The Breathing Anchor Mod Apk

The Breathing Anchor Hack - Mod Apk 1.9.91

Developer: Mindfulness Apps
Category: Health & Fitness
Price: $1.49 (Download for free)


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Less negative stress with mindfulness!

Using this app you can participate in Awareness Training (AT) according to Andries J. Kroese. Mindfulness is intentional awareness. Therefore mindfulness training and AT are closely related.

AT is concerned with alert relaxation of mind and body, but even more so with reprogramming the mind/body from negative thoughts and habits to a more stress reducing lifestyle. AT is a self-developing process by being aware of our thoughts, feelings and behavior. The type of awareness we are using was called by J. Krishnamurti “choiceless awareness”, a way of looking at the events of living with an open, non-judgmental mind.

With AT we practice to accept the waves of life, instead of protesting against them. We learn how to surf on them, using their energy to get into the flow of life. The key to this is living in the NOW, the present moment from moment to moment.

To be able to keep our balance in stormy weather, we have to set aside time to practice AT under quiet, peaceful circumstances.

In this app you will find practical awareness exercises which you can use for your personal training:

1. Introduction (3:58 min)
2. Awareness meditation (23:42)
3. Body scan meditation (18:04)
4. Awareness yoga (24:11)
5. AT in daily life (3:55)

Version history

Deprecation notice, fixes for latest android versions and fixes for media download.
Nov 16, 2019
We constantly improve your experience. With this update we bring you:
- better experience when loading the app
- possibility to save logs for the "Silence with bells" meditation
- saving logs is now set to "ON" by default
- improved notifications with controls for pause or resume training
- bug fixes.

Free download The Breathing Anchor

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Ways to hack The Breathing Anchor

Download The Breathing Anchor MOD APK 1.9.91

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