Zen: Relax, Meditate & Sleep Mod Apk

Zen: Relax, Meditate & Sleep Взлом - Mod Apk 5.7.7

Разработчик: Zen by Next
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Если вы хотите жить более счастливой, здоровой и более сбалансированной эмоциональной жизнью, Zen — идеальное приложение для вас. В списке Google «Лучшие приложения 2016 года» Zen предлагает разнообразное и постоянно растущее количество контента и функций, таких как:

· Еженедельные новые управляемые медитации для релаксации, глубокого сна, улучшения настроения, снятия тревоги, снижения стресса, концентрации на работе и многого другого.

· Аудио и видео для релаксации и медитации.

· Музыка для глубокого сна и утренняя музыка для положительной энергии.

· Бинауральная терапия ритмами с частотами для улучшения секса, исцеления чакр, высвобождения эндорфинов, повышения интеллекта, поднятия настроения и многих других.

· ASMR-аудио для ментального массажа, релаксации и глубокого сна.

· Уникальная функция мониторинга настроения, позволяющая нашим пользователям отслеживать свое эмоциональное состояние.

· Размышления и вдохновляющие цитаты, пословицы и мотивационные сообщения.

Весь контент и функции доступны на английском, испанском и португальском языках.

История обновлений

Zen is now integrated with Google Fit! 🎉

✅ Sync your meditation sessions: track the time you dedicate to mindfulness directly in Google Fit.

✅ A complete view of your health: combine your meditation practices with other activities to take better care of yourself.
New mood button: You can now log your mood! This is just the first step of an awesome feature we're working on to track your well-being. Stay tuned, there's more to come!

Reflection quotes are back: That zen moment everyone loved is back and better than ever. Sorry for the brief break, but now it's here to stay!

Stay tuned—our team is working hard to bring you even more amazing updates later this year! 🚀
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
24 февр. 2023 г.
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
28 дек. 2022 г.
16 сент. 2022 г.
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
18 июл. 2022 г.
Find a comfortable place, open Zen App and take an important step on your well-being and self-knowledge journey: meditate. Meanwhile, our team works to bring news and improvements to your experience.
In this update, we fixed instabilities to make this moment even more amazing.
Keep it always updated, so you don't miss the latest features. And don't forget to rate the app to tell us what you think of the news.
Got any doubt? Use our FAQ: http://help.app-zen.com/
29 марта 2022 г.
I’ll Be There for You…
In celebration of the friendship day we’ve released the new way to get free days of use on Zen.Invite friends and get days to access all unlocked content!
If you have any suggestions, insights or ideias for Zen, feel free to reach out to us here: http://help.app-zen.com/
Peace, love and Zen!
13 декабря 2021 г.
I’ll Be There for You…
In celebration of the friendship day we’ve released the new way to get free days of use on Zen.Invite friends and get days to access all unlocked content!
If you have any suggestions, insights or ideias for Zen, feel free to reach out to us here: http://help.app-zen.com/
Peace, love and Zen!
26 ноября 2021 г.
I’ll Be There for You…
In celebration of the friendship day we’ve released the new way to get free days of use on Zen.Invite friends and get days to access all unlocked content!
If you have any suggestions, insights or ideias for Zen, feel free to reach out to us here: http://help.app-zen.com/
Peace, love and Zen!
17 августа 2021 г.
I’ll Be There for You…
In celebration of the friendship day we’ve released the new way to get free days of use on Zen.Invite friends and get days to access all unlocked content!
If you have any suggestions, insights or ideias for Zen, feel free to reach out to us here: http://help.app-zen.com/
Peace, love and Zen!

Способы взлома Zen: Relax, Meditate & Sleep

Скачать Zen: Relax, Meditate & Sleep MOD APK 5.7.7

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