Calorie Counter by Cronometer Mod Apk

Calorie Counter by Cronometer Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: Cronometer Software Inc.
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Хронометр – это больше, чем счетчик калорий. Cronometer — это мощное приложение для отслеживания здоровья, фитнеса и питания, которое дает вам персонализированную информацию о вашем рационе, физических упражнениях и потреблении питательных веществ, чтобы вы могли принимать более обоснованные решения о своем здоровье.

С Cronometer, лучшим приложением для здоровья и питания, вы получаете фитнес-трекер, счетчик калорий, макро- и микроэлементов, планировщик диеты и тренера по питанию — все в одном месте.

Доступ к более чем 1,1 миллиону проверенных продуктов питания гарантирует простоту регистрации ваших приемов пищи; с подробными данными о калориях, витаминах и минералах, которые вы потребляете.

Пытаетесь ли вы похудеть, нарастить мышечную массу или просто улучшить общее состояние здоровья, Cronometer — идеальный инструмент для отслеживания ваших целей в области питания и фитнеса.

Что вы получаете с приложением:
- Трекер питания, калорий и макросов
- Бесплатный сканер штрих-кода
- Большая проверенная база данных продуктов питания
- Интеграция фитнес-устройств
- Водный трекер
- Трекер сна
- Группы дневников
- Планировщик макросов

- Отслеживайте любую диету
Хронометр создан для ВАС. Это трекер калорий и макросов, который предпочитают многие специалисты в области здравоохранения; доверяют врачи, диетологи и тренеры.

Управляйте своим рационом и легко отслеживайте свое питание с помощью нашего приложения:
Записывайте свои приемы пищи и узнавайте, какие из 84 основных витаминов и минералов вы получаете больше, а какие меньше всего, что поможет вам придерживаться более сбалансированной диеты.

Достигните и поддерживайте желаемый вес:
Контролируйте потребление пищи с помощью подробного журнала приема пищи, проверенной информации о питании и встроенного мастера целевых показателей питания, чтобы держать себя под контролем и достигать своих целей по здоровью или снижению веса.

Бесплатный сканер штрих-кодов:
Быстро сканируйте штрих-коды с помощью нашего бесплатного сканера, чтобы мгновенно получить высокоточную информацию о пищевой ценности. Легко отслеживайте свое питание и будьте в курсе своих целей в области здоровья.

Большая база данных продуктов питания:
Получите доступ к обширной базе данных продуктов питания, содержащей 1,1 миллиона записей, предоставляющей точную информацию о питании по 84 макро- и микроэлементам. База данных состоит из записей, проанализированных в лаборатории и проверенных квалифицированными экспертами. Наша база данных гарантирует, что вы можете уверенно отслеживать свое потребление для получения наиболее точных результатов.

Получите целостное представление о своем здоровье:
Синхронизируйте Cronometer с популярными устройствами для отслеживания фитнеса и отслеживайте все свои биометрические данные: от болевых симптомов до состояния кишечника, уровня сахара в крови и многого другого. Cronometer интегрируется с Fitbit, Apple Watch, Samsung, Whoop, Withing, Oura, Qardio, Keto Mojo, Garmin, Dexcom и многими другими.

Отслеживание воды:
Следите за уровнем гидратации с помощью нашего трекера воды. Регистрируйте ежедневное потребление, устанавливайте цели и отслеживайте прогресс, чтобы поддержать свой путь к гидратации и снижению веса.

Улучшенное отслеживание сна:
Импортируйте данные о сне с различных устройств и получайте доступ к показателям сна в дневнике, информационной панели и диаграммах. Анализируйте продолжительность сна, стадии, восстановление и корреляцию с питанием, например влияние алкоголя или кофеина.

Хронометр на Wear OS
Отслеживайте калории, потребление воды и макросы прямо с часов.

Получите более глубокие знания с помощью Cronometer Gold: наслаждайтесь работой без рекламы и воспользуйтесь расширенными функциями, которые улучшают отслеживание калорий и питания. С Gold вы можете легко управлять своим голоданием с помощью таймера голодания, легко импортировать рецепты с ваших любимых сайтов и оптимизировать свое питание с помощью планировщика макросов. Кроме того, отслеживайте свой прогресс с течением времени с помощью отметок времени и создавайте подробные пользовательские диаграммы.

Являетесь ли вы энтузиастом фитнеса или просто хотите улучшить свое общее состояние здоровья, Cronometer — идеальный инструмент для отслеживания калорий, еды, питания и целей в фитнесе. Загрузите приложение сегодня, чтобы начать свой образ жизни, отслеживающий питание!

Подписываясь, вы подтверждаете свое согласие со следующим:
Условия использования:
Политика конфиденциальности

История обновлений

For this release, users can now customize the diary + menu. Toggle off diary + menu options or drag and drop diary entry categories within the menu.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, users can now customize the diary + menu. Toggle off diary + menu options or drag and drop diary entry categories within the menu.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, we are thrilled to announce that users can now add snapshots to track and view their progress over time! We have also fixed a few bugs impacting some users.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
We are super excited for this release! Two new features will make tracking and logging even quicker and easier for our users.

Custom Meals - Bundle foods, recipes, supplements and beverages saving you time while logging things you consume together.

