With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $750 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $750 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
With Paycheck Advance, now any day can be payday. Qualify, and get up to a $500 advance, no credit checks or lines of credit required.
We’re making credit building simpler, safer, and for everyone. Now build credit while you bank and get credit for every swipe with The Build Card.
20 дек. 2022 г.
Same app, even more features. Start earning 4.00% APY¹ on your savings, so you can sit back, relax, and watch your money grow.
18 нояб. 2022 г.
It’s official, crypto is now available on Current and all without trading fees. Now you can buy and sell dozens of coins seamlessly from the same app you already use to spend and save.
24 окт. 2022 г.
It’s official, crypto is now available on Current and all without trading fees. Now you can buy and sell dozens of coins seamlessly from the same app you already use to spend and save.
29 сент. 2022 г.
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
18 авг. 2022 г.
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
16 июл. 2022 г.
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
1 июл. 2022 г.
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
27 мая 2022 г.
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible
10 мая 2022 г.
This release includes bug fixes and small UX tweaks to make your Current experience as smooth as possible