Speech Blubs: Language Therapy Mod Apk

Speech Blubs: Language Therapy Взлом - Mod Apk 11.3.0

Разработчик: Blub Blub Inc.
Категория: Материнство и детство
Цена: Бесплатно


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Вам нужно больше доказательств? Ознакомьтесь с репортажами о «Речевых клубках» в журналах «Thrive», «Журнал для родителей с аутизмом», «Логопедическая терапия», «Красивая речевая жизнь» и «Учитель речи». Speech Blubs также была удостоена награды Social Impact и поддерживается программой Facebook Start.

Это логопедическое приложение с голосовым управлением создано, чтобы помочь каждому выучить новые звуки и слова, а также попрактиковаться в разговорной речи в стимулирующей образовательной среде. Мы гордимся, хотя и немного ошеломлены, тем, что наши более 1500 занятий были использованы более 1 000 000 раз, чтобы стимулировать производство звуков и слов у всех, кто их пробовал - от малышей, поздно говорящих (задержка речи), детей с апраксией речи, аутизмом, вялостью. Синдром СДВГ, расстройство сенсорной обработки для пожилых людей, потерявших речь по разным причинам.


Дженнифер Маррон, бакалавр наук, SLP-A
Я использую Speech Blubs со своими учениками, изучающими артикуляцию, которым трудно использовать губы и язык для произнесения определенных звуков (например, /b/, /p/, /th/, /l/ и т. д.). Клиентам, которым я это использовал, до сих пор это нравилось, и они были полностью вовлечены в процесс. Спасибо за отличное приложение!

Если это не вселяет в вас уверенности, вам также следует знать, что Speech Blubs
- Использует научно обоснованное видеомоделирование для эффективного развития речи.
- Содержит более 1500+ упражнений, занятий, забавных шапок, видеороликов, мини-игр и многого другого!
- Выпускает новый интересный контент каждую неделю!
- Использует 25 веселых тем занятий: «Ранние звуки», «Когда я вырасту», «Приобретаю формы», «Живые цвета», «Это мое тело», «Гимнастика для рта», «Царство животных», «Кататься на колесах», «Петь вместе», «Угадай слово», «Угадай звук», NUMB3R5, и многое другое!
- Имеет голосовую активацию, которая обеспечивает увлекательный интерактивный процесс обучения.
- Забавно использует специальные эффекты, такие как забавные шляпы и маски, в режиме реального времени с помощью распознавания лиц.
- Позволяет собирать наклейки и пополнять свою книгу наклеек по мере продвижения.
- Предоставляет забавный и образовательный контент, призванный вызвать разговор.

Попробуйте занятия Speech Blubs БЕСПЛАТНО!

В недавнем исследовании, опубликованном Американской ассоциацией речи, языка и слуха (ASHA), исследователи Калифорнийского университета в Лос-Анджелесе доказали, что наблюдение за сверстниками в режиме реального времени приводит к активации ЗЕРКАЛЬНЫХ НЕЙРОНОВ, что, как было показано, очень эффективно для развития речи. Speech Blubs использует видеомоделирование для создания захватывающей среды обучения, которая позволяет людям наблюдать за своими актерами в приложении на видео во время их обучения.

Наконец, это редкая жемчужина среди приложений, которая предоставляет вам практически бесконечный запас контента, включая более 1500 занятий, упражнений, забавные шапки и маски, эффекты, видео, мини-игры и многое другое! Наша команда всегда усердно работает над добавлением нового интересного контента каждую неделю!

Начните с 7-дневной бесплатной пробной версии, получите доступ к разблокированному контенту и протестируйте приложение. Чтобы подписаться (и сохранить доступ ко всем практикам), с вас будет взиматься ежемесячная или годовая абонентская плата через вашу учетную запись GooglePlay. Регулярная транзакция, которая будет автоматически продлена, если вы не аннулируете свою учетную запись как минимум за 24 часа до окончания текущего месяца подписки. Вы можете управлять своей подпиской, отменить ее в любое время или отключить автоматическое продление, войдя в свою учетную запись GooglePlay. Любая неиспользованная часть бесплатного пробного периода будет аннулирована при подписке.

Прочтите наши полные Условия использования и Политику конфиденциальности здесь: https://speechblubs.com/legal/privacy-policy-for-applications/.

