Fractal Tunnels Live Wallpaper Mod Apk

Fractal Tunnels Live Wallpaper Hack - Mod Apk 229

Developer: Mobile Visuals
Category: Personalization
Price: Free


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Delight yourself with different fractals that look like rivers, lightning, crystals and much more. Experience your favorite music interpreted visually and reflected in all the fractals.

Music Visualizer

Play music with any audio app. Then switch to the music visualizer and it will visualize the music. Moon Mission radio channel is included from the radio icon. A player for your music files is also included.

Background radio player

The radio can continue playing when this app is in the background. You can then do other things when you listen to the radio.

Create your own Fractal tunnel with the settings

Choose between 48 fractal themes like Fractal Canyon and Alien Fractals. Set the steepness of the tunnel and the appearance of the textures. 6 music visualization themes are included. Get access to the settings in a simple way by watching a video ad. This access will last until you close down the app.

Mix your fractals

You can mix the fractals, just like a VJ (video jockey). Make a mix of your favorite fractals in any order that you want and choose how they are mixed. Maybe you want a faster mix or a slower mix with a longer fade between the fractals? The "mixed fractals"-feature is available from the settings.


You can watch this app on your TV with Chromecast. It is a special experience to watch it on a big screen. This is suitable for parties or chill out sessions.

Chill out visualizer

This is a visual stimulation tool with pulsating colors, but without music visualization. It can be used to energize and stimulate the mind.


You can adjust the speed with the + and – buttons on the visualizers.



You can control your ride through the tunnel with the interactive 3D-gyroscope.

Microphone visualization

You can visualize any sound from your phone's microphone. Visualize your own voice, music from your stereo or from a party. Microphone visualization has many possibilities.

Unlimited access to settings

You will have access to all of the settings without having to watch any video ad.


Fractals represent the beautiful, natural symmetry that occurs in the immense cosmos. Many phenomena in nature have patterns similar to fractals, like rivers, mountains, lightning, trees, snowflakes and crystals.

Fractals look the same at various different scales. You can take a small extract of the shape and it looks the same as the entire shape. This curious property is called self similarity.

To create a fractal you can start with a simple pattern and repeat it at smaller scales again and again forever. The name fractal is derived from the fact that fractals don't have a whole number dimension, they have a fractal dimension. You can zoom into a fractal and the patterns and shapes will continue repeating forever.


The fractal textures in this app are made by Ivo Bouwmans:
Silvia Hartmann:
Eyvind Almqvist:


The radio channel comes from Moon mission:

Version history

Optimized for Android 14.
Digital Impulse Radio has been replaced by Moon Mission Radio. There is only 1 channel so far, but we will add more new channels to the app soon. We can not use Digital Impulse Radio anymore, because they got hacked and lost everything.
The new permissions based on Android 13 also works on older Android versions now. So a permission bug from the previous version has been solved.
The permission "read media audio" is now used in a correct way according to Android 13.
It is now optimized for Android 13.
Aug 6, 2022
It is better optimized for the latest Android versions. This will increase the stability, reduce the amount of crashes and cause less situations when the app is not responding.
Jun 2, 2022
The stability has been improved.
Stability and performance have been improved. The main screen has a new fractal layout. Auto-play is now supported on the music player, so the player continues to the next track after playing the chosen track.
April 5, 2022
Stability and performance have been improved. The main screen has a new fractal layout. Auto-play is now supported on the music player, so the player continues to the next track after playing the chosen track.
March 5, 2022
System sound and vibration issues on Android 12 have been solved. The microphone visualization issues have also been solved, so the microphone is always released when it is turned off now. The fractal selection is presented in a more user friendly way.
January 14, 2022
It has been optimized for Android 12. The music playing is smoother now with status icons, which show the progress of the streaming. The artist and track information is presented in a more user friendly way.
January 2, 2022
Lots of new fractal textures have been added! The tunnel feeling has been enhanced.
October 31, 2021
Lots of new high resolution fractal textures have been added. They are all in HD quality. The music visualization is more colorful now. A link to a privacy policy has been added to the main menu within this app.

Ways to hack Fractal Tunnels Live Wallpaper

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