Calorie Counter by Cronometer Mod Apk

Calorie Counter by Cronometer ハック - Mod Apk

開発者: Cronometer Software Inc.
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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クロノメーターは単なるカロリーカウンターではありません。 Cronometer は、健康、フィットネス、栄養を追跡する強力なアプリで、食事、運動、栄養摂取データに関するパーソナライズされた洞察を提供し、健康についてより多くの情報に基づいた決定を下すことができます。

トップの健康栄養アプリであるクロノメーターを使用すると、フィットネス トラッカー、カロリー、マクロ栄養素、微量栄養素カウンター、ダイエット プランナー、栄養コーチをすべて 1 か所で利用できます。

110 万を超える検証済みの食品にアクセスできるため、食事の記録が簡単になります。摂取したカロリー、ビタミン、ミネラルに関する詳細なデータが表示されます。

体重を減らしたり、筋肉を増強したり、単に全体的な健康状態を改善しようとしている場合でも、Cronometer は栄養とフィットネスの目標を追跡するのに最適なツールです。

- 栄養、カロリー、マクロトラッカー
- 無料のバーコードスキャナー
- 大規模な検証済みの食品データベース
- フィットネスデバイスの統合
- 水分追跡装置
- 睡眠トラッカー
- 日記グループ
- マクロスケジューラ

- あらゆるダイエッ​​トを追跡
クロノメーターはあなたのために設計されました。これは、多くの医療専門家に選ばれているカロリーおよびマクロ トラッカーです。医師、栄養士、トレーナーからも信頼されています。

食事を記録し、84 種類の必須ビタミンとミネラルのうちどれを最も多く摂取しているか、どれが最も不足しているかを確認し、よりバランスの取れた食事を摂るようにしましょう。


無料のバーコード スキャナ:

110 万項目を含む膨大な食品データベースにアクセスして、84 のマクロ栄養素と微量栄養素にわたる正確な栄養情報を提供します。データベースは、資格のある専門家によって精査されたラボ分析されたエントリで構成されています。当社のデータベースにより、最も正確な結果を得るために摂取量を自信を持って追跡できることが保証されます。

クロノメーターを人気のフィットネス追跡デバイスと同期し、痛みの症状から腸の健康状態、血糖値などに至るまで、あらゆる生体認証を追跡します。 Cronometer は、Fitbit、Apple Watch、Samsung、Whoop、Withing、Oura、Qardio、Keto Mojo、Garmin、Dexcom などと統合されています。



Wear OS のクロノメーター

Cronometer Gold でより深い洞察を解き放つ: 広告なしのエクスペリエンスを楽しみ、カロリーと栄養の追跡を向上させる高度な機能を活用してください。 Gold を使用すると、断食タイマーを使用して断食を簡単に管理し、お気に入りのサイトからレシピをシームレスにインポートし、マクロ スケジューラで栄養を最適化することができます。さらに、タイムスタンプを使用して時間の経過とともに進捗状況を追跡し、詳細なカスタムチャートを作成します。

あなたがフィットネス愛好家であっても、単に全体的な健康状態の改善を目指しているだけであっても、Cronometer はカロリー、食事、栄養、フィットネスの目標を追跡するのに最適なツールです。今すぐアプリをダウンロードして、栄養追跡ライフスタイルを始めましょう!



Fixes Wear OS texts overlapping on Samsung watches when a large font size is selected in your app.
For this release, users can now customize the diary + menu. Toggle off diary + menu options or drag and drop diary entry categories within the menu.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
We are super excited for this release! These Two new features will make tracking and logging even quicker and easier for our users.

Custom Meals - Bundle foods, recipes, supplements and beverages into one item – saving you time while logging things you consume together every day.

Set Repeat Items (Gold feature) - Schedule foods, meals or recipes to repeat at specified times on selected days of the week.

We also fixed the GoogleFit bug impacting some users.
We are super excited for this release! These Two new features will make tracking and logging even quicker and easier for our users.

Custom Meals - Bundle foods, recipes, supplements and beverages into one item – saving you time while logging things you consume together every day.

Set Repeat Items (Gold feature) - Schedule foods, meals or recipes to repeat at specified times on selected days of the week.

We also fixed the GoogleFit bug impacting some users.
For this release, we have fixed some bugs including the Wear OS bugs affecting some users. We have also given users the option to sort their diary entries by time and created a Custom Chart edit button for easier navigation and customization.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, we have fixed a couple of bugs affecting some users.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, we have fixed a couple of bugs affecting some users.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, users can now import sleep cycle data from Withings & FitBit. We have also fixed a few bugs affecting some users.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!

Team Cronometer
For this release, we fixed a few pesky bugs affecting some users.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release, we've simplified the flow for creating recipe serving sizes.
We have also made some changes behind the scenes and fixed a few bugs affecting some users.

If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].

Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
Our users have spoken and we have listened! We are excited to announce that our Fasting Feature has been revamped!
Gold users will now have access to an improved Fasting UI, improved usability with greater customization for their fasting needs. This includes; the ability to see elapsed or remaining time for their fast, more scheduling options for fasts, the ability to bulk delete historic fasts, and much more!
Today, we are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with WHOOP. This release offers a seamless integration of WHOOP exercise, sleep cycle and recovery data directly into your Cronometer account.
We couldn’t be happier to integrate their data into our app!
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
We are excited to announce the launch of our biggest design update ever. Today we are launching a new & improved Cronometer!
In this release you will discover our redesigned brand identity including a new logo and icon, colours, fonts and an overall refreshed user interface across the app.
You’ll also find the new customizable Home Dashboard, where you can now access the Fasting Widget along with Charts and Nutrition Report, previously accessed from the Trends tab.
We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Cronometer now integrates with Dexcom! In this latest version, users residing in the U.S.A. will be able to import Dexcom continuous glucose and self-reported insulin data into their Cronometer accounts. We hope that this integration will help the lives of many people living with diabetes across the United States.
For this release we have fixed a bug impacting the restore subscription functionality and optimized flow to streamline in-app subscriptions.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release we improved app loading speed for users with a lot of fasting history.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
For this release we’ve fixed a bug causing reordering issues with copy and paste.
For this release we have fixed a few bugs affecting some users.
If you love our app, please leave us a review (we read them all!) or, if you have feedback on how we can help you better, please contact [email protected].
Happy tracking!
Team Cronometer
Fixes a recently introduced bug preventing syncing with Google Fit
Fixes a bug where the selected food search sort order kept resetting
Fixes a regression that degraded app loading times
Fixes a bug that prevented signing up on devices with smaller screens

ハッキング方法 Calorie Counter by Cronometer

ダウンロード Calorie Counter by Cronometer MOD APK

ダウンロード MOD APK


3.7 点満点中 5
4.05万 件のレビュー