VOS: メンタルヘルス、AI ジャーナル Mod Apk

VOS: メンタルヘルス、AI ジャーナル ハック - Mod Apk 3.32.1

開発者: VOS.health
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot VOS: メンタルヘルス、AI ジャーナル mod apkGame screenshot VOS: メンタルヘルス、AI ジャーナル hackGame screenshot VOS: メンタルヘルス、AI ジャーナル apk download


VOS をご紹介します。ストレスと健康を軽減するメンタルヘルスのパートナーです。ムードトラッカー、AI ジャーナル、瞑想や呼吸法など、さまざまなセルフケア機能を使って不安を解消します。世界中の 3+00 万人のユーザーに加わって、精神的な健康を手に入れましょう。🌱?

🌱? VOS は、あなたが自分の感情を理解し、よりよく眠り、心の平安を見つけることができるように、あなたのセルフセラピーの旅をガイドします。ポケット心理学者として機能する VOS は、科学に裏付けられた多くの CBT ツールを備えたユーザーフレンドリーで安全なスペースを提供し、ニーズに合わせてカスタマイズすることができます。どのように機能するのでしょうか?

‍💚? 最初にログインすると、VOS は、人生のどの側面を改善したいかを尋ねます。ストレスや不安のレベルを下げて、よく眠れるようになりませんか?もっとフィット感を高めませんか?より深く、より意味のある関係を築いていますか?精神的健康に関する一般的な質問に答え、日常生活のさまざまな側面を評価します。あなたの入力に基づいて、VOS は個人的な健康計画を作成します。

🌱? これでセルフケアプロセスを開始できます!VOS は毎日、パーソナライズされた一連のアクティビティにあなたを招待します。自己啓発のヒント、呼吸/瞑想エクササイズ、AI ジャーナリング、メモ帳の作成、感動的な引用、アファメーション、気分トラッカー、テスト、ブログ記事、チャレンジ、またはサウンドを組み合わせて入手できます。。これらはすべて、不安や不快な感情に対処するための自己療法計画に基づいています。

🧘? 特定の日にさらに一歩進んでメンタルヘルスのためにさらに取り組みたいと感じた場合は、ウェルビーイング ハブで VOS ツールキットを自分で探索できます。上記のアクティビティとは別に、応急処置キットにアクセスしたり、あなたの話を聞いてくれる心理学者につなぐメンタルアドバイザーとのオンラインセラピーチャットを利用したりできます。または、AI を活用したスマート ジャーナルに何かを書き留めることもできます。

📊? 毎日の小さな一歩が、時間の経過とともに大きな飛躍になります。VOS を使用すると、パーソナライズされた洞察を使用してメンタル バランスに向けた道筋を微調整できます。自分の気分チャートでは、時間の経過とともに気分がどのように変化するかを確認し、何が気分を落ち込ませ、何が気分を高揚させるかを確認できます。さらに、アプリを Google Fit に接続すると、身体活動がメンタルヘルス、ストレス、睡眠にどのような影響を与えるかを追跡できるようになります。

💚? 300 万人以上の幸せな VOS ユーザーが同意するように、VOS.Health は人々の精神的健康に変化をもたらします。

VOS を試す準備はできましたか?自分の心に優しくなる時が来ました!
🌱?今すぐ個人用 VOS プランを入手してください。


8 か国語で利用可能

🔎? VOS の更新に従ってください:
IG: @vos.health
Twitter: @vos.health
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/groups/vos.health

❤️ Google Fit の統合:
可能な限り最高の気分と雰囲気を提供できるようにするため、アクティビティの分析情報を利用して、VOS を Google Fit に接続できます。データはすべて暗号化され、アクティビティ、気分に関する洞察、賢い提案の分析にのみ使用されます。

📝? サブスクリプションの価格と条件:
最初の定期購入の購入を確認すると、Google Pay に接続されているクレジット カードに支払いが請求されます。現在のサブスクリプション期間が終了する少なくとも 24 時間前に自動更新をオフにしない限り、サブスクリプションは自動的に更新されます。現在の期間が終了する 24 時間以内にアカウントに更新料金が請求され、更新費用が特定されます。購入後にアカウント設定に移動すると、サブスクリプションを管理し、自動更新をオフにすることができます。

利用規約: https://vos.health/terms-conditions
プライバシーポリシー: https://vos.health/privacy-policy


