Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.
Update your Grab to 5.345 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.
Update your Grab to 5.342 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.
Update your Grab to 5.341 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.
Update your Grab to 5.340 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.
Update your Grab to 5.337 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.
Update your Grab to 5.336 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.
Update your Grab to 5.333 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.
Update your Grab to 5.332 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
October, oh, October, how’d you get here so soon? With only three months left, there isn’t much time to make the most of 2023.
Start by updating the Grab app to v5.275.1 to make sure things get done without a glitch. Golly gosh, have a sweet month ahead, y’all!
Dragonflies have flown this earth for 300 million years - that’s well before the dinosaurs were around! Their mad survival skills could be due to their 360 vision or maybe because they fly backwards. Or maybe cuz they found a way to bite, even without teeth?
Whichever way, don’t let any bugs in your Grab app stay around too long. You deserve the best experience so update to v5.274 pronto.
Those newest phone models might not be hugely different from older ones, but that 48-megapixel and 5X zoom lens will sure make a difference when snapping shots of that delicious meal you had delivered or of your friend’s smile when you send them a surprise gift with GrabExpress!
Make sure those happy moments are picture-perfect and not glitched - update your Grab app to v5.272 today.
The Picasso moth might be named after a Spanish artist, but it’s native to Southeast Asia. Pretty as a button, we sure could do with more of that beauty in our lives.
On the contrary, those messy, pesky bugs in your app have got to go. v5.271 is ready for takeoff so go ahead and update your Grab app today.
September 5’s for charitable giving,
No, it’s not for taking.
Give to those
Who need it most,
It’s sure to give a happy dose.
But no, bugs, no,
Just stop hounding;
To you, I have nought to give.
Oh, buggies, puh-lease,
In my app, you simply cannot live.
Grab app v5.270.1 out now.
World Mosquito Day is this weekend. They may be small, buzz in your ear and are So sO annoying, but turns out that mosquitoes are important in the food chain: they’re great pollinators and are food for many other bugs and critters.
Still, arghhh, their bites are so itchy. And Mosquito Day or not, we don’t want them near us, just like we don’t want bugs in our Grab app. Time to update that app: V.5.267 out now.
Never in its wildest dreams did Seattle think it’d register a seismic shift when concert-goers shook it off. To those who got tickets to her Singapore dates, we hold no bad blood against you, though we know we belong with her, too.
Just make sure you update to v5.266 so that those bugs don’t become the antiheroes that make you turn red when your Grab app draws a blank space.
Sure, it’s not an ancient holiday but it definitely celebrates one of the most common communication tools of our generation. Can you guess what it is? Yup, it’s World Emoji Day. From smiley to crying faces, and from high fives to celebration cakes, there’s a billion ways to express what we just can’t seem to put into words.
If there was only an emoji for ‘update your app now!’.... But seriously, v5.263 is out. Update your Grab app for the best experience
One of these things is not like the others
One of these things just don’t belong.
Can you tell which one?
- Fireflies
- Bumblebees
- Ladybugs
- App bugs
We know you know which, and you know what you need to do. So go ahead, update your Grab app to v5.262 because you ain’t got no time for annoying app bugs.
The strongest creature on Earth is the Olympic-strength horned dung beetle. Only a centimetre long, this little Hercules can pull up to 1141 times its own body weight - that's the same as a human pulling six double-decker buses!
We’re happy to report that no matter how strong the bug, our latest update is rock-solid impenetrable. Update your Grab app to version 5.260.0 for a bug-free experience
Four beetles once sang:
‘Hey June,
You’ve got a bug,
They eat all the flowers and le-eaves.
Remember one update and they’re all gone,
Just you see now, POOF, bye bye June-bug’
The OG was written six decades ago but a classic’s a classic, and our engineers will be singing this tune all month long. Do your thing and update to v5.258 so no bug gets in the way of your summer holidaze.
With a few long weekends and the summer holidays coming up, Grab wanted to make life extra easy - at home and while you travel around the region. With our new language settings feature, you can book a car, a bike, a meal or an activity in your preferred language, be it Bahasa, Thai or Chinese.
To change the setting in your app, simply update to v5.256 and go to Account > Profile > Language. Choose your preferred language and you're all set to explore!
Boy, it’s hot, hot, hot these days! As our region heads into monsoon season, the heat has been record-breaking. Good thing about monsoons, though, is that rain is a sure thing. And when that downpour hits, worry not. Bubble tea, hot soup or that gorgeous cake you’ve been eyeing can all be ordered right to your door.
