Onoff Mod Apk

Onoff Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: Onoff Telecom
Категория: Связь
Цена: Бесплатно


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Что, если бы вы могли получить второй номер за считанные минуты, не используя второй телефон или вторую SIM-карту, а просто загрузив приложение? Вы мечтали об этом, Онофф воплотил это в жизнь!

Скачайте приложение Onoff и получите второй номер в одно мгновение!

Вы захотите использовать второй номер для:

Имея отдельную профессиональную линию - разделите свою профессиональную и личную жизнь

Защита вашей конфиденциальности, когда вы находитесь в сети - ваша безопасность является нашим приоритетом

Продажа товаров в Интернете с полной уверенностью - безопасное общение с вашими потенциальными покупателями

Ношение с собой только одного телефона — меньше веса в кармане, меньше хлопот между переключением телефонов

Возможность использовать свой номер телефона с любого смартфона и даже из веб-браузера — мы хотим, чтобы у вас был такой же гибкий номер, как и ваша электронная почта!

Совершайте недорогие международные звонки - весь мир на расстоянии одного звонка

С Onoff у вас также есть:

Безлимитные звонки и СМС
Встроенная визуальная голосовая почта
Голосовые сообщения
Синхронизация всего вашего списка контактов
Возможность переноса существующего номера, чтобы использовать его в приложении Onoff.
Приложение, совместимое со всеми SIM-картами, чтобы всегда звонить в лучшую сеть
Доступны номера из более чем 30 стран

И многое другое!

Вы можете следить за нами на:

Фейсбук - Линкедин - Твиттер - Инстаграм

Не стесняйтесь делиться своими отзывами и комментариями по адресу [email protected].

Хорошего дня с Онофф.

В приложении вы можете подписаться на номер или тарифный план, цены на который варьируются в зависимости от выбранной национальности или региона, а также продолжительности (1, 3 или 12 месяцев). Оплата будет производиться через вашу учетную запись Google после подтверждения покупки и будет сниматься за 24 часа до окончания каждого платежного цикла. Вы можете отключить автоматическое продление в настройках Google Play после покупки, не менее чем за 24 часа до окончания текущего периода подписки. С вашим номером Onoff вы можете совершать неограниченные звонки по всей Европе. Для связи за пределами Европы вы также можете приобрести кредиты, действительные для любого направления!

Мы не можем гарантировать систематическую совместимость номеров с сервисами проверки по СМС.

История обновлений
- Implemented Notification, Banner, Picker, Pop-ups, Bottom sheet components
- Updated UI/UX to integrate new UI components
-Streamlined purchase and number renewal process
-Improved call handling and audio switching
-Enhanced price display
-UI/UX improvements
-Various bug fixes, including 4xx errors
Major UI update: components redesigned according to new visual style guidelines. Enhanced global contact and item search functionality.
Optimized audio channels for calls: fixed sound issues occurring when Linphone audio channel loses focus.
Implemented new native media picker for image selection.
Switched to Roboto font globally across the app.
Various improvements and bug fixes.
1. Redesigned Credits Purchase Experience
- Modern, sleek interface
- Enhanced functionality
- Improved user flow
2. UI Enhancements
- Implemented new toggle switches
- Updated home screen icons
- Refreshed visual elements
3. General Improvements
- Various performance optimizations
- Bug fixes and stability improvements
- Enhanced overall user experience
With this new version, we updated our design to use your number more appealing. Also, we took this opportunity to improve our user experience and easy to use your Onoff number. Of course, as always, we also resolved some minor issues and made some improvements of the performance.
Bug fixes and improvements
Bug fixes and improvements
Bug fixes and improvements
Bug fixes and improvements
Dear Onoff users, as always we have been busy improving the App!
First, the contact section of your app has been optimized with a brand new design and better user experience than before.
We have also updated our software to maintain our call stability.
Finally, this new version of the app also contains the correction of some minor bugs and general performance improvements
21 февр. 2023 г.
8 февр. 2023 г.
18 янв. 2023 г.
This new release includes a new redesigned menu to make things even more easier with your Onoff number! On top of that, we also updated the design of our number settings and account settings menu.
The number selection has also been improved with a new design, yes we also think of the new Onoffers that will join us soon ;)
Of course as always, we have also fixed some minor bugs and improved overall performance.
17 нояб. 2022 г.
This new release includes a new redesigned menu to make things even more easier with your Onoff number! On top of that, we also updated the design of our number settings and account settings menu.
The number selection has also been improved with a new design, yes we also think of the new Onoffers that will join us soon ;)
Of course as always, we have also fixed some minor bugs and improved overall performance.
26 окт. 2022 г.
This new release includes a new redesigned menu to make things even more easier with your Onoff number! On top of that, we also updated the design of our number settings and account settings menu.
The number selection has also been improved with a new design, yes we also think of the new Onoffers that will join us soon ;)
Of course as always, we have also fixed some minor bugs and improved overall performance.
20 окт. 2022 г.
This new release includes a new redesigned menu to make things even more easier with your Onoff number! On top of that, we also updated the design of our number settings and account settings menu.
The number selection has also been improved with a new design, yes we also think of the new Onoffers that will join us soon ;)
Of course as always, we have also fixed some minor bugs and improved overall performance.
9 сент. 2022 г.
Now you can send SMS to multiple contacts at once! You can create a new message > select contacts that you want to send SMS > Send your messages. Also of course we made some minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
23 авг. 2022 г.
Now you can send SMS to multiple contacts at once! You can create a new message > select contacts that you want to send SMS > Send your messages. Also of course we made some minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
21 июл. 2022 г.
Now you can send SMS to multiple contacts at once! You can create a new message > select contacts that you want to send SMS > Send your messages. Also of course we made some minor bug fixes and performance improvements.
4 июл. 2022 г.
We hope that you enjoy your second number :)
We improved the stability of incoming calls
Some technical changes were made for Android 12 OS versions
Contact syncing is now way faster!
Of course we have also corrected some minor bugs to deliver the best experience possible to you :)
27 апр. 2022 г.
We hope that you enjoy your second number :)
We improved the stability of incoming calls
Some technical changes were made for Android 12 OS versions
Contact syncing is now way faster!
Of course we have also corrected some minor bugs to deliver the best experience possible to you :)
12 апреля 2022 г.
From now on, you will be able to use Onoff in the dark theme too.
We improved our inclusivity for Bluetooth devices. Also now it’s easier to switch between your Bluetooth headphones, speaker, or phone during the call.
Of course, as always we also fixed some minor bugs and improved the performance
23 февраля 2022 г.
From now on, you will be able to use Onoff in the dark theme too.
We improved our inclusivity for Bluetooth devices. Also now it’s easier to switch between your Bluetooth headphones, speaker, or phone during the call.
Of course, as always we also fixed some minor bugs and improved the performance
24 ноября 2021 г.
In this version, we made some technical improvements for the security & privacy of our Onoff.

Способы взлома Onoff

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