FlowSavvy: Auto-Scheduling Mod Apk

FlowSavvy: Auto-Scheduling Hack - Mod Apk 2.48

Developer: FlowSavvy
Category: Productivity
Price: Free


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** FlowSavvy is free forever, with the option to upgrade to FlowSavvy Pro (see https://flowsavvy.app/pricing to compare).
** Requires internet connection

FlowSavvy intelligently schedules the tasks from your to-do list into your schedule so you can see exactly what needs to get done and when.

Advanced auto-scheduling:
- Automatically split tasks when they don’t fit in your schedule
- Automatically balance your workload over multiple days
- Automatically rebuild your schedule whenever you make a change (no more manually shifting all your time blocks!)
- 1-click recalculate your entire schedule when you get behind
- Generate optimized time blocks from your to do list up to 8 weeks ahead
- Customizable auto-scheduling settings so FlowSavvy plans how you plan
- Customizable scheduling hours (Work hours, Personal hours, etc.)

Task/Event features:
- Set due dates and durations and have FlowSavvy decide where to schedule them or fix them to a specific time
- Repeating events and tasks (<-- flexible habits!!)
- Partial completes and progress tracking
- Complete tasks directly from the calendar
- Tasks color coded by how close they are scheduled to their due date (green, orange, red)
- All day events and busy/free events

Other features:
- Push notification reminders
- Sync with Google Calendar, iCloud, and Outlook
- Multiple calendar views and to-do list views
- Unlimited events, tasks, and calendars
- Quick capture tasks in the inbox, schedule them later
- Dark mode and custom colors for events and tasks

This is weekly planning like you've never seen before. Download FlowSavvy now and experience automatic time blocking!

Version history

- Made it more obvious when an event or task is in a different time zone
- Improved task order on the Completed view
- Fixed a bug where auto-ignore was getting turned on unexpectedly
- Fixed a bug where FlowSavvy-only properties were getting cleared when syncing with 3rd party calendars

Thanks for using FlowSavvy! If you’re enjoying the app, please give us a rating!
- Events and tasks on the schedule view are now displayed with a minimum height
- Fixed a bug that was causing custom colors to be cleared when syncing with iCloud or Outlook
- Fixed a bug that was preventing some events and their buffer times from being included in recalculation
- Fixed a bug that was causing the “time zone changed” popup to not show on app load
- Fixed a few bugs related to pagination on the different list views

If you’re enjoying the app, please be sure to give us a rating!
- Added an option to show or hide completed tasks on the schedule view
- Added some tips about how to break up large tasks over time
- Added ability to set a default for min duration
- Bug fixes & performance improvements

We hope you enjoy this update! If you do, please be sure to give us a rating!
- Fixed a bug where task dependencies weren’t being respected in some cases
- Fixed a bug where the task view was getting closed unintentionally
- Fixed a bug that prevented swiping while text was selected
- Added a warning when notes are too big to prevent unintentional truncation
- Moved some controls in the event/task details view to be more intuitive
- A few minor bug fixes

We’re working on some exciting updates! If you’re enjoying the app, please give us a rating!
We made a few small improvements to keep the app running smoothly. Bigger updates coming soon!

If you're enjoying the app, please give us a rating!
- Tapping off of dropdowns to close them no longer affects items in the background
- Fixed a bug where closing the event/task view could discard changes without asking you first in some cases
- Fixed a bug where the missed tasks view scrolled to the top after changing a task’s due date
- Made the custom repeat rule UI respect the “Start week on” setting
- Several other minor bug fixes & improvements

Thanks for using FlowSavvy! If you’re enjoying the app, please give us a rating!
- New onboarding flow
- Bug fixes & performance improvements
- Fixed a bug where notes were not being saved when duplicating an event or task
- Fixed a bug where selecting text would activate a swipe gesture
- Redesigned the upgrade page to be more clear about free and pro features
- Other bug fixes & performance improvements

Thanks for using FlowSavvy! If you’re enjoying the app, please give us a rating!
- Updated billing system
- Bug fixes & performance improvements
- Quickly search for events and tasks
- Use tags for better organization
- New to-do list with filters
- Bug fixes & performance improvements
Bug fixes & performance improvements
Clarified subscription terms
- sync more than one Google Calendar account
- read-only iCloud syncing now supported
- read-only Outlook syncing now supported
- major rework of the event, task, and calendar views
- other performance improvements & bug fixes
Bug fixes & performance improvements
Bug fixes & performance improvements
Bug fixes & performance improvements
Bug fixes & performance improvements
Mar 19, 2023
Bug fixes & performance improvements
Mar 10, 2023
Bug fixes & performance improvements
Feb 20, 2023
Added self-help center and improved support systems
Jan 23, 2023
Bug fixes & improvements
Nov 21, 2022
- Dark mode
- Custom colors for events and tasks
- bug fixes & improvements
Oct 27, 2022
Bug fixes & performance improvements

Ways to hack FlowSavvy: Auto-Scheduling

Download FlowSavvy: Auto-Scheduling MOD APK 2.48

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