Fongo World Edition Mod Apk

Fongo World Edition ハック - Mod Apk

開発者: Fongo Inc.
カテゴリー: 通信
価格: ¥584 (Download for free)


Game screenshot Fongo World Edition mod apkGame screenshot Fongo World Edition hackGame screenshot Fongo World Edition apk download


Fongo World Edition は、カナダや世界に電話をかけるのに最適な方法です。

FONGO ワールド エディションで得られるもの

• カナダ国内の自分の電話番号 - 好きな番号を選択してください。
• カナダの 10 州にわたる無制限の通話、および世界中の Fongo 番号への通話
• 無制限のグローバル着信通話と着信 SMS テキストメッセージ
• 世界中どこにいても、グループメッセージや画像メッセージを含む、フォンゴからフォンゴへの無制限のテキストメッセージ送信
• カナダ人の友人や家族に連絡先のカナダの番号を教えてお金を節約しましょう。


• ビジュアルボイスメール
• 通話ディスプレイ
• キャッチホン
• コール転送
• 電話会議
• 通話転送
• FAXの受信
• 既存の連絡先や Facebook の友達と同期する
• 英語、フランス語、スペイン語、ドイツ語、韓国語、中国語の言語サポート


• 2 セント: 米国、中国、インド、英国、香港、フランス、ルーマニア
• 3 セント: ポーランド、ポルトガル、ギリシャ、韓国
• 通話料金の詳細については、当社 Web サイト ( をご覧ください。

• インターネット接続のあるカナダ国外で Fongo World Edition を使用してください。
• 海外旅行中の場合は、Fongo を使用して通話やメッセージを送信する前に WiFi に接続し、高額な長距離料金やデータローミング料金を回避してください。 WiFi に接続したら、カナダの 10 州のどこにでも無料で電話をかけたり、他の Fongo ユーザーに電話したりメッセージを送ったりできます。世界中のどこからでも。


• 無制限: ビデオを見たり、他のアプリをダウンロードしたり、アンケートに記入したりして、追加の分やテキストを購入したり「獲得」したりする必要はありません。アプリを購入するだけで準備完了です。
• カナダの電話番号: アプリを購入してカナダ国内の電話番号を取得すると、国際長距離の料金を支払うことなく、カナダの友人や家族があなたに電話をかけることができます。
• 誰にでも電話をかける: 固定電話でも携帯電話でも、国内でも国際でも。


通話に接続しているとき、Fongo は 1 分あたり 0.5 MB を使用するため、500 MB のデータ プランでは 1000 分の通話時間が得られます。 WiFi で通話している場合は、ほぼ好きなだけ通話できます。通話中でないとき、Fongo は最小限のデータ量を使用して着信をリッスンします。


• サポートされているデバイス: Android (Lollipop OS 5.0 以降)、Chrome OS をサポート
• サポートされている Wear OS デバイス: Wear OS 2.0 以降
• Fongo World Edition を使用するには、アクティブなインターネット接続 (携帯電話データ、WiFi、または有線) が必要で、Fongo World Edition アカウントを作成する必要があります。データの電波強度が弱い場合、または接続速度が遅い場合、このアプリは正しく機能しない可能性があります。
• WiFi ネットワークまたは携帯通信会社が VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) トラフィックをサポートしていることを確認します。
• 通知を無効にすると、電話がかかってきません。
• デバイスの設定について質問がある場合、またはサポートが必要ですか?アカウント画面で「サポート」をタップします。
• Fongo World Edition を改善する方法についてアイデアはありますか?アカウント画面で「フィードバック」をタップします。
• カナダの電話番号の 1 回限りの費用をカバーするために、アプリに対して少額の料金を請求しています。


Twitter: @Fongo_Mobile
フェイスブック: /fongomobile

Fongo World Edition は 911 緊急通報をサポートしていません。


What's new in 2023.10.1:
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on X @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.9:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 830 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.8:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 820 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.8:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 820 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.7.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 820 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.7:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 810 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.6.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 810 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.6:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 790 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.5.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 790 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.5:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 790 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.4.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 790 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.3:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 750 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Dark mode
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.2.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 740 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Dark mode
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 740 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2023.1.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 740 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.12:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 720 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.11:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 700 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.10.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 700 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.10.1:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 660 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.9.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 650 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in 2022.9:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 610 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
Please like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @fongo_mobile to get the latest Fongo app news.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.8.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 610 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.7:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 560 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.6.2:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 560 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.
What's new in Fongo World Edition 2022.6:
- Even more local exchanges where you can choose a Canadian phone number, we're up to over 530 across Canada. This the most choice for local areas of any mobile calling app.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fixes
Thank you everyone for the feedback and comments, it helps us make Fongo World Edition better.

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ハッキング方法 Fongo World Edition

ダウンロード Fongo World Edition MOD APK

ダウンロード MOD APK