Unciv Mod Apk

Unciv Hack - Mod Apk 4.8.12

Developer: Yair Morgenstern
Category: Strategy, Casual
Price: Free


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An open-source reimplementation of the most famous civilization-building game ever - fast, small, no ads, free forever!

Build your civilization, research technologies, expand your cities and defeat your foes!

Requests? Bugs? Todo list for the application is https://github.com/yairm210/UnCiv/issues, every small help is welcome!

Questions? Comments? Just bored? Join us on the new discord server at https://discord.gg/bjrB4Xw ;)

Want to help translating the game into your language? See https://github.com/yairm210/UnCiv#how-can-i-translate-to-language

Grok Java, Kotlin or C#? Join us at https://github.com/yairm210/UnCiv!

The world awaits! Will you build your civilization into an empire that will stand the test of time?

* Internet permissions required for Multiplayer

Version history

Automated units can fortify/set up/other actions

AI now uses free tech points - By tuvus

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Align ruleset icons in text to font metrics
Resolved ANRs on new game screen with a lot of maps

Fixed errors when cloning civs that should open policy picker

By SeventhM:
- Fix promotions being available when they shouldn't
- Allow buildings to require population, Allow buildings to use condtionals

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fix Permanent Audiovisual toggle

By tuvus:
- AI nuke improvement
- AI move units closer to enemy first in wartime
- Improved AI attack targetting

Add tests for city class and introduce small refactor - By Framonti
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Civilopedia shows origin mod for objects
- Key shortcuts for CityScreen
- Nukes behave closer to Civ V
- Local mod folder names preserved for strangely-named mods
- modding: Better unique warnings

By SeventhM:
- Fixed behaviour for units that can move on water
- Fix: Resources with the same source subtract correctly
- Fix: Free buildings from other buildings show up correctly

Fix: Spectator can see all invisible units - By tuvus

Fix: Better Fog Busting AI - By itanasi
Fixed India's 'double unhappiness' unique

By SeventhM:
- Fix buildings/units not triggering and golden age stat updates
- Avoid crashes with incorrect condtionals
- Scaling purchase costs for faith/culture/science/etc. with speed
- Better support for lacking a capital

By SomeTroglodyte:
- AI support for Alpha Frontier-like Workers
- Prevent activation of disabled actors via keyboard
- Key shortcuts for Main Menu Screen

Fix civilopedia gold cost - By Skekdog

Other modding fixes :)
Resolved performance problem

Performance improvements!

Automated air units no longer lose automated state after moving between cities

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fix conditionals for trigger upon declaring friendship running twice
- More keyboard binding work - World, World Menu Popup, WASD
- Fixed CannotMove unique
- Fix translation problems due to nested brackets in getDifferences
More efficient use of the charts space - By JackRainy

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Allow image overlay and changing world wrap in map editor
- Reapply 'city focus' on yield changes
- Upgrading from Unit overview improved

Remove does not support server feature set error for uncivserver.xyz

Trigger resource recalculation upon gaining a unit that requires resources

Guard against '><' text causing translation recursion

Badly configured era conditional no longer causes crashes
Failure to get mod preview image no longer causes crash

Modding: Added 'upon adopting [belief]' trigger, allowed belief adoption to trigger uniques

Added turn number to victory replay

Clicking locally-added mods no longer crashes

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Fix off-by-one error in autoAssignPopulation
- Happiness change from bought buildings can reapply citizen focus
- Local and jpg mod previews
- Fix UnitTable layout
Modding: terrainFilter now accommodates nationFilter for tile owner

Minor UI improvements

Performance improvements - By WhoIsJohannes

Allow to reveal explored resources from a city's demanding resources in - By chr56

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Visual clue a load game from clipboard is underway
- Allow modders to use culture/faith conversion without providing the icons
- can be promoted notification only when it's actually new
- Fix wrapping for promotions in unit overview
Testing: Damage animations on damaged units

Units sprites move towards the enemy they're attacking

Removed deprecated settings

By WhoIsJohannes:
- Performance improvements
- AI does not consider Barbarian as 'enemy civ' for 'should we declare war' decisions
- Don't leak other civs in the game through LineChart colors.

