- Valentine's Event.
- Bug fixing.
- Anniversary event!
- Halloween returns with new, scary dragons to unlock!
- The spectral egg has been transformed into a tetric egg. The spectral egg will be reintroduced in the future with a different pool of dragons.
- Now you can click the "collection" panel in the dragon selection screen to check how many shinies you have.
- The seasonal egg store features visual improvements.
- Improved localization.
- Reset store's x2 offers!
- Introduced shiny dragons. They can be hatched from eggs or unlocked by giving a shiny donut to a fully-leveled dragon. Every dragon type has a shiny variant, so enjoy collecting them all!
- Shiny Donuts are now available for purchase in the store for 95 regular Stellar Donuts each (limit 3 per day).
- Fixed an issue where certain world quests were not directing players to the correct world on the quest screen.
- Improved localization.
- Reset store's x2 offers!
- Fixed the issue with Dullahan's missing head.
- Fixed a bug where Malodan slowed down upon releasing the finger.
- Flodra's spores now move faster.
- X-P3R1M3NT is now recognized as a tap, hold and follow dragon for quests (when under the appropiate skill effect).
- The "Dragon Obtained" screen now displays the cooldown of active skills.
- Improved localization.
- Reset store's x2 offers!
- Added a new world: Maelstrom.
- Introduced new dragons (hydras) and a new egg type.
- Pressing the quest button for world-related quests will prompt users to travel to the respective world.
- Fixed the "Wheel of Fire" quest bug.
- Resolved several achievement completion bugs.
- Improved localization.
- Reset store's x2 offers!
- Increased the inventory cap from 200 to 250. Any extra eggs will now be automatically converted into crowns.
- Removed inventory cap warning from Nest screen and added an egg showcase menu in its place.
- Resolved an issue related to Power-Up Quests while having a Dragon Heart.
- Fixed a bug where Dystophera was not activating the Contrast System.
- Fixed a bug where some Nest Achievements were not unlocking correctly.
- Localization improvements.
-Sinestesia's skill now synchronizes with the current music track, has an internal cooldown and a bigger time window to activate.
-Fixed an issue that was causing X-M0t0's wheels to stop spinning.
-Addressed a bug related to egg timers.
- Added a new world: Synthonia.
- Added 12 new dragons + 1 new egg type.
- Added a new quest (and fixed some bugged ones).
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
- Increased available quests to 85.
- Increased quests rewards (x10 or more depending on quest difficulty).
- Quest difficulty and their rewards will now scale up based on the amount of dragons you have unlocked.
- Added a button to change active quests.
- Moved mastery screen to the dragon selection menu and added available rewards indicator.
- Fix a bug regarding hold dragons and the countdown pause button.
- Abymonio now shines at night!
Mar 11, 2023
- Worldmap! Now you can select the world and theme you want to start playing with.
- Power-up appearance related skilled buffed (from 100% to 1000%).
- Legacy notifications toggle in settings.
- Added an option to randomize worlds after each game in settings.
- Added pause countdown toggle in pause menu.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Feb 16, 2023
- Fixed an issue where the game would render blue squares instead of the dragons sprites in some devices.
- Now Pangea's skill check will roll after dragon hearts.
- Increased number of favourite dragons to 30.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Feb 13, 2023
- Valentine's is here! 8 new dragons and a new egg type! <3
- Fixed a bug where quest notifications were not showing the correct progress number.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Feb 2, 2023
- Reorganized settings.
- Added quest tracking and pause countdown.
- Redesigned gameplay notifications.
- Visual indicators for mastery and new dragons.
- Now dragon death skills will be checked before using a dragon heart.
- Improved visibility of text elements across many menus.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Jan 19, 2023
- Fixed an issue where the game did not save the egg status immediately when using the new nest management options.
- Added a new option to open all eggs ready to hatch in the nest menu.
- Added a new toggle in settings to disable the confirmation pop-ups for the new nest management options.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Dec 12, 2022
- Reduce Wispernalia blizzard speed slow effect (From 50% to 25%).
- Fix blizzard sounds continuing when changing worlds.
- Fix for the initial double flap animation.
- Localization improvements.
- Increased crown amount in the store crown packs.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Nov 29, 2022
- Christmas season is here! 15 new dragons, new egg type and a brand new world: Wispernalia!
- Fixed some dragons standing still after finishing a powerup.