Make sure to update your app so that NOTHING stands between you and deliciousness on a cool, rainy day. V5.255 awaits you now.
Itsy bitsy buggy, you’ve messed up my Grab app.
Grab’s engineers, gonna go and clear you out!
Then I order food, drink, teatime and a car,
And I’ll be so-o hap-py when you’re gone away.
Ladies and gents, don’t suffer quietly. Sing a song, loud and proud, and update your Grab app to v5.254 to live your best bugless life.
Bugs have many ways of self-protecting. Ladybugs roll over and play dead, leaf insects camouflage and ‘hang out’ like a leaf and praying mantis spread their front legs out far and wide. Some ants self-combust, some millipedes turn on their inner glow, and a butterfly from Trinidad flips over and suddenly, it looks like a snake. Beat that, predators.
While bugs have so many ways to protect themselves, are you protecting yourself from the bugs in your app? Update to v5.253 now.
Some say bugs are the future of food: They are rich in protein and can be sustainably produced for mass consumption. In fact, some 2 billion humans on the planet eat bugs as part of their diet. But when the bug is in an app, we won't want you to eat it. And we certainly won't try to make more of it.
Update your Grab to 5.251 to get rid of bugs from your everyday app experience.
In honour of the water festivals celebrated in many parts of Southeast Asia this month, we’re zeroing in on water bugs, a.k.a. the biggest bugs in the world. These giant critters have a lifespan of up to a year and jump out the water at night to enjoy the starry skies. Oh, and they know when floods are coming and get out of the water before more water washes in.
Well, those guys know a thing or two about getting rid of the unwanted. Update your Grap app to v5.249. before more bugs come along.
If you love films too, you probably tuned in to movies’ biggest event of the year. Popular favourites included fighter jets accomplishing impossible missions, a kung-fu accountant karate chopping tax officers, and Na’vi and Wakandan princesses defending their world. No matter how you look at it, a hero fought off some bad guys.
Just remember, that can be you, too. Defend your phone from those annoying bugs by kicking, chopping, head bumping and updating your Grab app to v5.245 right away.
Feb 27, 2023
And just like that, Feb’s flown by. But it sure was a month of curiosities: the Superbowl announced a baby, a mystery balloon caught global attention, and India rebranded Valentine’s to Hug-a-Cow day (yeah, you read that right).
Thankfully, March is nearly here, and to make space for the new, we’ve got to first clear out the old, especially those bugs in the Grab App. So go ahead, update that to V. XX - and we’ll check you out in March.
Feb 20, 2023
Did you know that unlike other months, February wasn’t named after the Roman god Februus, but after the Roman festival of purification, Februa? It’s when Romans would purify the city, believing it would bring in abundance and fertility.
These days, we don’t purify cities the ancient Roman way, but we sure know how to clear out those creepy crawly buggies. Perform your own cleansing ritual by updating your Grab app to 5.242.
Feb 6, 2023
Awards season just kicked off and can you guess who we’re rooting for this year?
Here’s a hint: it involves a kung-fu wielding accountant-dry cleaner who can punch, kick and elbow her way through everything and every universe. In fact, she reminds us of our engineers who work hard day and night to karate chop every last pesky bug outta your phone.
Be sure to defend your app by downloading version 5.240 of the Grab app today. Hai ya!
Jan 30, 2023
Gong xi fa cai! Hoping those of you who are celebrating are enjoying a hoppingly fun, wealthful, luck-ful and loud Lunar New Year to ring in the year of the Rabbit.
With LNY festivities going on for 15 days - until yuan xiao, or the first full moon of the new year - there’s much to do, and much you can’t do, too. But that’s not to say that you can’t get rid of old buggies by downloading the latest v.5.23XX of the Grab app today. Huat ah!
Jan 16, 2023
We’ve got a good one for you: What do you call a rabbit with fleas? Bugs bunny! You guessed it - a bunny joke for the upcoming year of the Rabbit.
To usher in the Lunar New Year next week, families all over will gather, many meals will be cooked, ordered and delivered, and well-wishers will be sending out all things good - red packets included - to set the year off to a good start.
Make sure not to be bugged this year of the bunny by putting version 5.237 of the Grab app at your fingertips.
Dec 12, 2022
The feature’s failing again
I hear you bugs calling my name…
“I want you”’
Sure, that’s what those little bugs are saying to you as they munch through your app - but that doesn’t mean you need to love’em back or keep’em around. It’s time to get rid of them by updating your Grab app to 5.232, pronto.
