Evolve: Self-Care & Meditation Mod Apk

Evolve: Self-Care & Meditation ハック - Mod Apk 2.2.11

開発者: Evolve - Meditation made joyful
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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🧘‍♀️ Evolve でストレスを軽減し、よく眠り、集中力を高め、より幸せになりましょう!
Evolve は、リラックスし、ストレスを解消し、心の平安を見つけるために設計された瞑想 🪷 およびセルフケア アプリです。さまざまなガイド付き瞑想、呼吸法、マインドフルネスの実践を利用して、自分にとって最適な実践を選択して、毎日のルーチンをカスタマイズできます。

— ティク・ナット・ハン、平和であること

🌞 無料のマインドフルネスルーチン
メンタルヘルスのための毎日のセルフケア ルーチンを独自に作成できるようになりました。 100 を超えるガイド付き瞑想、呼吸法、睡眠オーディオ、アファメーション、日記のプロンプトからお選びください。

✍🏻 日記: 感謝の気持ちと毎日の日記のプロンプト
精神的および感情的な健康を改善するために、毎日日記を書く習慣をつけましょう。感謝の気持ちを日記に書くことは、人生に対してより前向きな見方を養うのに役立ちます。メンタルヘルスの専門家やライフ コーチによって毎日追加される新しいプロンプトは、内省して自己認識を高めるのに役立ちます。

😴 睡眠の質を改善する

🧘 ストレスと不安を軽減する瞑想

👩🏻‍💻 集中力と集中力を向上させる


🌻 気分と健康を改善し、自己認識とマインドフルネスを育むためのセラピー
メンタルヘルスをコントロールして、今日から気分を良くしましょう。科学的に証明された認知行動療法 (CBT)、マインドフルネスおよび弁証法的行動療法 (DBT) の技術によって設計されたセルフケア ツールは、自分でメンタルヘルスを管理するのに役立ちます。

🌈 私たちは最も包括的なアプリです
Evolve は、LGBTQIA コミュニティに安全な場所を提供する包括的なメンタルヘルス アプリで、自分の性同一性とセクシュアリティを探求し、受け入れるのに役立ちます。私たちはLGBTQIAの個人が同性愛嫌悪、マイクロアグレッションなどに対処するための特別な瞑想を提供しています。自分の性別と性的アイデンティティを探ります。あなたの愛する人たちのところに出かけてください。同性愛嫌悪に対処しましょう。誇りを持って自分のセクシュアリティを乗り越え、自分自身を受け入れてください。

Evolve セルフケア & 瞑想アプリは無料でダウンロードできます。一部のコンテンツは、オプションの有料サブスクリプションを通じてのみ利用できます。定期購入を選択した場合、購入の確認時に Google アカウントに支払いが請求されます。


In this version, we've fixed some bugs and issues that were slowing down the app in places.

We wish you the very best in 2025 :)
Minor Bug Fixes
Bug/Crash Fixes for Android latest versions
Feature Improvements
Keep Evolving !!
In this version, we've upgraded our 'chat with an expert' feature and you can now chat with a mental health expert directly within the app.

We've also fixed some bugs and issues that were slowing down the app in places.

If you're still reading this keep evolving, have a lovely day :)
We've launched dark mode on Evolve! Update your app and experience the new color palette for dark mode (it syncs with your phone settings).

Have a lovely day :)
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've fixed some critical bugs and enhanced the design and performance.

Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've fixed some critical bugs and enhanced the design and performance.

Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've fixed some critical bugs and enhanced the design and performance.

Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've fixed some critical bugs and enhanced the design and performance.

Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've fixed some critical bugs and enhanced the design and performance.

Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've fixed some critical bugs and enhanced the design and performance.

Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've fixed some critical bugs and enhanced the design and performance.

Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've fixed some critical bugs and enhanced the design and performance.

Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've released our newest feature - Live events and support groups!

Evolve will now feature live meditation rooms, weekly support groups on mental health and much more :)

And we've also fixed some critical bugs and enhanced the design and performance.

Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've released our newest feature - Live events and support groups!

Evolve will now feature live meditation rooms, weekly support groups on mental health and much more :)

And we've also fixed some critical bugs and enhanced the design and performance.

Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've released our newest feature - Live events and support groups!

Evolve will now feature live meditation rooms, weekly support groups on mental health and much more :)

We've also fixed some critical bugs and enhanced performance. Update your app and keep evolving!
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've fixed some critical bugs and enhanced performance.

Update your app and keep evolving :)
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we've fixed some critical bugs and enhanced performance.

Update your app and keep evolving :)
Thank you for using Evolve! Here's what we have for you in this version 🙌🏼

- A new personalised experience for your daily self-care routine
- An improved communities section where you can get notifications and reply to other users

Update your app and keep evolving :)
Thank you for using Evolve! In this version, we have completely redesigned the home screen for you to build your perfect daily self-care routine 🙌🏼

Update your app and keep evolving :)
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- New exciting features in our communities section
- Interactive video content
- Minor bug fixes across the app
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- New exciting features in our communities section
- Easily find and view your journaling history
- Minor bug fixes across the app
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- Shared safe spaces and communities to share and learn from other users
- New content for and by the LGBTQIA+ community
- Bug fixes reported by our users
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- A new profile section that celebrates your identity
- New content for and by the LGBTQIA+ community
- Bug fixes reported by our users
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- A new layout making it easier for users to discover content
- Choose from multiple voices and narrators for our meditations
- Bug fixes reported by our users
- New content for and by the LGBTQIA+ community
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- Choose from multiple voices and narrators for our meditations
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- New content for the LGBTQIA+ community
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- Daily gratitude journaling
- A faster & smoother experience
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- New content for self-care
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- Daily gratitude journaling
- A faster & smoother experience
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- New content for self-care
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- A new & refreshed "Profile" section
- A faster & smoother experience
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- New content for self-care
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- A new & refreshed "Profile" section
- A faster & smoother experience
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- New content for self-care
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- More control to your data
- A faster & smoother experience
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- New content for self-care
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- A faster & smoother experience
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- New content for self-care
Thank you for using Evolve! Update your app and keep evolving 🙌🏼

Here’s what we have for you in our latest version to enhance your experience:

- A new journaling section for you to introspect daily
- Improved navigation and UI changes
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

ハッキング方法 Evolve: Self-Care & Meditation

ダウンロード Evolve: Self-Care & Meditation MOD APK 2.2.11

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1.58万 件のレビュー