- Fixed a visual bug that keep the magic snowflake visual effect always on.
- Fixed some audio bugs (clipping and cuts).
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Nov 13, 2022
- Fixed some skill reset issues with Vetrece and Mormoza.
- Improved Archideon skill visibility.
- Fixed Malame skill in lower levels.
- Improved cloud save flow in settings.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Oct 29, 2022
- Spooky season is here! 18 new dragons, new egg type and a brand new world: Spookylvania!
- IMPORTANT: Migrated to a new Cloud Save system. Please make sure you have a local save (game installed) before updating to avoid data loss.
- Now you can level up your nests up to level 10 and reduce the hatching time of your eggs!
- Fixed Pangea eternal runs (Cataclysm now has an internal cooldown based on rifts and score).
- Adjusted prices and duplication crowns to avoid exploits.
Sep 20, 2022
- Fixed bug regarding collisions in Draco Dwarf Galaxy.
- Reworked Pangea and Feulungo skills.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Sep 4, 2022
- New world: Draco Dwarf Galaxy.
- 3 new cosmic dragons.
- Fixes and improvements for Lucky Charm powerup and many dragon skills.
- Added more achievement checks (donut level up and masteries).
- Fix powerup particles still showing up when dying and death particles location for dragons with follow controls.
- Added a FPS counter in settings.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Aug 10, 2022
- Capped stellar donuts inventory to 99.
- Fixed a bug regarding stellar donut appearance.
- Increased power-up and stellar donut appearance by a small margin.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Aug 5, 2022
- 3 new cosmic dragons!
- New game element - Stellar Donuts: feed donuts to the dragons to level them up! Find them or buy them in the shop!
- Added Stellar Donuts button to feed the dragons in the dragon selection screen.
- Added Stellar Donuts related sections to the How To Play menu in settings.
- Added an option to randomize the initial world in settings.
- Fixed a bug regarding Dramedo.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Jul 21, 2022
- New epic fairy dragon: Spronco.
- New world: Fairy Forest.
- Added high contrast options in settings menu.
- Worlds balance changes.
- Added a warning about controls in the "How to play" section.
- Fixed "invisible" skip button when opening Mystery Eggs.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Jul 10, 2022
- New legendary cosmic dragon: X-T3LL4
- Added a "How to Play" section in the settings menu with a list of all power-ups explained
- Improved clarity of the new auto-drag eggs button in the lab (Nest screen)
- Fixed the location of some buttons that were being occluded by the notches of some devices
- Updated ads package
- Localization improvements
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
Jun 29, 2022
- Added button to auto-drag eggs to the lab (also added a warning about consuming eggs in the lab)
- Dragon hitbox improvements
- Fixed a bug that (sometimes) prevented to select dragons
- Localization improvements
- Dragon description fixes
- Removed store exclamation indicator and refreshed x2 offers!
Jun 20, 2022
- Added 15 new fairy dragons
- Added a new egg (Chrysalis egg) to the store and refreshed the x2 offers
- Added a level indicator to the dragon selection screen and now when you press on a locked dragon you will see which egg you need to hatch to get it
- Increase duplicated crowns
- Skill rebalance and VFX improvements
May 7, 2022
- Added new dragon: Hastalak
- Improved and smooth screen shake effects
- Added remaining time indicators in nest screen
- Fixed a bug where certains enemies would appear rotated
- Fixed audio clipping and some audio problems related to Pangea
- UX improvements on the Nest screen
- Localization improvements
April 2, 2022
- Localization improvements
March 29, 2022
- Reduced loading times! (and added a loading bar)
- Added a new panel in the dragon selection screen (mastery, highscore and hatched dragons)
- Fixed some localization texts
March 6, 2022
- Fixed a visual bug when tapping in more than one egg in the progression screen.
- Updated engine version.
February 6, 2022
- Update engine and packages versions
- Fairy Dust and Evil Mushroom fixes and improvements
- Reduced number of crown particles that were causing crashes with certain dragons (Koraline)
- Fixed some skills dragon descriptions
- Fixed a bug related to crowns when getting a duplicated dragon
- Make the Nest arrows, ad-buttons and dragon selection arrows more prominent
January 15, 2022
- Fixed a problem where the screen would remain black in some devices.
December 21, 2021
- Fixed some problems with the font in the skills description.
- Fixed a bug where some powerups wasn't resetting the scale of the dragon.