Avoid first contact alerts for dead City-States - By SomeTroglodyte
Mods that remove 'repair' improvement no longer cause crashes down the line

Archipelago creates water again

By SomeTroglodyte:
- TileSet mods can no longer lock user out
- Obsoleted units replaced in construction queues by Nation-unique upgrades
- Fix exploit allowing promotion with 0 movement
- Fix notifications for pillage loot
- A renamed unit shows that new name in can promote notifications

AbsoluteUnits - Hwach'a, Camel Archer - By letstalkaboutdune
Mar 22, 2023
Mar 13, 2023
Mar 11, 2023
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Custom key bindings
- Fix city desert tiles with Petra selectable
- Fix possible crash involving right-click attack
- Improve completeness and consistency of Technology descriptions

AbsoluteUnits - Great Prophet, Settler (Industrial Era) - By letstalkaboutdune
Mar 5, 2023
Fixed endless loop for mod checker

Modding: global alert available as triggerable for all objects

Better order of unit actions

Better checks for when units are purchasable

Fixed flanking bonus calculation when attacking unit is not adjacent to enemy

Automated workers do not remove Forest tiles for Camp improvements

Fix ExploredRegion rectangular maps support + Zoomout flicker prevention reworked - By Gualdimar

Make Borderless display option translatable - By Ouaz
Feb 26, 2023
Feb 15, 2023
Feb 12, 2023
Fixed Guruship belief

By vegeta1k95:
- Mod sizes are updated to proper values upon selection
- Fix UI bugs
- Fix centering of unit HP bar
- Improvements to construction table

AbsoluteUnits - Berserker, Samurai, Longswordsman v2 - By letstalkaboutdune

By Gualdimar:
- Selecting an improvement switches to another unit only if enabled
- Fixed missing unimproved resources in the overview table
- Research agreement cost display
- Offers we receive for more resources than we have are invalid
Feb 4, 2023
By vegeta1k95:
- Performance optimization: fast and smooth zoom

By Gualdimar:
- Policies screen top button reworked
- Android autosave location fix
- Fix unresponsive policy screen header

AbsoluteUnits - Cataphract, Companion Cavalry, Horseman - By letstalkaboutdune

Fix UX of random nations pool - By alexban011

Double Click on Tech to Exit Tech Screen - By OptimizedForDensity

modding: Unbuildable accepts conditionals

Stats serialize to notifications
Jan 29, 2023
AI battle automation vastly improved for taking over cities

AI automation: Don't nuke cities that we're already winning against

By vegeta1k95:
- Rework of TileGroup: split into dedicated layers, initial preparation for slot-mechanics
- Optimized BorderedTable, refactored CityButton, new air table for units + misc

Better check for inquisitors blocking religion

Modding: Allow unique ruins stat gain notifications

Wonder overview uses viewing civ, not current player
Jan 23, 2023
- Added upon discovering a Natural Wonder, upon founding a city triggers
- Added conditionals for above and below resource amounts
- Great general unique accepts conditionals - @SpacedOutChicken

Allow placing Barbarian encampments in map editor

Added option to allow players to choose randomly selected civs - By alexban011

Fix crash in Tactical Analysis Map - By OptimizedForDensity

AbsoluteUnits - Mohawk Warrior, Swordsman v2 - By letstalkaboutdune
Jan 8, 2023
Jan 1, 2023
Modding: Validate unique parameters for mods

Display protecting civs for city-states

Movement fix: units check if they can capture enemy units by whether they *will* be embarked, not by whether they *are* embarked

