Fongo World Edition Mod Apk

Fongo World Edition Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: Fongo Inc.
Категория: Связь
Цена: 419,66 ₽ (Download for free)


Game screenshot Fongo World Edition mod apkGame screenshot Fongo World Edition hackGame screenshot Fongo World Edition apk download


Fongo World Edition — лучший способ звонить в Канаду и по всему миру!


• Ваш собственный местный канадский номер телефона — выберите номер, который вам нравится!
• Безлимитные звонки в 10 провинций Канады и на любой номер Fongo в любой точке мира.
• Неограниченные глобальные входящие звонки и входящие текстовые SMS-сообщения.
• Неограниченное количество текстовых сообщений между Fongo, включая групповые и графические сообщения в любой точке мира.
• СЭКОНОМЬТЕ деньги своих канадских друзей и родственников, предоставив им канадский номер, по которому они смогут связаться с вами.


• Визуальная голосовая почта
• Отображение вызова
• Ожидание вызова
• Переадресация вызовов
• Конференц-связь
• Переадресация вызова
• Получать факсы
• Синхронизация с существующими контактами и друзьями в Facebook.
• Поддержка английского, французского, испанского, немецкого, корейского и китайского языков.


• 2 цента: США, Китай, Индия, Великобритания, Гонконг, Франция, Румыния.
• 3 цента: Польша, Португалия, Греция, Южная Корея.
• Чтобы узнать больше о тарифах на звонки, посетите наш сайт

• Используйте Fongo World Edition за пределами Канады при наличии подключения к Интернету!
• Если вы путешествуете за границу, избегайте дорогостоящих расходов на междугороднюю связь и роуминг данных, подключившись к Wi-Fi, прежде чем использовать Fongo для звонков или сообщений. Подключившись к Wi-Fi, вы можете бесплатно звонить в любую точку 10 провинций Канады или звонить и отправлять сообщения другим пользователям Fongo. Из любой точки мира.


• БЕЗОГРАНИЧЕННО: не нужно покупать или «зарабатывать» дополнительные минуты и текстовые сообщения, просматривая видео, загружая другие приложения или заполняя опросы. Просто купите приложение, и все готово.
• КАНАДСКИЕ ТЕЛЕФОННЫЕ НОМЕРА: Купите приложение и получите местный канадский номер телефона, чтобы ваши друзья и родственники в Канаде могли звонить вам без необходимости платить за междугородние звонки.
• ЗВОНИТЕ ЛЮБОМУ: стационарный или мобильный, внутренний или международный.


Когда вы разговариваете по телефону, Fongo использует 0,5 МБ в минуту, поэтому тарифный план на 500 МБ обеспечит вам 1000 минут разговора. Если вы звоните по Wi-Fi, вы можете звонить практически столько, сколько захотите. Когда вы не разговариваете по телефону, Fongo использует минимальный объем данных для прослушивания входящих вызовов.


• Поддерживаемые устройства: поддержка Android (Lollipop OS 5.0 и более поздних версий), Chrome OS.
• Поддерживаемые устройства с Wear OS: Wear OS 2.0 или более поздней версии.
• Чтобы использовать Fongo World Edition, у вас должно быть активное подключение к Интернету (сотовая передача данных, Wi-Fi или проводное соединение) и вы должны создать учетную запись Fongo World Edition. Если уровень сигнала данных слабый или скорость соединения низкая, это приложение может работать некорректно.
• Убедитесь, что ваша сеть Wi-Fi или оператор сотовой связи поддерживают трафик VoIP (голос через Интернет).
• Если вы отключите уведомления, вы не будете получать входящие звонки.
• Есть вопросы или вам нужна помощь в настройке устройства? Нажмите «Поддержка» на экране учетной записи.
• Есть идеи, как улучшить Fongo World Edition? Нажмите «Отзыв» на экране «Учетная запись».
• Мы взимаем символическую плату за приложение, чтобы покрыть единовременную стоимость канадского телефонного номера.


Твиттер: @Fongo_Mobile
Фейсбук: /fongomobile
Инстаграм: @fongo_mobile

Fongo World Edition не поддерживает вызов службы экстренной помощи.

История обновлений

What's new in 2023.9:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 830 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.8:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 820 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.8:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 820 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.7.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 820 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.7:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 810 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.6.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 810 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.6:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 790 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.5.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 790 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.5:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 790 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.4.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 790 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.4.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 770 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
27 февр. 2023 г.
What's new in 2023.3:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 750 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Dark mode
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
6 февр. 2023 г.
What's new in 2023.2.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 740 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Dark mode
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
31 янв. 2023 г.
What's new in 2023.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 740 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
17 янв. 2023 г.
What's new in 2023.1.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 740 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
5 янв. 2023 г.
What's new in 2023.1.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 740 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.12:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 720 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.11.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 720 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.11:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 700 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.10.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 700 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.10.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 660 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
3 окт. 2022 г.
What's new in 2022.10:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 660 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.9.3:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 650 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.9.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 650 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.9:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 610 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.8.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 610 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.8.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 560 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.7:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 560 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.6.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 560 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.6:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 530 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.5.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 530 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
18 мая 2022 г.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.5.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 530 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
8 мая 2022 г.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.5:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 510 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Additional settings for low bandwidth audio codec.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
5 апреля 2022 г.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.4.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 480 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Additional settings for low bandwidth audio codec.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
7 января 2022 г.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.1:
- Bluetooth fixes
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 430 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
14 декабря 2021 г.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2021.12:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 430 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- New ability to block calls from non-contacts
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
25 ноября 2021 г.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2021.11.3:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 430 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
16 ноября 2021 г.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2021.11:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 410 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.

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