Flappy Dragon Mod Apk

Flappy Dragon Взлом - Mod Apk 3.8.0

Разработчик: Coré Ventura
Категория: Экшен-игры, Аркады
Цена: Бесплатно


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Играй в безумной вселенной Flappy Dragon, где ты управляешь драконами со специальными способностями и путешествуешь по экзотическим мирам с уникальной механикой. Пожирайте аристократов, находите сундуки с сокровищами, собирайте короны, высиживайте драконьи яйца, используйте бонусы и, прежде всего, избегайте башен в этом волшебном приключении Flappy Dragon!

Отправляйтесь в путешествие, собирая короны от высоких гор до таинственной и засушливой пустыни, пленительных глубин океана или даже бескрайнего космоса и многих других мест! В каждом мире вас ждут уникальные механики, забавные персонажи и скрытые секреты.

Соберите более 150 различных драконов, каждый из которых обладает уникальными навыками, способностями к полету и схемами управления.
Находите яйца и высиживайте их, чтобы открыть новых драконов и повысить уровень своих огнедышащих друзей, чтобы раскрыть их потенциал. Сможете ли вы собрать их всех и овладеть их мощными способностями?

Наслаждайтесь поиском необычных бонусов, которые помогут вам ускорить прохождение уровней, извергать огонь, разрушать башни или даже манипулировать самим временем!

Каждый дракон обладает уникальным специальным умением, активным или пассивным, которое поможет вам в ваших поисках. Повышайте уровень своих драконов, чтобы усилить их способности и оптимизировать стратегию игры!

Освойте искусство полета с помощью НАЖМИТЕ, УДЕРЖИВАЙТЕ ПАЛЕЦ, СЛЕДУЙТЕ ЗА ПАЛЬЦЕМ и их обратных вариантов! Каждый дракон имеет уникальную схему управления, проверяя ваши навыки множеством способов. Сможете ли вы покорить их всех?

Повышайте мастерство своего дракона, зарабатывайте сказочные награды и демонстрируйте свое мастерство. Поднимитесь по карьерной лестнице и станьте лучшим мастером flappy!

Flappy Dragon можно скачать и играть бесплатно. Однако некоторые игровые предметы, такие как пакеты корон или яйца, можно приобрести за реальные деньги. Если вы не хотите использовать эту функцию, пожалуйста, установите защиту паролем для покупок в настройках приложения Google Play Store.

