OuterSpatial: Get Outside Mod Apk

OuterSpatial: Get Outside Взлом - Mod Apk 3.15.1

Разработчик: Trailhead Labs, Inc.
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Путеводитель по всем вашим любимым занятиям на свежем воздухе, OuterSpatial связывает вас с другими искателями приключений-единомышленниками и организациями, которые защищают и управляют вашими любимыми местами на свежем воздухе.

Используйте OuterSpatial, чтобы открывать новые места, перемещаться по тропе и делиться своими приключениями с другими, кто любит играть на улице. OuterSpatial упрощает выход на улицу, предоставляя информацию об удивительных местах, включая тщательно подобранные статьи, события, направления, фотографии, карты и брошюры, прямо у вас под рукой.

# Функции

- Доступная для просмотра и актуальная библиотека информации об отдыхе на свежем воздухе, поддерживаемая нашими партнерскими организациями.
- Красивые карты, созданные специально для использования на открытом воздухе (как днем, так и ночью).
- Транзитные, велосипедные, пешеходные и автомобильные маршруты к тропам, палаточным лагерям и другим местам.
- Информация об очных и виртуальных мероприятиях.
- Обновления в режиме реального времени о ситуации на земле.
- Задачи, которые мотивируют вас исследовать природу новыми и захватывающими способами.
- Инструменты, которые помогут вам внести свой вклад в любимую организацию и поделиться своим опытом на свежем воздухе с другими.

# Сообщества

OuterSpatial включает сообщества для всех штатов и территорий США, включая Альберту в Канаде. Кроме того, в настоящее время доступны следующие спонсируемые сообщества:

- Бенд: Бенд, Орегон
- Парки штата Калифорния: по всей Калифорнии.
- День отдыха: Портленд, Орегон.
- Виноградник Марты: Массачусетс
- Национальные тропы отдыха: по всей территории США.
- Маршруты округа Лос-Анджелес: округ Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния.

# партнерских организаций

Мы сотрудничаем с сотнями лучших мировых парков и развлекательных организаций, в том числе:

- Государственные парки Аляски (АК)
- Парк и зона отдыха Бенд (Орегон)
- Парки штата Калифорния (Калифорния)
- Город Блумингтон (Индиана)
- Метропарк Файв-Риверс (Огайо)
- Департамент парков и отдыха округа Лос-Анджелес (Калифорния)
- Парк-район округа Майами (Огайо)
- Региональный район открытого пространства Среднего полуострова (Калифорния)
- Парки штата Невада (Невада)
- Парки и зоны отдыха Северной Дакоты (Северная Дакота)
- Департамент природных ресурсов штата Огайо (Огайо)
- Общество защиты лесов Нью-Гэмпшира (Нью-Хэмпшир)
- Тропа Сан-Франциско Кросстаун (Калифорния)
- Департамент земельных и природных ресурсов штата Гавайи (HI)
- Служба охраны рыбы и дикой природы США (по всей территории США)
- Посетите Юту (Юта)
- Йосемитский национальный парк (Калифорния)

Хотите присоединиться к OuterSpatial? Напишите нам письмо по адресу [email protected]. Мы хотели бы услышать от вас!

История обновлений

Fresh look! Redesigned the Social section, cards, and community library — plus performance improvements and bug fixes.

If you're loving OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes dark mode, typography updates, support for activity map styles, a new paper map toggle button, a rebuild of "Social" screens throughout the app to improve performance and stability, and a number of smaller updates and fixes.

If you're loving OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes a redesigned search interface, improvements to image loading, and other updates and fixes.

If you're loving your time with OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes the ability to search for a latitude/longitude, even when offline, and a prompt to switch communities when selecting a search result outside the current community. It also includes fixes to improve your app experience.

If you're loving your time with OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

If you're loving your time with OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes improvements to the Get Directions tool, updates to the trail screen to highlight accessibility and activity tags that only apply to a portion of the trail, and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes some clean up of the favorites screens, as well as some bug fixes to improve the stability of the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes bug fixes to improve the stability of the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release surfaces latitude/longitude on all location screens and what3words on point of interest screens. It also includes bug fixes and performance/stability enhancements to improve your app experience.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes some design improvements and bug fixes to improve your experience using the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes bug fixes to improve your experience using the app.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
1 мар. 2023 г.
This release includes bug fixes and performance improvements for the challenges feature.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
28 янв. 2023 г.
This release includes bug fixes and internal improvements to ensure your experience using OuterSpatial is as smooth as possible.
8 дек. 2022 г.
This release includes a new "Reserve Now" button for locations that are reservable. It also includes a number of minor enhancements and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
29 сент. 2022 г.
This release renames "Bookmarks" to "Favorites", introduces a new "Favorites" screen, and adds the ability to favorite organizations.
23 сент. 2022 г.
This release includes incremental improvements to improve the app's usability and stability.
25 авг. 2022 г.
This release includes improvements to challenges and "Favorites". It also includes a number of bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.
10 авг. 2022 г.
This version fixes a critical bug preventing a few features from working properly
7 июл. 2022 г.
This release includes a redesigned Me tab and adds a "Notification Settings" section to the Settings screen.
14 июн. 2022 г.
This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.
27 мая 2022 г.
This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.
19 мая 2022 г.
This release includes a new review dialog and a prompt that asks you to update the app when you're running an old version of it. It also includes some bug fixes.
6 апреля 2022 г.
This release fixes an issue with the "View Location" button in the challenge task detail screen.
24 января 2022 г.
This release fixes a bug causing some crashes when viewing Challenges.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected].
30 декабря 2021 г.
This release includes improvements to Challenges and feature check-ins.

If you're enjoying OuterSpatial, please give us a five-star rating. If you run into any issues or have questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected].
15 декабря 2021 г.
This release introduces passwordless user authentication, providing a more reliable experience and paving the way for greater visitor engagement. It also includes improvements to challenges.
19 ноября 2021 г.
This release adds a "Hawai'i Hunter Check-in" option to the main share button in the Hawai'i community. It also includes internal bug fixes and improvements.

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