AirAsia MOVE:フライト&ホテル Mod Apk

AirAsia MOVE:フライト&ホテル ハック - Mod Apk 12.21.0

開発者: AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Berhad
カテゴリー: 旅行&地域
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot AirAsia MOVE:フライト&ホテル mod apkGame screenshot AirAsia MOVE:フライト&ホテル hackGame screenshot AirAsia MOVE:フライト&ホテル apk download


究極の旅のお供、AirAsia MOVEアプリで旅のニーズを満たそう!

AirAsia MOVEアプリ(旧名:エアアジアスーパーアプリ)で、ご旅行をより充実したものにしませんか。お得なホテルをお探しの方、お手頃なフライトをお探しの方、日本、アジア、そして世界各地の新しい目的地をお探しの方など、このオールインワンアプリには必要なものがすべて揃っています。

幅広い商品とサービス、お得なキャンペーンで、旅をより充実したものにしましょう!格安航空券をお探しなら、AirAsia MOVEアプリをご利用ください。

- 使いやすいインターフェースで、最安値の航空券を簡単に検索・予約ができます。
- 世界中の700社以上の航空会社のフライトチケットを検索できます。
- 2024年にワールド・ベスト・ローコスト・エアライン 15年連続受賞したエアアジアや、ピーチ、ジェットスター・ジャパン、スプリング・ジャパンなど、日本で人気の各LCC社へもアクセスできます。
- シンガポール航空、ANA 全日空、カタール航空、エミレーツ航空などの世界的な航空会社をはじめ、日本航空、エティハド航空などの有名な航空会社まで幅広くカバーしています!
- お好きな航空会社のフライト料金を比較して、ご予算に合ったベストな1社をお選びください。
- 限定フライトやフライトセールを利用して憧れの目的地へ旅立ちましょう!
- フライトを予約し、Eチケットと搭乗券を簡単に入手できます。
- フライトを予約する際に、お気に入りの航空会社のフライトで機内持ち込み手荷物をお選びください。
- フライトの前にお食事の準備を!フライトをご予約する際に、お食事の有無を確認したり、事前に購入することができます!
- 厳選された航空会社のフライト保険に加入して、安心してご旅行ください!

- 世界中の90万軒以上の宿泊施設からお好みのホテルを見つけましょう。
- ビジネスホテル、高級ホテル、シティホテル、ビーチホテル、リゾートホテルなど、あらゆるタイプの宿泊施設を1つのアプリで見つけることができます。
- 5つ星ホテルから選ぶことも、予算内で宿泊施設を予約することもできます。
- 柔軟な支払いオプションでホテルを予約。キャンセル料無料のホテル、今すぐお支払い、後払い、ホテルでのお支払いなど、お客様のご都合に合わせてお選びいただけます。
- AirAsia Hotelsでは、世界各地のご希望の目的地でのお得なホテル料金や割引もご用意しています。
- バケーション、ハネムーン、ご出張のために、今すぐお得なホテルをお探しください!

- 世界中の何千ものフライトと900,000以上のホテルからお選びください。低予算のオプションから豪華な滞在まで、すべて揃っています。
- フライトとホテルを一緒にご予約いただくと、さらにお得です。別々に予約するよりもお得な割引料金をお楽しみください。
- 使いやすいインターフェースで、わずか数タップで最適なフライトとホテルの組み合わせを簡単に検索・予約できます。
- フライトとホテルの組み合わせで、よりお得なバケーションをお楽しみください。
- AirAsia MOVEアプリユーザー限定のフライト+ホテル プロモーションで、お得なセット割引を保証します。

- AirAsia MOVEアプリでのご利用ごとにエアアジア・ポイントが貯まります。
- ポイントを貯めて、アプリ内の商品やサービスをご利用ください。使えば使うほどお得になります!
- 航空券、ホテル、タクシーなどの割引や限定特典とポイントを交換してください。

今すぐAirAsia MOVEアプリをダウンロードして、ご旅行をより充実したものにし、次の冒険を始めましょう!


What do you call the ghost of a chicken? A poultrygeist!

We’ve been hard at work exorcising some of the more elusive bugs from our app, to give you a smoother travel experience! Make sure to download the latest version of AirAsia MOVE for the most bug free experience yet!
What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta!

We’ve made a few small fixes to the app to improve the experience of sharing your social profile link! Update your app today for a smoother, better experience!
Why did the app take a vacation? To come back refreshed and better than ever!
With this update, we’ve tidied things up and added some polish to make things faster, smoother, and easier for you. Update now to enjoy a smoother experience and let the good vibes roll!
Why did the app join a marathon? Because it’s all about going the extra mile for you! This update brings you smoother performance, making it more reliable for your next journey. Get the latest update now to keep the pace with the best experience yet!
Why are frogs so happy? Because they eat everything that bugs them!

We don’t eat bugs, but we do our best to fix them! Make sure to update to the latest version of the airasia superapp for a smoother experience!
What do astronauts do before they throw a party in space? They planet!

