* One-click-move default deactivated
* One-Click-Move added
* Bugfix: Close Connection in online mode, when app is closed
* Bugfix: Negative income display
* Bugfix: Skin change flicker
* Bugfix: Mapeditor: Objects at Goldmine
* Buglog: Online mode connection error
* Mapsize viewable in Weekly Challenge
* UI optimization
* Better error log for online mode
* Bugfix: Superiority-Win with king
* Bugfix: Skins optimized
* Bugfix: Arabic language read direction
* Bugfix: Mapsize view in Weekly Challenge (Thanks to Tcilegnar)
* IslandX: Cardmode removed completely
* Online mode: Server switch
* Statistics and ranking for online mode added
* Online Mode for 100% of the player released
* Online Mode: Release for 50% of the player
* Bugfix: Tribe and Ninja Skins
* Bugfix: Weekly Challenge loads new on each sunday
* Bugfix: Tutorial in last level, map 1
* Version fix for online mode
* Multiplayer for 20% of the player
* Multiplayer Bugfix: Detect disconnection
* Multiplayer Bugfix: NextDay not skippable
* Polish language bug fix (Thanks to Jedrzej)
* Portugurese language fix (Thanks to Israel)
* Booster added
* IslandX: 4x card mode removed
* Skins added (Pirate, Tribe, Ninja)
* Reward for Weekly Challenge added
* Coins added
* UI optimized
* Max. maps in mapeditor raised to 50
* Weekly Challenge rating optional
* Bugfix: See unit behind fog of war
* Adaptive Icon added
* A/B Ads Test fix
* New Unit: King added to the game
* Easy mode got easier
* Levels in Map1 optimized
* Bugfix: Tutorial Level2 Unit
* Bugfix: Volume configured before game start.
* Bugfix: AI issue with king game (4x)
* Win Animation added
* Portuguese translation completed
* Easy mode got easier
* Seperate sound and music volume
* Played rounds for level visible
* Tutorial level4 improved
* UI Buttons and Titles uniformly
* Small Bugfixes (8x)
* Bugfixes (Thanks to Kokazaki )
* Story added to the game.
* Language Ukrainian added
* Language Arabic added
* Landscape for Tablet added
* Challange Mode: Next Button instead of Roll
* Bugfix: Mapeditor Level in "hard" playable
* Bugfix: Mapeditor fixed (Thanks to Filip)
* Smaller Bugfixes
* Worldmap scrollable
* Fast build mode available in configuration
* Battle Mode: Privinces and Size choosable
* Small Bugfixes
* Character is faster when going further on world map
* Small Usability improvements (12x)
* Small Bugfixes (10x)
- Weekly Challenges -
Level from the mapeditor can be uploaded to the server
Each week will be new level available to play for all player
- Week1: Upload level
- Week2: Rate level from other user
- Week3: Play best rated level
* 5 new Achievements added
* Bugfixes (Thanks to Tomislav)
Feb 23, 2023
* Bugfix: Gravestone to Grass could make a false income (Thanks to Ivan)
* Bugfix: The sum amount of stars can be false (Thanks to Tomislav)
* Bugfix: AI unit stands sometimes still if it could attack
Feb 13, 2023
* Easy mode got easier
* Performance optimization
* Bugfix: Difficult to see money/income at small displays (Thanks to Marcus, Edwin)
* Bugfix: Google Play Connection fixed (Thanks to Angelo)
* Bugfix: Overwritten Save file
Feb 2, 2023
* Easy mode got easier
* Performance optimization
* Bugfix: Difficult to see money/income at small displays (Thanks to Marcus, Edwin)
Dec 11, 2022
* Shop offer anouncement
* Bugfix: Fog at Battle Mode
Nov 24, 2022
* Easy-Mode is now easier
* Languages added: Polish, Chinese, Belarusian
* Battlemode: Different Terrain and Fog available
* Mapeditor: Different Terrain and Fog available
* Mapeditor: Max. Mapsize at 26x26 increased
* Character in Levelselection can stop movement
* Back-Button at Smartphone works now
* UI Improvements (5x)
* Bugfix: Map2 and Map3 played music at mute
* Bugfix: Other Apps in Background stop playing music
* Bugfix UI (10x)
Nov 9, 2022
* Select between three difficulties in the campaign
* Collect up to 120 Stars per Island
* AI Improved (10 Improvements)
* Performance improved for AI
* AI Bugfixes (3 Bugfixes)
* Map2 Level31 got easier
* Bugfix: Ad frequency
Oct 28, 2022
Bugfix: Ad-System
Oct 16, 2022
* Bugfix: Units not greyed out after loading game
Sep 9, 2022
* Savefile saved in cloud
* Savegame can be deleted in homescreen
* Battle Mode: increased max size 26x26
* UI Improved
* Bugfix: Don't move unit at scroll
* Bugfix: Units not grey after continue (Thank to all reporter)
* Bugfix: Mapeditor one area, set city (Thanks to José)
Jul 28, 2022
Lost Game progress can be restored
Jun 3, 2022
* Bugfix: Translation fix (Thanks to Rafał)
* Bugfix: Achivement for Island 2, 3 (Thanks to Mike, Alex)
May 18, 2022
* Google Play Achivements added
* Battle mode: Superiority Win added
May 9, 2022
* New Tutorial
* Desert tiles
* Optimized unit graphics
* Bugfix: No map at first gamestart
* Bugfix: Shop Full Game (Thanks to Edward, proinfotech)
April 9, 2022
- Build/Move is blocked during scroll
- The Island shows the Levelname
- Configuration is available in the game
- City get the same position after "Undo" (Thanks to Dawid)
- City avoid fields with unit/building
- Next-unit-button available in the configuration
- Battle Mode Level can be continued
- Same Batte Mode Level can be restarted
- Completed Islands can be restored (Contact Admin)
- Bugfix: Moved units are not saved correctly (Thanks to Andrew)
February 19, 2022
* Bugfix: Map2 Level17 (Thanks to Leehello)
* Bugfix: Open shop with no Internet
February 16, 2022
* Island3 added
* 40 Level added
* Bugfix: Map3 Level 19 (Thanks to Isak)
* Bugfix: translation (Thanks to Latter)
* Bugfix: Map1Level5 (Thanks to Lars)
* Bugfix: Glitch in Level Background (Thanks to Bruno)
* Bugfix: Mapeditor, Walls without Areas (Thanks to Turbomark)
* Small Bugfixes
December 10, 2021
Language Swedish added
Bugfix: Wall at Level 5
Bugfix: Save „Fast movement“ option (Thanks to Benjamin)
November 12, 2021
- Language Italian added
- Mapeditor: Bridges unlocked
- Grey color for moved units
- Moveable Fields more visible
- Bugfix: Homescreen Background (Thanks to Latter, Sam)
- Bugfix: Island2 in Battle Mode visible (Thanks to Obadias)
- Bugfix: Savefile after „next day“ wrong