История обновлений

Drumroll, please! We've sprinkled some magic on our app with this update. Bugs are no match for us as we deliver a smoother, snappier experience for our little geniuses. Happy learning!
Drumroll, please! We've sprinkled some magic on our app with this update. Bugs are no match for us as we deliver a smoother, snappier experience for our little geniuses. Happy learning!
Drumroll, please! We've sprinkled some magic on our app with this update. Bugs are no match for us as we deliver a smoother, snappier experience for our little geniuses. Happy learning!
Drumroll, please! We've sprinkled some magic on our app with this update. Bugs are no match for us as we deliver a smoother, snappier experience for our little geniuses. Happy learning!
Get ready for a spooktacular makeover! Our app is donning its Halloween costume with mesmerizing visuals and enchanting vibes. Dive into the magic of Halloween Puzzles - now with even more thrills, chills, and brain-teasing spills!
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
We have AWESOME news! Are you ready?
We are releasing our biggest app makeover to date that will take the Speech Blubs experience to a whole new level!
Whats new?
New home with horizontal orientation + a super colorful theme
New educational activities (speech activated!)
New cute & lovable characters
New content to expand your child's vocabulary
Oh and before we forget... We asked all the bugs that were annoying your kid to take a hike.
This is an update you and your child do NOT want to miss.
We have AWESOME news! Are you ready?
We are releasing our biggest app makeover to date that will take the Speech Blubs experience to a whole new level!
Whats new?
New home with horizontal orientation + a super colorful theme
New educational activities (speech activated!)
New cute & lovable characters
New content to expand your child's vocabulary
Oh and before we forget... We asked all the bugs that were annoying your kid to take a hike.
This is an update you and your child do NOT want to miss.
Get ready to embark on a wild speech adventure! Our new speech-activated activity takes kids on a journey through different animal habitats while helping them develop speech skills along the way. Let’s roar with confidence!
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
Hop into spring with our egg-citing Easter game! Hunt, collect, and create your very own Easter eggs. It’s egg-stra fun for the whole family!
7 мар. 2023 г.
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
3 февр. 2023 г.
Attention all football fans! Get ready for the biggest event of the year with our brand new football themed section.

New educational games & never-before-seen content, we’ve got everything you need just in the time for The Big Game!

Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just getting into the excitement, we’ve got you covered.

Go Team! Let’s get ready for some football!
30 янв. 2023 г.
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
20 янв. 2023 г.
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
4 янв. 2023 г.
5 дек. 2022 г.
HO, HO, HO let’s knead the Christmas Cookie Dough!
Love making a mess in the kitchen with your little ones but hate cleaning up afterward? Then you’ll adore our new game, the Cookie Factory!

With our LIMITED-time magical Christmassy makeover, our app is ready for the holiday season  -  make sure you don’t miss out on the sweet snowmen, the ugly Xmas sweaters, wrapped-up presents, and other jolly motifs!
23 нояб. 2022 г.
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
24 окт. 2022 г.
Hello! This week we are introducing a bunch of awesome changes: new & super educational games, halloween themed activities & much more! It would be a shame for your to miss it.
13 окт. 2022 г.
Hello! This week we are introducing a bunch of awesome changes: new & super educational games, halloween themed activities & much more! It would be a shame for your to miss it.
26 сент. 2022 г.
Improved usability, new topics & new games! This is something you can not miss so go check it out!

Is your child enjoying Speech Blubs? Have they learned new words from our app? Let other parents know how you and your kiddo are using it, so they can benefit from your experience.

We also adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
16 сент. 2022 г.
Improved usability, new topics & new games! This is something you can not miss so go check it out!

Is your child enjoying Speech Blubs? Have they learned new words from our app? Let other parents know how you and your kiddo are using it, so they can benefit from your experience.

We also adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
1 сент. 2022 г.
Improved usability, new topics & new games! This is something you can not miss so go check it out!

Is your child enjoying Speech Blubs? Have they learned new words from our app? Let other parents know how you and your kiddo are using it, so they can benefit from your experience.

We also adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
26 июл. 2022 г.
This update includes several improvements and bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
19 июл. 2022 г.
This update includes several improvements and bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
12 июл. 2022 г.
Improved usability, new topics & new games! This is something you can not miss so go check it out!

Is your child enjoying Speech Blubs? Have they learned new words from our app? Let other parents know how you and your kiddo are using it, so they can benefit from your experience.

We also adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
23 июн. 2022 г.
This update includes several improvements and bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
26 мая 2022 г.
This update includes several improvements and bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
6 мая 2022 г.
This update is bringing new content for our youngest audience, the terrific 2-year-olds. We added a new collection of simple PUZZLES, sound-guessing games & several other activities.
IMPORTANT: You are the best person to help your child make connections between what they see in the app and what they can observe in the world around them. So get excited for a new mix of toddler-friendly games and lots of animals. Get your best animal voice on and woof like a dog or roar like a lion!
18 марта 2022 г.
This update includes several improvements and bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
7 марта 2022 г.
This update includes several improvements and bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
22 февраля 2022 г.
We are gradually starting to release the newly redesigned speech and language evaluation. That includes brand new illustrations as well as short videos that will help you understand your child’s speech and language skills better.

Join our Facebook parents peer support group “Toddler Talk: Speech and Language Tips for Parents”! It’s full of parents, speech therapists, and child education experts excited to meet you, provide support, encouragement, and talk all things toddler speech and language.
15 декабря 2021 г.
It’s the time of the year when Santa ventures to the shopping center to fulfil the wishes of all the kids on the 'Good List'!

Our illustrators, animators, and engineers had a lot of fun redecorating Speech Blubs to create some extra magic! Now it’s your turn to make the most of it during this holiday season. Happy Blubbing!
1 декабря 2021 г.
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!
We changed the grey stickers kids see when starting each exercise for colorful ones after realising that 2-year-olds didn’t easily notice them. We believe this will make it easier for your child to find what they’re looking for. For example, their favorite word!

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
17 ноября 2021 г.
This update includes several improvements and bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
5 ноября 2021 г.
This update includes several design improvements and significant bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].

Способы взлома Speech Blubs: Language Therapy

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