OuterSpatial: Get Outside Mod Apk

OuterSpatial: Get Outside ハック - Mod Apk 3.15.1

開発者: Trailhead Labs, Inc.
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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あなたのお気に入りのアウトドア アクティビティをすべて紹介するアウタースペースは、同じ志を持った他の冒険家や、あなたのお気に入りのアウトドアの場所を保護、管理する組織とあなたを結び付けます。

OutdoorSpatial を使用して、新しい場所を発見したり、トレイル中にナビゲートしたり、屋外で遊ぶのが好きな他の人と冒険を共有したりできます。 OutdoorSpatial では、厳選された記事、イベント、行き方、写真、地図、パンフレットなど、素晴らしい目的地に関する情報をすぐに入手できるようにすることで、外出を簡単にします。

# 特徴

- パートナー組織が管理するアウトドア レクリエーション情報の閲覧可能な最新ライブラリ。
- 屋外での使用(昼夜両方)向けに特別に設計された美しいマップ。
- 登山口、キャンプ場、その他の場所への交通機関、自転車、徒歩、車でのルート案内。
- 対面イベントおよび仮想イベントに関する情報。
- 現場の状況に関するリアルタイムの更新。
- 新しいエキサイティングな方法でアウトドアを体験する動機を与えるチャレンジ。
- お気に入りの組織に貢献したり、アウトドア体験を他の人と共有したりするのに役立つツール。

# コミュニティ

OutdoorSpatial には、カナダのアルバータ州など、米国のすべての州と準州のコミュニティが含まれています。さらに、以下のスポンサー付きコミュニティが現在利用可能です。

- ベンド: オレゴン州ベンド
- カリフォルニア州立公園: カリフォルニア全体
- デイケーション: オレゴン州ポートランド
- マーサズ ヴィニヤード: マサチューセッツ州
- 国立レクリエーション トレイル: アメリカ全土
- トレイル LA郡: カリフォルニア州ロサンゼルス郡

# パートナー組織


- アラスカ州立公園 (AK)
- ベンドパークおよびレクリエーション地区(オレゴン州)
- カリフォルニア州立公園 (CA)
- ブルーミントン市(インディアナ州)
- ファイブ リバーズ メトロパーク (オハイオ州)
- ロサンゼルス郡公園レクリエーション局 (CA)
- マイアミ郡公園地区 (オハイオ州)
- ミッドペニンシュラ地域オープンスペース地区 (CA)
- ネバダ州立公園 (NV)
- ノースダコタ パークス & レクリエーション (ND)
- オハイオ州天然資源局 (OH)
- ニューハンプシャー森林保護協会 (NH)
- サンフランシスコ クロスタウン トレイル (カリフォルニア州)
- ハワイ州土地天然資源局 (HI)
- 米国魚類野生生物局 (全米)
- ユタ州 (UT) を訪問
- ヨセミテ国立公園 (カリフォルニア州)

アウタースペースへの参加に興味がありますか? [email protected] までメールでお問い合わせください。あなたからの御一報をお待ちしています!


Fresh look! Redesigned the Social section, cards, and community library — plus performance improvements and bug fixes.

If you're loving OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes dark mode, typography updates, support for activity map styles, a new paper map toggle button, a rebuild of "Social" screens throughout the app to improve performance and stability, and a number of smaller updates and fixes.

If you're loving OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes a redesigned search interface, improvements to image loading, and other updates and fixes.

If you're loving your time with OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes the ability to search for a latitude/longitude, even when offline, and a prompt to switch communities when selecting a search result outside the current community. It also includes fixes to improve your app experience.

If you're loving your time with OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes a new community/organization "Events" screen, a new "Map Options" screen, and a number of updates and fixes to improve your app experience.

If you're loving your time with OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

If you're loving your time with OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes improvements to the Get Directions tool, updates to the trail screen to highlight accessibility and activity tags that only apply to a portion of the trail, and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes bug fixes to improve your experience using the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes bug fixes and performance improvements for the challenges feature.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes bug fixes and internal improvements to ensure your experience using OuterSpatial is as smooth as possible.
This release includes a new "Reserve Now" button for locations that are reservable. It also includes a number of minor enhancements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release renames "Bookmarks" to "Favorites", introduces a new "Favorites" screen, and adds the ability to favorite organizations.
This releases includes support for displaying posts from child trail and points of interest in the area social tab as well as support for routing to "destinations" within an area, which is especially useful for large areas that may have multiple entrances and/or destinations. As usual, it also includes a number of bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.
This release includes improvements to challenges and "Favorites". It also includes a number of bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.
This release includes a redesigned Me tab and adds a "Notification Settings" section to the Settings screen.
This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.

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