Set Repeat Items (Gold feature) - Schedule foods, meals or recipes to repeat at specified times on selected days of the week.

We also fixed the GoogleFit bug impacting some users.
For this release, we have fixed some bugs including the Wear OS bugs affecting some users. We have also given users the option to sort their diary entries by time and created a Custom Chart edit button for easier navigation and customization.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, we have fixed a couple of bugs affecting some users.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
In this release, beyond the usual bug fixes, we have upgraded our API with Oura. Oura users will now now have access to HRV during sleep, respiration rate, readiness score. body temperature deviation and more.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, we have fixed a couple of bugs affecting some users.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, we have updated our Garmin API and fixed a few bugs. Garmin users will now be able to import blood pressure and track respiration rate, heart rate variability, and oxygen saturation (SP02) as time series data.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, we fixed a few pesky bugs affecting some users.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, we've simplified the flow for creating recipe serving sizes.

We have also made some changes behind the scenes and fixed a few bugs affecting some users.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
Our users have spoken and we have listened! We are excited to announce that our Fasting Feature has been revamped!
Gold users will now have access to an improved Fasting UI, improved usability with greater customization for their fasting needs. This includes; the ability to see elapsed or remaining time for their fast, more scheduling options for fasts, the ability to bulk delete historic fasts, and much more!
6 мар. 2023 г.
For this release, we have made some design & usability updates to the Foods & Home tabs for an improved user experience.
We have also fixed a few bugs effecting some users.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
9 февр. 2023 г.
Today, we are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with WHOOP. This release offers a seamless integration of WHOOP exercise, sleep cycle and recovery data directly into your Cronometer account.
We couldn’t be happier to integrate their data into our app!
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
25 янв. 2023 г.
Users will now have access to more nutrition data for branded products with our better alternative data solution. We will now automatically complete nutrient profiles for many branded foods with lab analyzed data where applicable. We have also fixed a number of small bugs and have made some design updates.
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
18 янв. 2023 г.
Users will now have access to more nutrition data for branded products with our better alternative data solution. We will now automatically complete nutrient profiles for many branded foods with lab analyzed data where applicable. We have also fixed a number of small bugs and have made some design updates.
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
11 янв. 2023 г.
Happy New Year!
We are very excited to announce our first release of 2023. Users will now have access to more nutrition data for branded products with our better alternative data solution. We will now automatically complete nutrient profiles for many branded foods with lab analyzed data where applicable. We have also fixed a number of small bugs and have made some design updates.
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, we have fixed the bugs impacting charts, made some UI updates and reduced the haptic feedback.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
We are excited to announce the launch of our biggest design update ever. Today we are launching a new & improved Cronometer!
In this release you will discover our redesigned brand identity including a new logo and icon, colours, fonts and an overall refreshed user interface across the app.
You’ll also find the new customizable Home Dashboard, where you can now access the Fasting Widget along with Charts and Nutrition Report, previously accessed from the Trends tab.
For this release we have fixed a bug impacting the restore subscription functionality and optimized flow to streamline in-app subscriptions.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
Nothing major to report this week. Working on things behind the scenes here at Cronometer.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release we improved app loading speed for users with a lot of fasting history.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
Nothing major to report this week. Working on things behind the scenes here at Cronometer.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release we’ve fixed a bug causing reordering issues with copy and paste.
5 авг. 2022 г.
For this release we have made some small updates to the search functionality for an improved user experience, as well as some bug fixes.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release we have fixed a few bugs affecting some users.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release we have fixed a few bugs affecting some users.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
Fixes a recently introduced bug preventing syncing with Google Fit
Fixes a bug where the selected food search sort order kept resetting
Fixes a regression that degraded app loading times
Fixes a bug that prevented signing up on devices with smaller screens
16 мая 2022 г.
We are thrilled to announce these great new features in this release:
- We have added a new feature to our charts that gives users the ability to click on a heart rate or blood glucose reading in their diary to view continuous readings along with a detailed breakdown of that biometric over time.
- We’ve introduced a newsfeed area into the app where users can find information on recent app updates, tips & tricks, nutrition info & more.
5 мая 2022 г.
Bug Fixes!
7 апреля 2022 г.
- The calendar view now provides options to display what you have logged on a particular day
- Improved differentiation between a missing nutrient value and nutrients with zero value
- Our date format has been updated
- We have added a new Plant-Based Nutrition Score which highlights nutrients that may need some extra attention on a plant-based diet
- The Keto Nutrition Score includes suggestions for how users can improve their score
28 марта 2022 г.
-We updated our Food Search to improve performance and address some user requests for better sorting of results.
-Settings page has been redesigned to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.
-In the spirit of making the app easier to use we’ve added Home Screen quick actions to the app icon.
-Improved our Activity Level settings to ensure you’re not double counting calories burned when you have an activity level set and are importing burned calories from a device.
Зависит от устройства
3 ноября 2021 г.
For this latest release, we are excited to announce the highly anticipated Target Scheduler is now available! This new feature allows you to set target templates for each day of the week.
We have also fixed the following bugs:
- Recipe Importer updates
- Barcode Scanner flow issues
If you love our app, please leave us a review or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer

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