Fastic AI Food Calorie Tracker Mod Apk

Fastic AI Food Calorie Tracker Взлом - Mod Apk 1.200.0

Разработчик: Fastic GmbH
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Откройте для себя путь к снижению веса с помощью Fastic the Fastic AI Food Tracker, приложения, которое подбирает питание в соответствии с ВАШИМ образом жизни и целями. Достигайте своей цели по весу естественным и устойчивым образом с помощью Fastic, органично вписываясь в вашу повседневную жизнь. Хотите ли вы похудеть, сохранить его или просто вести более здоровый образ жизни, Fastic всегда рядом, чтобы поддержать вас.


✔ ТРЕКЕР ЕДА И КАЛОРИЙ: легко записывайте приемы пищи, закуски и напитки, чтобы отслеживать потребление калорий и поддерживать цели по снижению веса. Отслеживайте свои макросы и получайте представление о своих привычках питания.

✔ СКАНЕР БЫСТРОГО ПИТАНИЯ: мгновенно записывайте приемы пищи и мгновенно получайте подробную информацию о пищевой ценности, чтобы принимать обоснованные решения. Поймите влияние каждого приема пищи на ваши цели.

✔ СКАНЕР РЕСТОРАННОГО МЕНЮ: Едите вне дома? Сфотографируйте любое меню, и наш ИИ предложит блюда, соответствующие вашим диетическим предпочтениям, например, с низким содержанием углеводов, веганские или с высоким содержанием белка.

✔ ПЕРСОНАЛИЗИРОВАННЫЙ БЫСТРЫЙ ОЦЕН: отслеживайте свои успехи в питании, активности, гидратации, сне и многом другом. Получайте персонализированную информацию с учетом вашего образа жизни, которая поможет вам не сбиться с пути.

✔ ПОМОЩЬ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ ИИ: Есть вопросы? Наш чат-бот с искусственным интеллектом Fasty всегда готов предоставить вам полезные советы, мгновенные ответы и рекомендации.

✔ ПЕРИОДИЧЕСКОЕ ГОЛОДАНИЕ. Поддержите свое здоровье, выбирая правильное время приема пищи. Fastic помогает вам делать регулярные перерывы между приемами пищи, поддерживая естественные ритмы вашего тела.

✔ ОТСЛЕЖИВАНИЕ СВОЕГО ПУТЕШЕСТВИЯ: Визуализируйте, как ваше тело реагирует на голодание, в режиме реального времени. Понимайте ключевые фазы, такие как кетоз и сжигание жира, чтобы сохранять мотивацию.

Разблокируйте еще больше инструментов и поддержки с помощью FASTIC PLUS:

• КНИГА РЕЦЕПТОВ: откройте для себя множество рецептов, соответствующих вашим диетическим предпочтениям: от блюд с низким содержанием углеводов до вкусных, богатых питательными веществами блюд, которые удовлетворят вашу тягу, не мешая вашему прогрессу.

• РАСШИРЕННЫЙ СКАНЕР ЕДА И МЕНЮ: доступ к расширенным инструментам сканирования для получения более подробной информации о питании, благодаря чему вам будет проще, чем когда-либо, оставаться на правильном пути, даже когда обедаете вне дома.

• СОБСТВЕННАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ: узнайте больше о питании, голодании и здоровых привычках с помощью образовательных ресурсов, которые дадут вам возможность контролировать свое здоровье.

• ЗАДАЧИ: сохраняйте мотивацию, выполняя веселые, целенаправленные задачи, призванные помочь вам выработать устойчивые привычки и достичь целей по снижению веса.

• ДРУЗЬЯ: общайтесь с друзьями, делитесь своими успехами и находите дополнительную мотивацию, необходимую для продолжения пути.

• ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ: отслеживайте свой прогресс с помощью персонализированных данных и расширенной аналитики, которые помогут вам усовершенствовать свой подход и быстрее достичь своих целей.


• Обеспечивать стабильный уровень энергии
• Избегайте беспорядочных диет и выработайте устойчивые привычки.
• Совместимость с различными диетическими предпочтениями, такими как кето, палео, веганство и т. д.
• Интегрируется с вашими фитнес-программами, от кардио до силовых тренировок.
• Включает счетчик шагов и трекер воды.
• Постоянно обновляемое приложение.
• Синхронизируется с приложением Google Fit.

Начните свой путь к снижению веса с Fastic, где ваше благополучие является нашим приоритетом. Присоединяйтесь к миллионам пользователей, которые доверяют Fastic, чтобы помочь им достичь своих целей в области здоровья и жить лучше с каждым днем.



Fastic Plus: получите полный доступ ко всем функциям и вашему индивидуальному плану, включая руководство по питанию в приложении Fastic Health, совершив покупку в приложении.

• Оплата происходит при подтверждении покупки через вашу учетную запись App Store.
• Членство Plus автоматически продлевается, если вы не отключите его по крайней мере за 24 часа до истечения срока действия.
• С вашего счета будет снята плата в течение 24 часов до истечения срока действия членства Plus для продления.
• Вы можете управлять своим премиум-членством в настройках своего профиля и включать или отключать автоматическое продление.
• Текущее членство Plus не может быть отменено в середине срока.
• Персональная информация обрабатывается в соответствии с политикой конфиденциальности Fast.

Условия использования:
Политика конфиденциальности:

История обновлений

Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
15 мар. 2023 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
7 мар. 2023 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
27 февр. 2023 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
13 февр. 2023 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
1 февр. 2023 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
24 янв. 2023 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
16 янв. 2023 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
9 янв. 2023 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
22 дек. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
7 дек. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
30 нояб. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
22 нояб. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
15 нояб. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
24 окт. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
6 окт. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
29 сент. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
21 сент. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
1 сент. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
22 авг. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
12 июл. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
6 июл. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
15 июн. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
1 июн. 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
2 мая 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
13 апреля 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
13 апреля 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
1 апреля 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and small design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
9 марта 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and small design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
17 января 2022 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and small design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
22 декабря 2021 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
8 декабря 2021 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixing and small design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
1 декабря 2021 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixing and small design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
19 ноября 2021 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixing and small design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
8 ноября 2021 г.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.

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