Speech Blubs: Language Therapy Mod Apk

Speech Blubs: Language Therapy ハック - Mod Apk 11.3.0

開発者: Blub Blub Inc.
カテゴリー: 出産&育児
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Speech Blubs: Language Therapy mod apkGame screenshot Speech Blubs: Language Therapy hackGame screenshot Speech Blubs: Language Therapy apk download


さらに証拠が必要ですか? Thrive Magazine、Autism Parenting Magazine、Speech Chick Therapy、Beautiful Speech Life、および The Speech Teacher の Speech Blubs に関する特集記事をチェックしてください。 Speech Blubs はソーシャル インパクト賞も受賞しており、Facebook の Start Program によってサポートされています。

この音声制御言語療法アプリは、誰もが新しい音や単語を学び、刺激的な教育環境で話す練習ができるように設計されています。私たちの 1,500 以上のアクティビティが、幼児、遅弁者 (言葉の遅れ)、失語症、自閉症、ダウン症の子供に至るまで、それを試したすべての人の音と言葉の生成を引き起こすために 100 万回以上使用されたことを誇りに思いますが、少し驚いています。症候群、ADHD、感覚処理障害、さまざまな理由で言葉を失った高齢者へ。


私は、唇や舌を使って特定の音 (例: /b/、/p/、/th/、/l/ など) を発音するのが難しい調音の生徒たちに Speech Blubs を使用しています。私がこれを使用したクライアントは、これまでのところそれを気に入っており、完全に関与しています。素晴らしいご応募ありがとうございました!

それで自信が持てない場合は、Speech Blubs についても知っておく必要があります。
- 科学的に証明されたビデオモデリングを使用して効果的な音声開発を実現
- 1500 以上のエクササイズ、アクティビティ、面白い帽子、ビデオ、ミニゲームなどがあります。
- 毎週新しいエキサイティングなコンテンツをリリースします!
- 25 の楽しいアクティビティ テーマを使用 – Early Sounds、When I Grow Up、Get into Shapes、Living Colors、This Is My Body、Mouth Gym、Animal Kingdom、Ride Your Wheel、Sing Again、Guess the Word、Guess the Sound、NUMB3R5、などなど!
- 楽しくインタラクティブな学習体験を提供する音声起動機能を備えています
- 顔検出を使用してリアルタイムで面白い帽子やマスクなどの特殊効果を楽しく利用します
- ステッカーを集めて、進行に合わせてステッカー ブックを埋めることができます
- 会話のきっかけとなる面白くて教育的なコンテンツを提供します

Speech Blubs アクティビティを無料でお試しください!

アメリカ言語聴覚協会(ASHA)が発表した最近の研究では、UCLAの研究者らは、リアルタイムで仲間の様子を観察するとミラーニューロンが活性化され、言語発達に非常に効果的であることを証明しました。 Speech Blubs はビデオ モデリングを使用して、個人が学習しながらアプリ内の俳優をビデオで観察できる没入型学習環境を作成します。

最後に、1500 を超えるアクティビティ、エクササイズ、面白い帽子やマスク、エフェクト、ビデオ、ミニゲームなど、ほぼ無限に楽しめるコンテンツを提供するアプリの中でも珍しい逸品です。私たちのチームは毎週エキサイティングな新しいコンテンツを追加するために常に努力しています。

7 日間の無料トライアルから始めて、ロック解除されたコンテンツにアクセスしてアプリをテストしてください。購読するには(そしてすべてのプラクティスへのアクセスを維持するには)、GooglePlay アカウントを通じて毎月または年間購読料が請求されます。定期的なトランザクション。現在のサブスクリプション月が終了する少なくとも 24 時間前にアカウントをキャンセルしない限り、自動的に更新されます。 GooglePlay アカウントにアクセスすると、サブスクリプションを管理したり、いつでもキャンセルしたり、自動更新をオフにしたりできます。無料トライアル期間の未使用部分は、購読すると失効します。

ここで利用規約とプライバシー ポリシーの全文をお読みください: https://speechblubs.com/legal/privacy-policy-for-applications/
すべて表示する ▼


