Grab - Taxi & Food Delivery Mod Apk

Grab - Taxi & Food Delivery ハック - Mod Apk 5.345.0

開発者: Grab Holdings
カテゴリー: 旅行&地域
価格: 無料です


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Grab で必要なものをすべて手に入れましょう — 東南アジアを代表する配車、タクシー、フード デリバリー、食料品のアプリです。

シンガポール、インドネシア、マレーシア、タイ、フィリピン、ベトナム、カンボジア、ミャンマーの 6 億 7,000 万人以上の人々に不可欠な日常サービスを提供しています。

Grab は、4 輪および 2 輪の乗車、タクシーの予約など、さまざまな配車オプションを提供しています。また、レストランからの食品注文配達、迅速なパッケージ配達、スーパーマーケットからの食料品など、さまざまなサービスがあり、主要な配達プラットフォームになっています.

配車サービスから食品や食料品の配達まで、Grab は東南アジアでの日常のあらゆるニーズに対応するワンストップ アプリです。

東南アジアでトップの配車およびタクシー アプリである Grab で配車を注文します。車、バイク、バスなど、さまざまな交通手段から選択して、数分でプロのドライバーとマッチングできます。

GrabFood: お気に入りのレストランに簡単に注文して玄関先まで届けてくれる、便利で手間のかからない、業界をリードするフード デリバリー アプリです。

GrabMart は、お気に入りのスーパーマーケットから食料品や厳選された生鮮食品を注文できる便利な食品配達アプリです。

GrabPay: 食品や食料品の配達、タクシーなどの Grab サービスや、地元の加盟店で簡単に支払うことができる、安全でセキュアなモバイル ウォレットです。

GrabExpress: 手頃な価格で迅速かつ信頼性の高い配送サービスをご注文ください。商品には保険が適用されます

GrabRewards: 食べ物を注文し、乗車して、1 ドルごとにリワード ポイントを獲得し、それらを使用して GrabRewards カタログの取引と引き換えます

Grab は、あなたが必要とする唯一の配車および食品配達アプリです。タクシー アプリ、食品の宅配、食料品の配達など、Grab がすべてをカバーします。

有名な配車サービス、タクシー、フード デリバリー サービスに加えて、地域のすべての人に経済力を与えるよう努めています。資産管理、融資、キャッシュレス決済、保険などの金融サービスを提供しています。

当社の詳細については、 をご覧ください。
Grab は、Grab およびそのパートナーからのパーソナライズされたターゲット広告、オファー、更新、およびデバイスでのアクティビティに基づく特定のサードパーティ アプリからの通信/広告をユーザーが受け取る機能を提供します。ユーザーは、アプリ内の [設定] 内の [プライバシー] および [同意管理] セクションで、オプトアウトの選択を行うことができます。詳細については、 で当社のプライバシー ポリシーを参照してください。


Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.

Update your Grab to 5.345 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.

Update your Grab to 5.342 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.

Update your Grab to 5.341 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.

Update your Grab to 5.340 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.

Update your Grab to 5.337 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.

Update your Grab to 5.336 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.

Update your Grab to 5.333 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.

Update your Grab to 5.332 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Dragonflies have flown this earth for 300 million years - that’s well before the dinosaurs were around! Their mad survival skills could be due to their 360 vision or maybe because they fly backwards. Or maybe cuz they found a way to bite, even without teeth?

Whichever way, don’t let any bugs in your Grab app stay around too long. You deserve the best experience so update to v5.274 pronto.
The Picasso moth might be named after a Spanish artist, but it’s native to Southeast Asia. Pretty as a button, we sure could do with more of that beauty in our lives.

On the contrary, those messy, pesky bugs in your app have got to go. v5.271 is ready for takeoff so go ahead and update your Grab app today.
World Mosquito Day is this weekend. They may be small, buzz in your ear and are So sO annoying, but turns out that mosquitoes are important in the food chain: they’re great pollinators and are food for many other bugs and critters.

Still, arghhh, their bites are so itchy. And Mosquito Day or not, we don’t want them near us, just like we don’t want bugs in our Grab app. Time to update that app: V.5.267 out now.
Never in its wildest dreams did Seattle think it’d register a seismic shift when concert-goers shook it off. To those who got tickets to her Singapore dates, we hold no bad blood against you, though we know we belong with her, too.

Just make sure you update to v5.266 so that those bugs don’t become the antiheroes that make you turn red when your Grab app draws a blank space.
Independence day, national day, “My country is awesome day”- whichever you call it, it’s the day to celebrate your country - and they’re happening in Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia throughout August. So wave that flag loud and proud, sing the national anthem at the highest decibels and go join in the fireworks and celebrations. Just one thing. It’s going to be busy, busy out there so make sure you update your Grab app to v5.265 to avoid buggy hiccups when you’re zooming around town.
Sure, it’s not an ancient holiday but it definitely celebrates one of the most common communication tools of our generation. Can you guess what it is? Yup, it’s World Emoji Day. From smiley to crying faces, and from high fives to celebration cakes, there’s a billion ways to express what we just can’t seem to put into words.

If there was only an emoji for ‘update your app now!’.... But seriously, v5.263 is out. Update your Grab app for the best experience
One of these things is not like the others
One of these things just don’t belong.