Introducing VOS 3.32: Discover a smoother start with our new onboarding experience. We’re here to guide you every step of the way, making it easier than ever to begin your journey with VOS. Enjoy a seamless introduction tailored just for you.
As autumn approaches, VOS 3.17 unveils the 'comments' feature in the Community. Dive into deeper connections, share insights, and support each other on this well-being journey. Supporting and learning from one another is central to our vision, and this feature brings us all closer. With a few optimizations for smoother use, this update ensures your VOS experience is cozier than a fall evening. Let's grow together with VOS!
We're launching version 3.16, introducing new animated breathing exercises to further support your mental wellbeing journey. Prioritize your mental health, find calm amidst the chaos, and engage with our supportive community. Dive into these enhancements and continue nurturing your well-being with VOS. Your journey, our commitment.
Surf the summer self-care wave once more with VOS 3.15! Dive into 10 new meditations crafted to help you find your calm – whether you're mindful walking, settling down for sleep, or need that extra work focus. Don’t forget to log down how you feel about the hot August sun in your enhanced Mood Tracker. And to all the mums out there – enjoy the extra scoop of motherhood affirmations!
VOS 3.14 is here to enrich your Community experience! Your shared insights are a hit, like a buzzing beach party, so we've made the conversation more enjoyable. Now, you can revisit your posted thoughts in 'Answer History' and enjoy new interactive elements in the Community feed. Celebrate summer, togetherness, and you with VOS!
Summer is a time of connection, and so is VOS 3.13! Introducing 'VOS Community' - a daily sunbeam of an intriguing question you answer to see what others shared. Just as summer brings us together, let's gather 'round our VOS campfire and build bonds that warm your mental wellbeing. And, of course, we've ironed out any creases for your smoother, cooler VOS experience.
Here comes the sun, and with it, VOS 3.11! We've upgraded performance to make your overall VOS experience as inviting as a warm beach day. We've also made your first few minutes with VOS as smooth as a summer breeze, guiding you gently into the world of self-care and mindfulness. Dip your toes in, the VOS journey is sunnier than ever!
VOS is getting in a top shape before summer! It received various stability and performance upgrades as well as polishing of your favorite features to make your well-being journey more enjoyable.
The flowers are bursting with colors and so does the VOS app! It brings you more options to color it the way you wish. We've also polished a few spots here and there to make your spring self-care more enjoyable.
The flowers are bursting with colors and so does the VOS app! It brings you more options to color it the way you wish. We've also polished a few spots here and there to make your spring self-care more enjoyable.
During spring, things begin anew so VOS 3.8 brings you a fresh home screen! It's more interactive and easier to navigate through. On the very top, you'll see your plan for the day and if you feel like doing more for your mental health, you can simply explore the "Extra activities" tile. Below it, you can learn more about VOS and at the bottom, you'll get your daily affirmation.
VOS 3.6 is rolling out Beta AI in the form of a helpful writing companion for your Guided Journal! Once you're a couple of lines into your entry, the AI will offer follow-up questions to encourage your flow. You can also ask it to generate new Daily questions if you don't like the ones you get. Use the feature 'Compare answers' to see previous replies to the same question and track your self-care progress.
VOS 3.6 is rolling out Beta AI in the form of a helpful writing companion for your Guided Journal! Once you're a couple of lines into your entry, the AI will offer follow-up questions to encourage your flow. You can also ask it to generate new Daily questions if you don't like the ones you get. Use the feature 'Compare answers' to see previous replies to the same question and track your self-care progress.
Get ready to boost your mood with our latest app update! We’ve added some awesome new features to our journal notepad, spiced up the design, and improved the app’s stability to make your wellbeing journey even more enjoyable. Download the update now and get ready to feel amazing!
Introducing VOS Meditations – whether you're already a master or just curious if it might be the right thing for you, the new update VOS 3.3 has got you covered with the first set of six meditations with various goals and purposes.
VOS 3.2 will delight you with a new way of tracking your wellbeing journey. Come back every day, build streaks and watch your mind grow in the form of a tree. Use VOS regularly and collect water savers that will help you preserve your streak on days you need to skip VOS.
VOS 3.2 will delight you with a new way of tracking your wellbeing journey. Come back every day, build streaks and watch your mind grow in the form of a tree. Use VOS regularly and collect water savers that will help you preserve your streak on days you need to skip VOS.
Put your festive hats on, VOS 3.0 is here! Where do we begin? We've redesigned the look of your dashboard, where we split it into two neat tabs, one for your daily plan and one for the brand-new Wellbeing hub containing all VOS tools. We also pinned a header to the top – with your wellbeing index, favorites, and news for easy access. Another new feature is the Weekly round-up – every Monday, we'll show you recent trends in your mood, activity, sleep or mindful interaction with VOS. Enjoy!
VOS 2.17 is here, adding a new color theme – forest green! Try it on and see if you can catch the scent of pine trees.
Take a deep breath... VOS 2.15 just came out! This update gives you a wide range of new breathing exercises to choose from. Whether you need to get relief from stress, sharpen your focus for a meeting, or relax and get ready for bed, there's a technique for it. And they're all easy to learn. Browse them by category and save the ones you liked for later with the "heart" icon.
VOS 2.14 introduces a wide selection of new inspiring quotes & affirmations for any aspect of life. You can also get this food for thought served up on your phone's home screen by setting up a widget in 2 simple steps!
You'll notice what we did with VOS 2.13 right when you open the app – the home dashboard is now organized in cards, so it's much clearer and easier to navigate. It lists your wellbeing activities for the day, along with other VOS news you shouldn't miss out on.
VOS 2.12 brings a Calendar re-design that not only lets you view all your records in one place, but helps you find specific days faster. Compare your past & present self – your moods, related journal entries and activities – and see how you've grown.
This time around, we're upping our color theme game with dark mode! It's a carefully crafted palette of combinations that are nice on the eye & easy to read, and meet visual accessibility standards.
This time around, we're upping our color theme game with dark mode! It's a carefully crafted palette of combinations that are nice on the eye & easy to read, and meet visual accessibility standards.
If you’ve used VOS for a while, it won’t be hard to spot the news of VOS 2.10 at a glance. We’ve added a PLUS button to the bottom menu as a convenient Mood Tracker shortcut, but what’s more, you can also choose from several new animal avatars and customize them any way you want!

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