and download episodes of the Work in Progress show (and find your episode listening history in the History tab).
- Bug fixes and feature improvements.
- Introducing a new show from Waking Up. Launching soon.
- Reflections—a new homescreen button that brings the app’s content directly to you—is now available to all members.
- Choose from a selection of new Waking Up heads to customize your user profile.
- Improvements to our new Reflections feature and some visual changes to the homescreen.
- Improvements to our search functionality, including the ability to search for speakers and for words directly mentioned in a session.
- By popular request, we’ve brought back the ability to mark any session as unplayed.
- Introducing “Reflections”: Stream hours of curated clips, lessons, and Moments, all through a single button on your homescreen.
- Listen to multiple Daily Meditations. After listening to the featured meditation, tap the Daily Meditation button on your homescreen, and a new one will play.
- We’ve replaced the beginning/end and interval bells in the self-timer.
- We’re dropping support for older operating systems. If your device is running Android 5.0 or earlier, please update your OS
- Introducing “Reflections”: Stream hours of curated clips, lessons, and Moments, all through a single button on your homescreen.
- Listen to multiple Daily Meditations. After listening to the featured meditation, tap the Daily Meditation button on your homescreen, and a new one will play.
- We’ve replaced the beginning/end and interval bells in the self-timer.
- We’re dropping support for older operating systems. If your device is running Android 5.0 or earlier, please update your OS
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.
Waking Up isn't just another meditation app—it's a new operating system for your mind.
We help you discover the true purpose of meditation, and give you pressure-tested wisdom for living a more examined, fulfilling life. Here, you won't find any New Age fluff or religious dogma—just powerful training and insights.
Discover why countless members have said that Waking Up is the most important app they've ever downloaded.

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ダウンロード Waking Up: Beyond Meditation MOD APK 3.8.0

ダウンロード MOD APK


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