By letstalkaboutdune:
- SFX Update - Arrow, Crossbow (New), Metal Hit

Fixed crash when policy prerequisite is a branch - By vegeta1k95

Fix another untranslated String in Policy Screen - By CrispyXYZ

added buttons for controlling music - By alexban011
Dec 24, 2022
Dec 14, 2022
By nacro711072:
- Avoid destroying all onboard units after player upgrade Air Carrier unit
- update score icon

AI Pillages Neutral Roads only at War - By itanasi

By FiretronP75:
- Three Continents map type
- Two Continents split map according to dimension ratio

Modding: Units/Buildings can now be given optional Portraits to be displayed instead of flags - By vegeta1k95
Nov 30, 2022
Made yields smaller so heavy yields look better on tiles

Modding improvements:
- buildingName -> buildingFilter in all possible unique types
- improvement uniques can be assigned to tilefilter
- Occurs at temperature between [amount] and [amount] and humidity between [amount] and [amount] now applicable to resources

AbsoluteUnits - Unique Chariot Archers - By letstalkaboutdune
Nov 24, 2022
Resolved map latency when city-states exist

Fixed city-state type in civilopedia

'impossible' worked tiles not under your control are now cleaned up

Resolved corner case where entire path to destination is full and destination is unenterable

Fix policy counting in global politics - By jmuchemb
Nov 17, 2022
Units now recieve correct healing in friendly territory

Tile info table no longer reveals hidden units

AI no longer nukes if as consequence it will mean declaring war on someone

Empire overview screen updates after changing info in city screen

Fixed civilopedia text that says city-states don't conquer other cities
Nov 9, 2022
Fixed mod promotions conflicting with existing promotion locations

Fixed rare thread crashes

Added many new before/after X turns and before/after Pantheon conditionals

Generalized ruins reward limitations with only available when

Unique Misspelling replacement text contains conditionals

Current naming for manually downloaded mods
Nov 7, 2022
Added layout option for promotions, added promotion layout for G&K

Added AbsoluteUnits as default units for Hexarealm tileset :D
Oct 29, 2022
Automated workers no longer improve unworkable tiles

Improved construction AI choices

By nacro711072:
- fix wrong glyph when switch between different mod.
- Fixed another memory leak
- check whether the city has been a puppet in Pick construction action.
Oct 24, 2022
Fixed memory leak

Fixed Great Person Picker screen not responding

Fixed stat conversion constructions (Science, Gold) not appearing

Fixed units obsoleting before their replacements could be constructed

Unit era variants added to FantasyHex tileset - By GeneralWadaling
Oct 13, 2022
Don't show hidden improvements in nation info

Fixed translations missing when cancelling a new game then resuming the old one

Handle errors when renaming multiplayer games to impossible names

Military units take most efficient route to capture civilians

Translation fixes
Oct 5, 2022
Slight performance improvements

Create Cannot Move Unique - By itanasi

Fixed softlock forcing you to found a pantheon without available beliefs - By xlenstra
Sep 25, 2022
By xlenstra:
- Fixed crash when getting a spy and expanding a city simultaneously
- Modding: Added conditional for 'We Love The King day'

By nacro711072:
- fix: display null text on battleTable when policy branch Autocracy complete

Fix multiplayer turn checker option not showing up on Android - By Azzurite

Translation updates
Sep 19, 2022
New Desktop downloads start at fullscreen

Special images for embarked units

Moddable UI skins - By GGGuenni

Global politics overview screen - By alexban011
Sep 8, 2022
Show Unciv icon when loading game, instead of happy face

AI: Recognize when no further techs can be researched, even if some techs are blocked

Don't re-raise tech popups for previously researched techs

By xlenstra:
- Fixed bug disabling pantheon founding

UI fix - By GGGuenni

Add UI Skin to make it translatable - By Ouaz

Fixed bug on 'resume game' - By nacro711072
Aug 28, 2022
Fixed unit not giftable in one-sided open borders agreement - By huckdogg

Better Mac support for running JARs - By nacro711072

Added game option to disable unwanted spectators from a multiplayer game - By alexban011

