Hey #dubclub!
In this update we bring you another set of Live sessions for your daily dose of body-doubling assistance. Bring your todo-lists - we're tackling awful chores, whether it's inbox purging, kitchen cleaning, or doom pile destruction. We'd absolutely love your feedback, so let us know what's working for you and what we can improve. Hope you enjoy.
Happy doubling!
Team dubbii
Hey #dubclub!
Thank you to everybody who has tried Live Body Doubling so far! This week we are launching even more Live sessions to give you body-doubling assistance with your awful chores, whether it's emails, kitchen, cleaning - or just some general work. We'd absolutely love your feedback, so let us know what's working for you and what we can improve. Hope you enjoy.
Happy doubling!
Team dubbii
Hey #dubclub!
Thank you to everybody who has tried Live Body Doubling so far! This week we continue our one hour a day live room from Monday to Friday to give you some body-doubling assistance with your awful chores, whether it's emails, kitchen, cleaning - or just some general work. We'd absolutely love your feedback, so do let us know what's working for you and what we can improve. Hope you enjoy.
Happy doubling!
Team dubbii
Hey #dubclub!
What you've all been asking for... this week, we are launching a one hour a day live room from Monday to Friday to give you some body-doubling assistance with your awful chores, whether it's emails, kitchen, cleaning - or just some general work. We'd absolutely love your feedback, so do let us know what's working for you and what we can improve. Hope you enjoy.
Happy doubling!
Team dubbii
Hey #dubclub!
In this update we bring you:
MESSY MODE: Transform cluttered rooms back to their best! Join Rich & Rox for epic tidying sessions that will make your spaces sparkle again.
TIDY TIMERS: Need a quick clean? Set the timer for 300 seconds and see how much you can tidy up in a flash!
Messy Mode and Tidy Timers will both be available when cleaning the bedroom and kitchen. If you’re a free user, you'll be able to swap your chosen task to give them a go.