Fastic AI Food Calorie Tracker Mod Apk

Fastic AI Food Calorie Tracker ハック - Mod Apk 1.200.0

開発者: Fastic GmbH
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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あなたのライフスタイルや目標に合わせて栄養を調整するアプリ、Fastic the Fastic AI Food Tracker を使って、減量の旅を解き放ちましょう。日常生活にシームレスに溶け込む Fastic を使用して、自然かつ持続的に体重目標を達成しましょう。体重を減らしたい、体重を維持したい、あるいは単に健康的に暮らしたいと考えている場合でも、Fastic はあなたをサポートします。

🎉 主な機能

✔ 食事とカロリートラッカー: 食事、スナック、飲み物を簡単に記録して、カロリー摂取量を監視し、減量目標をサポートします。マクロを追跡し、食生活についての洞察を得ることができます。

✔ 高速食品スキャナー: 食事を簡単にキャプチャし、詳細な栄養情報に即座にアクセスして、情報に基づいた意思決定を行います。各食事が目標に与える影響を理解します。

✔ レストランメニュースキャナー: 外食しますか?メニューの写真を撮ると、AI が低炭水化物、ビーガン、高タンパク質などの食事の好みに合った料理を提案します。

✔ パーソナライズされた高速スコア: 栄養、アクティビティ、水分補給、睡眠などの進捗状況を追跡します。あなたのライフスタイルに基づいてパーソナライズされた洞察を取得して、順調に進んでください。

✔ AI を活用したアシスタンス: ご質問がありますか?当社の AI チャットボット Fasty は、即時の回答と推奨事項を備えた役立つガイダンスを提供します。

✔ 断続的な断食: 戦略的な食事のタイミングで健康をサポートします。ファスティックは、食事の間に定期的な休憩を取り入れ、体の自然なリズムを促進するのに役立ちます。

✔ 旅の追跡: 断食に対する身体の反応をリアルタイムで視覚化します。モチベーションを維持するために、ケトーシスや脂肪燃焼などの重要な段階を理解します。

🥇 ファストプラス: 4 倍早く目標を達成
FASTIC PLUS を使用すると、さらに多くのツールとサポートを利用できるようになります。

• レシピブック: 低炭水化物の食事から、進歩を妨げずに食欲を満たすおいしい栄養豊富な料理まで、あなたの食事の好みに合ったさまざまなレシピを見つけてください。

• 高度なフード & メニュー スキャナー: 強化されたスキャン ツールにアクセスしてより詳細な栄養情報を取得できるため、外食の場合でも、これまで以上に簡単に計画を立てることができます。

• 社内アカデミー: 自分の健康を管理できるようにするための教育リソースで、栄養、断食、健康的な習慣について詳しく学びます。

• チャレンジ: 持続可能な習慣を築き、減量目標を達成できるように設計された、楽しい目標指向のチャレンジでモチベーションを維持しましょう。

• 仲間: 友達とつながり、進捗状況を共有し、旅に専念し続けるために必要なさらなるモチベーションを見つけます。

• 独自の洞察: パーソナライズされたデータと高度な分析で進捗状況を監視し、アプローチを改良して目標をより早く達成するのに役立ちます。

🚀 なぜ速いのか?

• 安定したエネルギーレベルを促進する
• ヨーヨーダイエットを避け、持続可能な習慣を築きましょう。
• ケト、パレオ、ビーガンなどのさまざまな食事の好みに対応
• 有酸素運動から筋力トレーニングまで、フィットネスルーチンと統合
• 歩数カウンター、水トラッカーが含まれています
• 継続的に更新されるアプリ
• Google Fit アプリと同期

あなたの健康が私たちの最優先事項である Fastic で減量の旅を始めましょう。 Fastic を信頼して健康上の目標を達成し、より良い毎日を過ごせるよう支援する何百万人ものユーザーに加わりましょう。



Fastic Plus: アプリ内購入により、Fastic Health アプリの栄養ガイドなど、すべての機能とパーソナライズされたプランに完全にアクセスできます。

• 支払いは、App Store アカウントを通じて購入確認時に行われます。
• Plus メンバーシップは、有効期限が切れる少なくとも 24 時間前に無効にしない限り、自動更新されます
• 更新のため、Plus メンバーシップの有効期限が切れる 24 時間以内にアカウントに請求されます。
• プロファイル設定でプレミアム メンバーシップを管理し、自動更新をオンまたはオフにできます。
• 現在の Plus メンバーシップを途中でキャンセルすることはできません
• 個人情報は、Fastic プライバシー ポリシーに従って処理されます。



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Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
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Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.
Hello Fastic Family!
In this release, we have made some bug fixes and minor design tweaks here and there to ensure your experience feels smooth and consistent.
We’re happy to have you part of our Fastic family. Wishing you happiness and success.

ハッキング方法 Fastic AI Food Calorie Tracker

ダウンロード Fastic AI Food Calorie Tracker MOD APK 1.200.0

ダウンロード MOD APK


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