Trails LA County Mod Apk

Trails LA County ハック - Mod Apk 2.15.1

開発者: Trailhead Labs, Inc.
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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砂漠から山へ、そして海へと続く、Trails LA Countyは、Los Angeles郡を横断する何百マイルもの公用の多目的トレイルへの公式トレイルガイドです。正確で更新されたトレイルマップを搭載した、Trails LA Countyは、あなたがトレイル上にいる場所を示し、あなたの旅に沿ってあなたをガイドします。
Trails LA Countyには、トレイルの地図、広域公園とオープンスペースの地図、外出先の整理、美しい写真、簡潔な説明、そして役立つ情報が含まれています。トレイルLA Countyは、あなたが正しい道を進んでいるという自信を持って、あなたが郡中で提供される美しいトレイルと多様な風景を楽しむのを助けます!

Trails LA Countyは、Los Angeles County Park and Recreationによって、アメリカ合衆国国立公園局、カリフォルニア州立公園、Mountains Recreation Conservation Authority、Mountains Restoration Trust、およびCatalina Island Conservancyと共同で作成されました。

# 特徴

- GPSはあなたが歩道に出ている間あなたがどこにいるかを示しています
- 500マイルを超える公共の多目的トレイルの正確な地図
- キュレーションアウト
- 美しい風景写真
- 適切なトレイル利用情報
- 簡潔なトレイルの説明
- 野外イベントに関する情報
- パートナー組織情報

Trails LA Countyに関するご質問は、LA County Park and Recreation Trails Planningの[email protected]までお問い合わせください。


Fresh look! Redesigned the Social section, cards, and community library — plus performance improvements and bug fixes.

If you're loving Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes dark mode, typography updates, support for activity map styles, a new paper map toggle button, a rebuild of "Social" screens throughout the app to improve performance and stability, and a number of smaller updates and fixes.

If you're loving Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes a redesigned search interface, improvements to image loading, and other updates and fixes.

If you're loving your time with Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes the ability to search for a latitude/longitude, even when offline, and a prompt to switch communities when selecting a search result outside the current community. It also includes fixes to improve your app experience.

If you're loving your time with Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release includes bug fixes to improve your Trails LA County experience.

If you're loving your time with Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review — it means the world to us! Have questions or concerns? We're here to help. Reach out to [email protected], and we'll be happy to assist.
This release squashes a few bugs to improve the stability of the app.

If you're enjoying Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes improvements to the Get Directions tool, updates to the trail screen to highlight accessibility and activity tags that only apply to a portion of the trail, and bug fixes to improve your OuterSpatial experience.

If you're enjoying Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes some clean up of the favorites screens, as well as some bug fixes to improve the stability of the app.

If you're enjoying Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes bug fixes to improve the stability of the app.

If you're enjoying Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes bug fixes to improve the stability of the app.

If you're enjoying Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
This release includes bug fixes and performance improvements for the challenges feature.

If you're enjoying Trails LA County, help grow the community by leaving a five-star review. If you run into issues or have any questions, we're standing by to help: [email protected]. Happy exploring!
Hey there! We're excited to announce the addition of a "Post to Instagram" feature that allows you to easily share your OuterSpatial photos on Instagram. Plus, we've made some behind-the-scenes improvements to ensure a smooth and stable experience for you while using OuterSpatial. Thanks for your continued support!
This release renames "Bookmarks" to "Favorites", introduces a new "Favorites" screen, and adds the ability to favorite organizations.
This releases includes support for displaying posts from child trail and points of interest in the area social tab as well as support for routing to "destinations" within an area, which is especially useful for large areas that may have multiple entrances and/or destinations. As usual, it also includes a number of bug fixes to improve your Trails LA County experience.
This version fixes a critical bug preventing a few features from working properly
This release includes enhancements to improve your Trails LA County experience, including the addition of child outings to the area detail map, the ability to become an Trails LA County beta tester in the application settings, and information on why you're being asked to log in when performing an action that requires you to be logged in. As always, this release also includes a number of bug fixes.
This release includes minor improvements and bug fixes.

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