Close app completely when clicked 'Exit' button - By CrispyXYZ

Lots of background work for future features :)
Aug 22, 2022
By JackRainy:
- Suggest to adopt policy when the game starts with some culture

Removed legacy tileset code - By GGGuenni

Improved options to rename units - By huckdogg

By xlenstra:
- Fixed a crash when marrying a city-state without cities

By Ouaz:
- Translation and Tutorial improvements
- Add an icon for Wait unit action

Notificiations scroll fix in empire overview - By MindaugasRumsa51

Fix infinite city-state tribute bug - By OptimizedForDensity
Aug 14, 2022
Aug 4, 2022
By itanasi:
- Add Damage numbers to Battle Notifications
- Fix Air Sweep Notification Translations
- Allow Citizen Management to pick any tile owned within 3 tiles

Disabled image packing when running from JAR

Removed duplicate Consumes ... lines of city screen - By kasradzenika

Add translation for XP - By OptimizedForDensity

Tutorial rewording - By xlenstra

Updated nation introduction in civilopedia - By xk730
Aug 1, 2022
Resolved missionary-related crash

Fix erroneous relationship decay notification - By oynqr

Rename Show minimap to Minimap size - By J0anJosep

By SimonCeder:
- Invalid players removed from global quests
- Fix Natural Wonder placement

By OptimizedForDensity:
- Allow passable natural wonders

Removed duplicate placeholders - By xlenstra
Jul 18, 2022
Can no longer receive negative gold offers from AI

Keep progress in notification scroll when updating

Gray out city state friend bonus when allied - By Azzurite

By OptimizedForDensity:
- Minor reweight of AI policy selection
- Stop transported units from being able to pillage tiles

Fix getting settlers from ancient ruins on one-city challenge - By MindaugasRumsa51
Jul 9, 2022
Jul 1, 2022
By OptimizedForDensity:
- Add support for era-specific unit sprites
- Don't wake civilians to danger if they're in a city
- Fix translation issues from nested brackets and braces

By alexban011:
- Fixed brackets in notification logs
- Exception handling when loading mod options

Moddable prettier Tutorials - By SomeTroglodyte

By Azzurite:
- Save compatibility handling
- Fix OutOfMemoryError when loading a game and another is already loaded

Fix crash when exploring - By Skekdog
Jun 22, 2022
Jun 19, 2022
By Azzurite:
- Many, many UX improvements!
- Fixed memory leaks

By OptimizedForDensity:
- Moddable game speeds
- Population reassignment bug fixes

Civilopedia tweaks - By SomeTroglodyte

Translation improvements - By J0anJosep

Trigger Time Victory only if enabled - By JackRainy

Fix crash for no strategic resource mods - By Skekdog

Shortcut fixes and additions - By doublep

Maintain Fortify bonus after Fortify until Healed - By itanasi
Jun 8, 2022
Resolved crashes when centering on a city-state with no cities

By OptimizedForDensity:
- Certain projects cannot be hurried by great engineer
- Fix scout not upgrading through ruins
- Fix rare case where ruins would delete an AI unit while trying to upgrade it
- Prevent duplicate ruin reward

WordScreenTopBar reworked, portrait-friendlier - By SomeTroglodyte

Fixed minimap fog of war for spectators - By alexban011

Fix Free technology allowing restricted techs - By MindaugasRumsa
May 30, 2022
Better minimap buttons

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Draw borders under pixel units
- Fix rare NextTurnButton crash

Improve unconstructable improvement suggestions - By doublep

By alexban011:
- Disable state-changing buttons for puppet cities
- Add optional on-screen buttons to zoom in and out

Corrected some broken policy uniques - By OptimizedForDensity

Dynamically adjust StatsTable height - By itanasi

Fix multiplayer turn checker writing to wrong locations - By Azzurite
May 15, 2022
April 28, 2022
April 13, 2022
Added borders to minimap

Resolved Diplomatic Victory check not triggering for human player

Cities that become capital no longer continue being razed

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Make Icons clickable in religions per city display
- Nicer NotificationScroll