Can you tell which one?
- Fireflies
- Bumblebees
- Ladybugs
- App bugs

We know you know which, and you know what you need to do. So go ahead, update your Grab app to v5.262 because you ain’t got no time for annoying app bugs.
The strongest creature on Earth is the Olympic-strength horned dung beetle. Only a centimetre long, this little Hercules can pull up to 1141 times its own body weight - that's the same as a human pulling six double-decker buses!

We’re happy to report that no matter how strong the bug, our latest update is rock-solid impenetrable. Update your Grab app to version 5.260.0 for a bug-free experience
Four beetles once sang:
‘Hey June,
You’ve got a bug,
They eat all the flowers and le-eaves.
Remember one update and they’re all gone,
Just you see now, POOF, bye bye June-bug’

The OG was written six decades ago but a classic’s a classic, and our engineers will be singing this tune all month long. Do your thing and update to v5.258 so no bug gets in the way of your summer holidaze.
With a few long weekends and the summer holidays coming up, Grab wanted to make life extra easy - at home and while you travel around the region. With our new language settings feature, you can book a car, a bike, a meal or an activity in your preferred language, be it Bahasa, Thai or Chinese.

To change the setting in your app, simply update to v5.256 and go to Account > Profile > Language. Choose your preferred language and you're all set to explore!
Itsy bitsy buggy, you’ve messed up my Grab app.
Grab’s engineers, gonna go and clear you out!
Then I order food, drink, teatime and a car,
And I’ll be so-o hap-py when you’re gone away.
Ladies and gents, don’t suffer quietly. Sing a song, loud and proud, and update your Grab app to v5.254 to live your best bugless life.
Bugs have many ways of self-protecting. Ladybugs roll over and play dead, leaf insects camouflage and ‘hang out’ like a leaf and praying mantis spread their front legs out far and wide. Some ants self-combust, some millipedes turn on their inner glow, and a butterfly from Trinidad flips over and suddenly, it looks like a snake. Beat that, predators.

While bugs have so many ways to protect themselves, are you protecting yourself from the bugs in your app? Update to v5.253 now.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.

Update your Grab to 5.251 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Eid Mubarak!

It’s been a long fasting month, and the time to rejoice and celebrate has arrived. This Hari Raya Puasa, spend quality time with your friends and family - feasting, laughing and enjoying time together.

There’s a buffet of choices for the big day - grab a grand feast and have it delivered right to your door through Food and Mart deliveries. Update your app to v5.250.1 for a smoother, better experience.
In honour of International Women’s Day and empowering girls and women everywhere, here’s a Grab fact for you: Grab is committed to increasing the percentage of women in leadership to 40% by 2030 (up from today’s 34%). It’s no small feat, but gender equality is important to us.

At the same time, our women (and men!) Grab engineers are tasked to empower you by relentlessly chasing out those bugs - today, tomorrow, and always forever. Help them help you, won’t you? Update to v5.244 asap.
And just like that, Feb’s flown by. But it sure was a month of curiosities: the Superbowl announced a baby, a mystery balloon caught global attention, and India rebranded Valentine’s to Hug-a-Cow day (yeah, you read that right).

Thankfully, March is nearly here, and to make space for the new, we’ve got to first clear out the old, especially those bugs in the Grab App. So go ahead, update that to V. XX - and we’ll check you out in March.
Those little bugs, they creeping up on me
Bleurgh, I be harmed if they stay
No deal, little guys, get away from me
Know you wanna play but get out, you can’t stayz

Whether you’re wrapped in that haze or buying yourself flowers this V-day, be good to yourself and de-bug your Grab app by updating to v.5.241 today.
We can talk about bugs all day long, these little creatures have awesome capabilities. Have you heard of the water boatmen? These aquatic insects are the scuba divers of nature — they trap air beneath their wings so they can breathe under water.

We're lucky because app bugs can't breathe outside of the app and no ingenious trick can keep them in the app for long.

Update your Grab app to 5.231 now to remove the bugs, water you waiting for?
A: Knock, knock.
B: Who's there?
A: Luke
B: Luke who?
A: Luke out for the latest version of our Grab app!

Update to version 5.230 now for an improved app experience. Have a Luke and see for yourself.
Bugs are amazing. In 1947, fruit flies became the first living creatures to be sent into space. The purpose was to explore the potential impact of cosmic radiation on astronauts.

However, we can't say the same thing about app bugs. There's no purpose sending them into our app (yuck!).

Update your Grab app to version 5.226 for a bug-free experience.
Bugs have a unique way to survive. They can live anywhere, even in the coldest and hottest places on Earth. Impressive, right?

We can't say the same thing about app bugs, though. Their lives depend on the app.

Don't let them survive in your Grab app. Update to version 5.224 now.
The bug life is hard. Sometimes, bees must fly 12 kilometers away from their hive just to gather food for their colonies. With Grab, you won't have to venture that far because we can bring almost anything to your doorstep with food, mart, and express deliveries.

Keep your comfortable, bug-free life going by updating your Grab app to version 5.219.
But I can see bugs lost in the app
August slipped away with them gone in no time
'Cause they were never mine

And I can see bugs twisted in their seats
August slipped away but I will be fine
'Cause they were never mine~

Yup, the app bugs don't belong to all of us! That's why our engineers don't want to keep these pesky creatures no matter which month we are in.

Enjoy a smoother, bug-free, experience by updating your Grab app to 5.217 now.
She's a 10, but she doesn't update her Grab app regularly.

Update your app to version 5.211 today to get rid of pesky bugs.

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