With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $750 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $750 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
We're making credit building simpler, safer, and for everyone. Build credit while you bank with The Build Card, and now add your card to Google Pay with just a couple taps in the app, so you can keep swiping seamlessly.
We're making credit building simpler, safer, and for everyone. Build credit while you bank with The Build Card, and now add your card to Google Pay with just a couple taps in the app, so you can keep swiping seamlessly.
We’re making credit building simpler, safer, and for everyone. Now build credit while you bank and get credit for every swipe with The Build Card.
We’re making credit building simpler, safer, and for everyone. Now build credit while you bank and get credit for every swipe with The Build Card.
You work hard for your money, we make sure our app is working hard for you. We're constantly improving the Current app fixing bugs and making performance updates to make sure it's fast, easy, and seamless to use.
You work hard for your money, we make sure our app is working hard for you. We're constantly improving the Current app fixing bugs and making performance updates to make sure it's fast, easy, and seamless to use.
You work hard for your money, we make sure our app is working hard for you. We're constantly improving the Current app fixing bugs and making performance updates to make sure it's fast, easy, and seamless to use.
Mar 10, 2023
Same app, whole new look. We’re committed to building the future of banking, and we’ve redesigned our app to reflect that. Sleeker. Smarter. Simpler. So now, it’s even easier for you to make the most of your money.
Feb 8, 2023
Same app, whole new look. We’re committed to building the future of banking, and we’ve redesigned our app to reflect that. Sleeker. Smarter. Simpler. So now, it’s even easier for you to make the most of your money.
Jan 18, 2023
Same app, even more features. Earn up to 4.00% APY¹ on your savings, so you can sit back, relax, and watch your money grow.
Dec 20, 2022
Same app, even more features. Start earning 4.00% APY¹ on your savings, so you can sit back, relax, and watch your money grow.
Nov 18, 2022
It’s official, crypto is now available on Current and all without trading fees. Now you can buy and sell dozens of coins seamlessly from the same app you already use to spend and save.
Nov 6, 2022
It’s official, crypto is now available on Current and all without trading fees. Now you can buy and sell dozens of coins seamlessly from the same app you already use to spend and save.
Oct 24, 2022
It’s official, crypto is now available on Current and all without trading fees. Now you can buy and sell dozens of coins seamlessly from the same app you already use to spend and save.
Sep 29, 2022
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
Aug 31, 2022
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
Aug 18, 2022
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
Jul 16, 2022
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
Jul 1, 2022
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
Jun 23, 2022
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
Jun 7, 2022
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
May 27, 2022
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
April 25, 2022
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
March 31, 2022
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
January 29, 2022
Interest just got interesting. Get the update and start earning 4.00% APY³ on Savings, so you can sit back, relax, and watch your money grow.
January 19, 2022
Interest just got interesting. Get the update and start earning 4.00% APY³ on Savings, so you can sit back, relax, and watch your money grow.
December 21, 2021
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
December 8, 2021
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
November 30, 2021
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
November 13, 2021
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible