Nebula Music Visualizer Mod Apk

Nebula Music Visualizer Hack - Mod Apk 188

Developer: Mobile Visuals
Category: Personalization
Price: Free


Game screenshot Nebula Music Visualizer mod apkGame screenshot Nebula Music Visualizer hackGame screenshot Nebula Music Visualizer apk download


It's like a trip through the universe with landings at different nebulae. You will visit all the famous nebulae, like "Orion nebula", "Cats eye nebula" and the "Crab nebula".

Music choice

Play your music with any music app. Then switch to this app. It will then create a colorful soundscape, when it syncs with the music. Moon Mission radio channel is included. A player for your music files is also included.

Create your own visualizer and wallpaper

Use the settings to design your own Nebula journey. 26 themes for music visualization, 10 backgrounds and 18 star clusters are included. You can choose between lots of star types, like Alpha Centauri and Sirius. Get access to the settings in a simple way by watching a video ad. This access will last until you close down the app.

36 nebulae

Choose your favorite nebula and use it for music visualization, relaxation or meditation.

Chromecast TV support

You can watch this music visualizer on your TV with Chromecast.

Background radio player

The radio can continue playing when this app is in the background. You can then use it as a radio player.

Live wallpaper

Use the Live wallpaper to personalize your phone.


You can adjust the speed with the + and – buttons on the visualizers.


Microphone visualization

You can visualize any sound from your phone's microphone. Visualize your voice, music from your stereo or from a party. Microphone visualization has many possibilities.

Unlimited access to settings

You will have access to all of the settings without having to watch any video ads.


You can control your position in space with the interactive 3D-gyroscope.


Nebulae are interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. Most nebulae are of vast size, even millions of light years in diameter. Although denser than the space surrounding them, most nebulae are far less dense than any vacuum created on Earth– a nebular cloud the size of the Earth would have a total mass of only a few kilograms. Many nebulae are visible due to their fluorescence caused by the embedded hot stars.

Nebulae are often star-forming regions. Formations of gas, dust, and other materials "clump" together to form denser regions, which attract further matter. These will eventually become dense enough to form stars. The remaining material then forms planets and other planetary system objects. So nebulae are the cosmic place of creation, where stars are born.

Other nebulae form as planetary nebulae. This is the final stage in the life cycle of stars of a certain size, like Earth's Sun. So our Sun will produce a planetary nebula and its core will remain behind in the form of white dwarf.

Still other nebulae form as the result of supernova explosions. A supernova occurs at the end of the life cycle of the biggest stars in cosmos. The supernova then explodes, which produces the most powerful explosion in the universe.


The radio channel comes from Moon mission:

App video

The video is produced by Stefano Rodriguez. Watch other videos by him here:

The music in the video is "Gods were the astronauts" by Galaxy Hunter:

Version history

Optimized for Android 14.
A radio bug has been solved. It was caused by our radio provider Digital Impulse being hacked. Then their music streams stopped playing, which caused our radio to stop play. Moon Mission Radio is playing in the meantime, until we can back the channels from Digital Impulse radio.
Jun 4, 2022
Auto-play is now supported on the music player. Wallpaper settings bug solved.
October 31, 2021
A link to a privacy policy has been added to the main menu within this app.

Ways to hack Nebula Music Visualizer

Download Nebula Music Visualizer MOD APK 188

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