We’ve planned some big changes too, to keep giving you the best and smoothest experience possible with our app. Check out our dashing new look for the Accounts page to help you keep track of your membership options easier!

Update now for a smoother experience!
Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything, but we don’t 😉
We've fixed bugs with lightning speed, leaving no room for those crawlies to ruin your experience. Check out what’s new in the latest version of the airasia Superapp!
We went on a bug-hunting spree and kicked out those unwanted pests from our app. Check out the latest version of the airasia Superapp!

Update now for a better experience!
Knock knock! Who’s there? New update! New update who?

Sorry, this joke doesn’t have a punch line because we only punch the app bugs so you’ll get a smoother experience.

Update now and knock the bugs away!
Eid Mubarak to those celebrating! While you enjoyed the holidays, we continuously improve the app and release great features for you:

- Enjoy seamless transactions when you set your saved card as the "default" card.
- We made it easier for you to know when your airasia points expire or when they’ll be credited to your account.
- We also have a step-by-step tutorial on our Chat feature so you can get the most out of our app.

Update now to get rid of app bugs and enjoy a better app experience.
We continually improve the app to make it better
for you. This release contains bug fixes and
performance improvements.

- Recommended for you ancillary section
- add ons for flight will be displayed in the recommended for you section
- Other minor bug fixes

Update to the latest airasia Super App today!
Psst, over here! We’ve got another update, just for you. Check out the latest version of the airasia Super App, and be sure to update to the latest version for the best experience!

- You can now send videos through chat!
- Toggle your read receipts on/off in chat!
- Check out our new landing page for RedGames!
- Items from Shop will now be displayed in your Recommended for You section
Another day, another release. Check out the latest features on the AirAsia Superapp!

- Added a new price-slash animation to help users identify our discounts.
- User can more easily differentiate between message delivered and read!
- Check out the new UI look and feel for the Chat landing screen
We’ve made a few minor changes to make your experience on the app better and smoother. Make sure to update your app to the latest version to ensure you get the best experience with AirAsia!
- AirAsia pocket has been renamed to BigPay Pocket.
- You can now change your password from the Settings screen.
- My Orders is now Orders.
Gong Xi Fa Cai! Showering you & your loved ones with more abundance, travel and happy time ahead. AirAsia team wishes you a Happy Lunar New Year 2023.Our team has worked to ensure that your travel plans in these holidays are done quiker, better and bug free. A handful other notable changes in this update include, user’s ability to share mobile gift voucher via AA 1-1 Chat and also enabled to create private group chats. Download this update to keep experiencing the best with our airasia SuperApp.
We continually improve the app to make it better for you.
This release contains bug fixes and performance improvements.

Update to the latest airasia Super App today!

This is the final update for the year 2022. It was a fabulous year, where we introduced you to various features in our super app. With lots to come, stay tuned for the upcoming year.
We continually improve the app to make it better for you.
This release contains bug fixes and performance improvements.

Update to the latest airasia Super App today!
We continually improve the app to make it better for you.
This release contains bug fixes and performance improvements.

Update to the latest airasia Super App today!
We continually improve the app to make it better for you.
This release contains bug fixes and performance improvements.

Update to the latest airasia Super App today!
It’s October, where we continually improve the app to ensure a wonderful travel experience for you.

This update includes ,
- Seeing all your favourite food stores under the accounts
- More Stickers in chat to enhance your experience
- Display of user interest, visited places & more customisations in the profile page

That’s not all. We made it simple via new recommendations on ride, hotels and food in the home tab.

Update & keep using the Airasia Superapp!
It’s October, where we continually improve the app to ensure a wonderful travel experience for you.

This update includes ,
- Seeing all your favourite food stores under the accounts
- More Stickers in chat to enhance your experience
- Display of user interest, visited places & more customisations in the profile page

That’s not all. We made it simple via new recommendations on ride, hotels and food in the home tab.

Update & keep using the Airasia Superapp!
Bringing in these fantastic updates for you:

- We heard you and have made an investment to speed up the app by 40% to save everyone’s time.
- Get help even before you log in with the help support on the login page.
- Make your airasia account more you by adding a bio and choosing the communities you like in your Chat profile.

Update now! Thank you for using the airasia Super App.
This release brings you great improvements:

- Immerse yourself in the new game in the Chat section.
- Our e-Boarding Pass now features a flight status, so you always see your latest flight time.
- You can redeem your credit refund as e-gift vouchers for flights under the Account section.
- The app now runs faster, has fewer crashes, and is better than ever with the improvements we made.

Don’t miss out, update now! Thanks for using the airasia Super App.
We continually improve the app to make it better for you. This release contains bug fixes and performance improvements.

Update to the latest airasia Super App today!
We continually improve the app to make it better for you. This release contains bug fixes and performance improvements.

Update to the latest airasia Super App today!

ハッキング方法 AirAsia MOVE:フライト&ホテル

ダウンロード AirAsia MOVE:フライト&ホテル MOD APK 12.21.0

ダウンロード MOD APK


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