Zen: Relax, Meditate & Sleep Mod Apk

Zen: Relax, Meditate & Sleep ハック - Mod Apk 5.7.7

開発者: Zen by Next
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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より幸せで、より健康で、よりバランスのとれた感情的な生活を送りたいなら、Zen は最適なアプリです。 Google の「2016 年のベスト アプリ」リストでは、Zen は次のような多様かつ増え続けるコンテンツと機能を提供しています。

· リラクゼーション、深い睡眠、気分の改善、不安の解消、ストレスの軽減、仕事の集中などのための毎週の新しいガイド付き瞑想。

· リラクゼーションと瞑想のためのオーディオとビデオ。

· ポジティブなエネルギーをもたらす深い眠りの音楽と朝の音楽。

· より良いセックス、チャクラの癒し、エンドルフィンの放出、知性の向上、気分の高揚などのための周波数を使用したバイノーラル ビート セラピー。

· 精神的なマッサージ、リラクゼーション、深い睡眠のための ASMR オーディオ。

· 独自の気分監視機能により、ユーザーは感情的な状態を追跡できます。

· 振り返り、インスピレーションを与える引用、ことわざ、モチベーションのメッセージ。



Zen is now integrated with Google Fit! 🎉

✅ Sync your meditation sessions: track the time you dedicate to mindfulness directly in Google Fit.

✅ A complete view of your health: combine your meditation practices with other activities to take better care of yourself.
New mood button: You can now log your mood! This is just the first step of an awesome feature we're working on to track your well-being. Stay tuned, there's more to come!

Reflection quotes are back: That zen moment everyone loved is back and better than ever. Sorry for the brief break, but now it's here to stay!

Stay tuned—our team is working hard to bring you even more amazing updates later this year! 🚀
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
I’ll Be There for You…
In celebration of the friendship day we’ve released the new way to get free days of use on Zen.Invite friends and get days to access all unlocked content!
If you have any suggestions, insights or ideias for Zen, feel free to reach out to us here: http://help.app-zen.com/
Peace, love and Zen!

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ダウンロード Zen: Relax, Meditate & Sleep MOD APK 5.7.7

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