Dec 5, 2022
We can talk about bugs all day long, these little creatures have awesome capabilities. Have you heard of the water boatmen? These aquatic insects are the scuba divers of nature — they trap air beneath their wings so they can breathe under water.
We're lucky because app bugs can't breathe outside of the app and no ingenious trick can keep them in the app for long.
Update your Grab app to 5.231 now to remove the bugs, water you waiting for?
Nov 27, 2022
A: Knock, knock.
B: Who's there?
A: Luke
B: Luke who?
A: Luke out for the latest version of our Grab app!
Update to version 5.230 now for an improved app experience. Have a Luke and see for yourself.
Nov 14, 2022
Bugs, bugs, go away
Don't ever come back again
Grab users are here to play
Bugs, bugs, go away
We're in the middle of the rainy season, and we hope that'll end soon. But more importantly, we want our app bugs to just go away.
'Coz we wouldn't be able to order food and other essentials without the Grab app — that's a no rainer. Update your app to version 5.228 to get rid of bugs now.
Nov 6, 2022
It's them
They're the problem, it's them
Every time
Everybody agrees~
Bugs bring problems to the app, they disrupt your experience. Avoid them by updating your Grab app to 5.227.
Oct 31, 2022
Bugs are amazing. In 1947, fruit flies became the first living creatures to be sent into space. The purpose was to explore the potential impact of cosmic radiation on astronauts.
However, we can't say the same thing about app bugs. There's no purpose sending them into our app (yuck!).
Update your Grab app to version 5.226 for a bug-free experience.
Oct 17, 2022
Bugs have a unique way to survive. They can live anywhere, even in the coldest and hottest places on Earth. Impressive, right?
We can't say the same thing about app bugs, though. Their lives depend on the app.
Don't let them survive in your Grab app. Update to version 5.224 now.
Oct 3, 2022
Did you know that October was originally the eighth month in the Roman Calendar? That's why the month has the Latin word "octo", which means "eight". January and February were added later on, and that's how we're in the tenth month now.
But don't worry, our engineers are always ready to squash bugs no matter which month we are in.
You just need to click "Update" to have a bug-free Grab app.
Sep 19, 2022
Did you know that the strongest creature on Earth is actually a bug? The oribatid mite, also known as the moss or beetle mite, weighs just 100 micrograms and is under one millimetre in size, but can easily hold 1,180 times its own weight. That's like a human pulling six double-decker buses!
We're glad we squash bugs no matter their size and strength. Update your Grab app to version 5.220 for a bug-free experience.
Aug 29, 2022
But I can see bugs lost in the app
August slipped away with them gone in no time
'Cause they were never mine
And I can see bugs twisted in their seats
August slipped away but I will be fine
'Cause they were never mine~
Yup, the app bugs don't belong to all of us! That's why our engineers don't want to keep these pesky creatures no matter which month we are in.
Enjoy a smoother, bug-free, experience by updating your Grab app to 5.217 now.
Aug 21, 2022
Fun fact: bed bugs are attracted to human beings. The anatomy of the human body makes it easy for bed bugs to suck our blood.
However, app bugs are not attracted to humans. But don't underestimate them! Their existence disrupts your experience while using the Grab app.
Update yours to version 5.216 to avoid the app bugs.
Aug 15, 2022
Many bugs have many eyes: Spiders have 8; caterpillars have 12; mosquitoes have a pair of "compound" eyes filled with hundreds of lenses called ommatidia. But we also have many developers with many eyes to catch bugs and pick them off our app.
Update your Grab to version 5.215 for a smoother experience.
Aug 8, 2022
By age 30, you should have one superapp that does everything for you. Food, rides, groceries, deliveries, and everything else you need to make your life easier.
We've fixed bugs and improved performance for you no matter what age you are. Update to version 5.214 today.
Jul 25, 2022
Some things can wait. The iconic 2000s couple proved that true love is worth waiting for. They finally got married, 18 years after their first romance failed. What a journey!
Removing app bugs can't wait though, they disrupt your experience. Update your Grab app to version 5.212 now.
Jul 17, 2022
She's a 10, but she doesn't update her Grab app regularly.
Update your app to version 5.211 today to get rid of pesky bugs.
Jul 11, 2022
Our engineers' hands are used to battle app bugs, and they're tools for maintaining peace in our everyday experience. Those hands are the superheroes in real life.