Fixed a bug where crosshairs are everywhere with the 'attack when embarked' unique - By xlenstra

Fixed turn checker crashes - By GGGuenni
March 22, 2022
Wiki improvements

Unique units abilities that should be inherited by upgrades - By SomeTroglodyte

By SpacedOutChicken:
- Add Amphibious promotion to Songhai units
- Petra fix
March 10, 2022
By SomeTroglodyte:
- UI improvements of Religion Picker Screen
- Better Notification locations
- Code cleanup
- Fix Mughal Fort unique

By itanasi:
- Return Stacking Terrain Bonus to Civ5 Rules

By lishaoxia1985:
- UI improvements

Added Starts with [policy] adopted unique - By HaneulCheong
February 25, 2022
Mod autoupdate improvements

Performance improvements

Added copy to clipboard button for mod errors

Multiple small improvements

By SomeTroglodyte:
- Resolved no-barbarian mod error
- Minimum window size

By xlenstra:
- Reorganized the way city states grant resources
- Made spaceship parts units instead of buildings
- Added mod constants for the distance between two cities

By itanasi:
- Updating Embarking Tutorial with more details
- Made multiple tile defense bonuses stack
February 9, 2022
HUGE reduction is memory consumption!

Performance improvements!

Greatly reduced loading times when mods are installed

Better terrain moddability + Added unique to convert terrains if adjacent to something

Must be next to [terrainFilter] now applicable on improvements

Added mod warnings for empty ally and friend bonuses

By xlenstra:
- Fixed a bug where stats from uniques would exponentially grow
- Fixed a bug where open borders, war declarations and cities could not be traded
January 24, 2022
Better drilldown to stat sources in city screen

Start bias includes neighboring tiles for better effect

Cleaner tech order display

Better unique documentation - By xlenstra

By will-ca:
- Check rulesets for potential typos.
- Avoid potential crashes when deleting mods.
- Fix uneven fonts, unify font sizes.
- Make Help button clearer and translatable, random nation indicators and labels translatable.

Destroy Arsenal when city is captured - By SpacedOutChicken
January 19, 2022
Handling for multiplayer download errors

Fixed fringe-case crashes

By xlenstra:
- Fixed a bug that occasionally placed hills on top of mountains
- Made all the other constants determining the strength of cities moddable
- Fixed a bug where citadels did not damage nearby units
- Updated the natural wonders for vanilla

Fix incorrect Archer obsolete - By AdityaMH
January 10, 2022
Detailed sources of battle modifiers

Performance improvements

By xlenstra:
- Disables '[cityState] is afraid of your military power' for spectators & other non-major civs
- Fixed a bug where great improvements could not be repaired after being pillaged
- Fixed border image alpha
December 28, 2021
AI cities now build workboats for use in other cities

Caught Out Of Memory error for large saved games

By will-ca:
- Show arrows on map for unit actions

By xlenstra:
- Added score and time victory
- Fixed a policy not working
- Fixed a bug where an empty improvement picker screen could open
December 16, 2021
December 11, 2021
November 14, 2021
Pre-solved potential bugs

Fixed tileset config conflicts between mods

Fixed crashing music bug

Caught out of memory errors when updating tiles with a catch-all popup

Performance improvements, should help mitigate existing ANRs

Resolved crashes in game options table when changing base ruleset before the mod list was defined

Fixed a crash when changing the base ruleset while in portrait mode - By xlenstra
November 8, 2021
Large performance boosts

Solved ANRs caused by slow quickstarts

Fixed music download error

Show notification to cycle through visible resources when clicking on resource icon in Resource Overview. - By will-ca

By xlenstra:
- Reworked buying buildings & units with stats a bit
- Fixed a bug where hagia sophia could be build in non-faith games

Made rich presence text not change with language - By logicminimal

Ways to hack Unciv

Download Unciv MOD APK 4.8.12

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