Better is a service that helps you create a better you through daily records.
► Light recording
Bettors are optimized for light records.
Anytime, anywhere, worry-free!
Post your record of the day in just 1 minute with just photos and text.
► A better me
The records accumulated at Better show the process of becoming a better me.
When you have a set goal, you can manage it by setting a completion date.
Have your own tightly packed archive!
► Exchange of inspiration
Meet the people who run together today at Better.
Explore other people's today, get inspired, and share support.
You can share your records with more people through your social accounts.
■ Information on app access permissions
[Optional access rights]
Notifications: Post, comment, follow, bookmark, like interaction and notification notifications
Camera: Upload photos, images, videos, audio to board and record
Photos: Upload images, videos, and audio to boards and records
※ You can use the basic functions of the service even if you do not allow optional access rights, but if you do not agree, the use of some functions may be restricted. You can choose to grant or deny permission when accessing related information and functions.
[Developer contact information]
[email protected]