Choose the path to an improved Grab app with version 5.210. Update now.
Jun 13, 2022
Everyone loves a shortcut. Whether it's a cooking shortcut, a keyboard shortcut, or a life hack — it's always helpful to get what we need faster.
And, guess what? Now there's a shortcut for you to book a ride in just 3 taps. You can save time by adding the Grab widget to your home screen and save your frequent go-to locations. The widget is available in all countries where Grab's at.
Update to 5.206 today to enjoy a smoother booking. You wheel not regret it.
May 23, 2022
The biggest sports event in Southeast Asia features 40 sports this year. The number of sports may not be the same next year because there are no official limits to this number. Over the decades, we've been seeing more and more new sports introduced. What an improvement!
We can't tell if our engineers are good at sports, but they have the same sporting spirit when it comes to releasing new app versions. Update to 5.203 today to enjoy an improved experience.
May 16, 2022
There are no strange things going on in version 5.201. Our team of engineers have banished some app bugs — we're relieved we don't need a superhero to do that.
App bugs may live freely in another universe. But obviously they're not welcome in this universe. Tap on "Update" now before the madness that they created come back!
May 4, 2022
Most of us think dinosaurs are the most amazing creatures. However, scientists discovered that there are lots of creatures that existed long before dinosaurs. One of those creatures is the grasshopper. The fossil record shows that these insects first appeared more than 300 million years ago.
We don't know how long bugs inside the Grab app have been around. That's because we destroy them from the app once we see them.
Remove the dead bugs by updating to 5.199. It's not im-fossil-ble to do.
March 7, 2022
February is unique. While every month contains at least 30 days, February falls short with 28 — and 29 on a leap year, which happens every 4 years. This extra day was inserted to keep the calendar year aligned with the astronomical year.
Our engineers may don't know much about leap year since they're not astronomy experts. But we know they leap to the rescue whenever app bugs try to crash the app.
Update your Grab app now to remove the bugs, don't wait until next 29th of February comes.
January 25, 2022
Did you know that different colouring patterns on bugs have different purposes? Shield bugs, for example, use a variety of colours to avoid predators. Their colours can change from red and green to yellow and green to warn that they're not tasty.
Unfortunately, it's not the same with app bugs. They don't have colours, and don't warn us when they're about to cause trouble.
But it's okay! It doesn't take a hue-ge effort to get rid of them. Just tap on "Update" and enjoy Grab app version 5.186.
January 11, 2022
Goodbye 2021! This year we took thousands of rides to new places, ordered our favourite comfort meals (a lot), and sent hundreds of packages full of love. In Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and Philippines, check your Year in Cravings to find out your number of GrabFood orders in 2021, your top restaurants, your order of the year, and much more.
Update your Grab app to 5.183 today and welcome in 2022! New year, new app version.
December 13, 2021
A superapp who delivers your everyday needs better than anyone else. Convenient and useful. Used often to get food, groceries, rides for any occasion.
Person 1: What's your idea of a perfect date?
Person 2: Duh, order in GrabFood and binge-watch rom-coms
Since we're not an (urban) dictionary, you can't look up a word in our app, but you can always look for your favourite things. Bubble tea, burgers, fried chicken; you name it.
Update your Grab app to 5.180 to find anything quickly!
November 24, 2021
We can talk about bugs all day long, these little creatures have awesome capabilities. Have you heard of the water boatmen? These aquatic insects are the scuba divers of nature — they trap air beneath their wings so they can breathe under water.
We're lucky because app bugs can't breathe outside of the app and no ingenious trick can keep them in the app for long.
Update your Grab app to 5.177 now to remove the bugs, water you waiting for?
November 15, 2021
Some people say it hurts to let go. But as years pass by, we may realise that sometimes it hurts more to hold on. And that's what we think after listening to the 10-minute viral hit song.
When it comes to app bugs, it's a no-brainer. We need to let go off them before they sp-red inside the app.
Don't wait to remove bugs inside your Grab app. Tap ""Update"" today to 5.176.
November 11, 2021
Go eeeasy on us, bugs
Don't you dare go wild
We wanna get the chance to
Feeeel the smoothness around us
And have the time to choose
Grab services to use
So go eeeeasy on us~
Guilty! We can't stop singing our favourite singer's new release. Well, since we're not great singers, we released a new Grab app version instead.
Update to 5.174 to remove pesky bugs inside your Grab app. Don't go easy on them.