Drumroll, please! We've sprinkled some magic on our app with this update. Bugs are no match for us as we deliver a smoother, snappier experience for our little geniuses. Happy learning!
Drumroll, please! We've sprinkled some magic on our app with this update. Bugs are no match for us as we deliver a smoother, snappier experience for our little geniuses. Happy learning!
Drumroll, please! We've sprinkled some magic on our app with this update. Bugs are no match for us as we deliver a smoother, snappier experience for our little geniuses. Happy learning!
Get ready for a spooktacular makeover! Our app is donning its Halloween costume with mesmerizing visuals and enchanting vibes. Dive into the magic of Halloween Puzzles - now with even more thrills, chills, and brain-teasing spills!
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
We have AWESOME news! Are you ready?
We are releasing our biggest app makeover to date that will take the Speech Blubs experience to a whole new level!
Whats new?
New home with horizontal orientation + a super colorful theme
New educational activities (speech activated!)
New cute & lovable characters
New content to expand your child's vocabulary
Oh and before we forget... We asked all the bugs that were annoying your kid to take a hike.
This is an update you and your child do NOT want to miss.
We have AWESOME news! Are you ready?
We are releasing our biggest app makeover to date that will take the Speech Blubs experience to a whole new level!
Whats new?
New home with horizontal orientation + a super colorful theme
New educational activities (speech activated!)
New cute & lovable characters
New content to expand your child's vocabulary
Oh and before we forget... We asked all the bugs that were annoying your kid to take a hike.
This is an update you and your child do NOT want to miss.
Get ready to embark on a wild speech adventure! Our new speech-activated activity takes kids on a journey through different animal habitats while helping them develop speech skills along the way. Let’s roar with confidence!
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
Planet Protectors Unite! Our new game teaches kids about the importance of recycling and taking care of the environment. Download now & join Finny on the mission to save the earth!
Hop into spring with our egg-citing Easter game! Hunt, collect, and create your very own Easter eggs. It’s egg-stra fun for the whole family!
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
Attention all football fans! Get ready for the biggest event of the year with our brand new football themed section.

New educational games & never-before-seen content, we’ve got everything you need just in the time for The Big Game!

Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just getting into the excitement, we’ve got you covered.

Go Team! Let’s get ready for some football!
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
HO, HO, HO let’s knead the Christmas Cookie Dough!
Love making a mess in the kitchen with your little ones but hate cleaning up afterward? Then you’ll adore our new game, the Cookie Factory!

With our LIMITED-time magical Christmassy makeover, our app is ready for the holiday season  -  make sure you don’t miss out on the sweet snowmen, the ugly Xmas sweaters, wrapped-up presents, and other jolly motifs!
This update brings several technical improvements, making Speech Blubs run faster and smoother!

Also, we adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
Hello! This week we are introducing a bunch of awesome changes: new & super educational games, halloween themed activities & much more! It would be a shame for your to miss it.
Hello! This week we are introducing a bunch of awesome changes: new & super educational games, halloween themed activities & much more! It would be a shame for your to miss it.
Improved usability, new topics & new games! This is something you can not miss so go check it out!

Is your child enjoying Speech Blubs? Have they learned new words from our app? Let other parents know how you and your kiddo are using it, so they can benefit from your experience.

We also adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
Improved usability, new topics & new games! This is something you can not miss so go check it out!

Is your child enjoying Speech Blubs? Have they learned new words from our app? Let other parents know how you and your kiddo are using it, so they can benefit from your experience.

We also adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
This update includes several improvements and bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
Improved usability, new topics & new games! This is something you can not miss so go check it out!

Is your child enjoying Speech Blubs? Have they learned new words from our app? Let other parents know how you and your kiddo are using it, so they can benefit from your experience.

We also adore your Instagram and TikTok posts! Simply tag us (@speechblubs) or send a PM to get featured.
This update includes several improvements and bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
This update includes several improvements and bug fixes. In short: Speech Blubs looks better and runs smoother.

Questions, concerns, suggestions? Please let us know what you think at [email protected].
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ハッキング方法 Speech Blubs: Language Therapy

ダウンロード Speech Blubs: Language Therapy MOD APK 11.3.0

ダウンロード MOD APK