История обновлений

- New year event!
- Bakery update!
- Anniversary event!
- Halloween returns with new, scary dragons to unlock!
- The spectral egg has been transformed into a tetric egg. The spectral egg will be reintroduced in the future with a different pool of dragons.
- Now you can click the "collection" panel in the dragon selection screen to check how many shinies you have.
- The seasonal egg store features visual improvements.
- Improved localization.
- Reset store's x2 offers!
- Fixed the issue with Dullahan's missing head.
- Fixed a bug where Malodan slowed down upon releasing the finger.
- Flodra's spores now move faster.
- X-P3R1M3NT is now recognized as a tap, hold and follow dragon for quests (when under the appropiate skill effect).
- The "Dragon Obtained" screen now displays the cooldown of active skills.
- Improved localization.
- Reset store's x2 offers!
- Added a new world: Maelstrom.
- Introduced new dragons (hydras) and a new egg type.
- Pressing the quest button for world-related quests will prompt users to travel to the respective world.
- Fixed the "Wheel of Fire" quest bug.
- Resolved several achievement completion bugs.
- Improved localization.
- Reset store's x2 offers!
- Increased the inventory cap from 200 to 250. Any extra eggs will now be automatically converted into crowns.
- Removed inventory cap warning from Nest screen and added an egg showcase menu in its place.
- Resolved an issue related to Power-Up Quests while having a Dragon Heart.
- Fixed a bug where Dystophera was not activating the Contrast System.
- Fixed a bug where some Nest Achievements were not unlocking correctly.
- Localization improvements.
-Sinestesia's skill now synchronizes with the current music track, has an internal cooldown and a bigger time window to activate.
-Fixed an issue that was causing X-M0t0's wheels to stop spinning.
-Addressed a bug related to egg timers.
- Added a new world: Synthonia.
- Added 12 new dragons + 1 new egg type.
- Added a new quest (and fixed some bugged ones).
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
- Increased available quests to 85.
- Increased quests rewards (x10 or more depending on quest difficulty).
- Quest difficulty and their rewards will now scale up based on the amount of dragons you have unlocked.
- Added a button to change active quests.
- Moved mastery screen to the dragon selection menu and added available rewards indicator.
- Fix a bug regarding hold dragons and the countdown pause button.
- Abymonio now shines at night!
11 мар. 2023 г.
- Worldmap! Now you can select the world and theme you want to start playing with.
- Power-up appearance related skilled buffed (from 100% to 1000%).
- Legacy notifications toggle in settings.
- Added an option to randomize worlds after each game in settings.
- Added pause countdown toggle in pause menu.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
16 февр. 2023 г.
- Fixed an issue where the game would render blue squares instead of the dragons sprites in some devices.
- Now Pangea's skill check will roll after dragon hearts.
- Increased number of favourite dragons to 30.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
2 февр. 2023 г.
- Reorganized settings.
- Added quest tracking and pause countdown.
- Redesigned gameplay notifications.
- Visual indicators for mastery and new dragons.
- Now dragon death skills will be checked before using a dragon heart.
- Improved visibility of text elements across many menus.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
19 янв. 2023 г.
- Fixed an issue where the game did not save the egg status immediately when using the new nest management options.
- Added a new option to open all eggs ready to hatch in the nest menu.
- Added a new toggle in settings to disable the confirmation pop-ups for the new nest management options.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
15 янв. 2023 г.
- You can now use the physical back button of your device to trigger the game back button.
- More nests handling options.
- Added an option in settings to open eggs without tapping.
- Improved dragon names visibility.
- Nests now displays egg hatching time based on the nest level.
- Bug fixes: some skills and remove rate-us prompt on startup.
12 дек. 2022 г.
- Reduce Wispernalia blizzard speed slow effect (From 50% to 25%).
- Fix blizzard sounds continuing when changing worlds.
- Fix for the initial double flap animation.
- Localization improvements.
- Increased crown amount in the store crown packs.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
29 нояб. 2022 г.
- Christmas season is here! 15 new dragons, new egg type and a brand new world: Wispernalia!
- Fixed some dragons standing still after finishing a powerup.
- Fixed a visual bug that keep the magic snowflake visual effect always on.
- Fixed some audio bugs (clipping and cuts).
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
13 нояб. 2022 г.
- Fixed some skill reset issues with Vetrece and Mormoza.
- Improved Archideon skill visibility.
- Fixed Malame skill in lower levels.
- Improved cloud save flow in settings.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
29 окт. 2022 г.
- Spooky season is here! 18 new dragons, new egg type and a brand new world: Spookylvania!
- IMPORTANT: Migrated to a new Cloud Save system. Please make sure you have a local save (game installed) before updating to avoid data loss.
- Now you can level up your nests up to level 10 and reduce the hatching time of your eggs!
- Fixed Pangea eternal runs (Cataclysm now has an internal cooldown based on rifts and score).
- Adjusted prices and duplication crowns to avoid exploits.
20 сент. 2022 г.
- Fixed bug regarding collisions in Draco Dwarf Galaxy.
- Reworked Pangea and Feulungo skills.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
4 сент. 2022 г.
- New world: Draco Dwarf Galaxy.
- 3 new cosmic dragons.
- Fixes and improvements for Lucky Charm powerup and many dragon skills.
- Added more achievement checks (donut level up and masteries).
- Fix powerup particles still showing up when dying and death particles location for dragons with follow controls.
- Added a FPS counter in settings.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
10 авг. 2022 г.
- Capped stellar donuts inventory to 99.
- Fixed a bug regarding stellar donut appearance.
- Increased power-up and stellar donut appearance by a small margin.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
5 авг. 2022 г.
- 3 new cosmic dragons!
- New game element - Stellar Donuts: feed donuts to the dragons to level them up! Find them or buy them in the shop!
- Added Stellar Donuts button to feed the dragons in the dragon selection screen.
- Added Stellar Donuts related sections to the How To Play menu in settings.
- Added an option to randomize the initial world in settings.
- Fixed a bug regarding Dramedo.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
21 июл. 2022 г.
- New epic fairy dragon: Spronco.
- New world: Fairy Forest.
- Added high contrast options in settings menu.
- Worlds balance changes.
- Added a warning about controls in the "How to play" section.
- Fixed "invisible" skip button when opening Mystery Eggs.
- Localization improvements.
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
10 июл. 2022 г.
- New legendary cosmic dragon: X-T3LL4
- Added a "How to Play" section in the settings menu with a list of all power-ups explained
- Improved clarity of the new auto-drag eggs button in the lab (Nest screen)
- Fixed the location of some buttons that were being occluded by the notches of some devices
- Updated ads package
- Localization improvements
- Refreshed the store x2 offers!
29 июн. 2022 г.
- Added button to auto-drag eggs to the lab (also added a warning about consuming eggs in the lab)
- Dragon hitbox improvements
- Fixed a bug that (sometimes) prevented to select dragons
- Localization improvements
- Dragon description fixes
- Removed store exclamation indicator and refreshed x2 offers!
20 июн. 2022 г.
- Added 15 new fairy dragons
- Added a new egg (Chrysalis egg) to the store and refreshed the x2 offers
- Added a level indicator to the dragon selection screen and now when you press on a locked dragon you will see which egg you need to hatch to get it
- Increase duplicated crowns
- Skill rebalance and VFX improvements
7 июн. 2022 г.
- Big Summer Update! 11 new dragons, 2 new worlds and 1 new egg!
- Reworked dragon selection screen and added favourite dragons filter
- New visual clarity system for dragons and backgrounds
- Added skip all button when having more than 5 eggs to open with a new egg summary screen
- Now you can buy up to 99 eggs in the store at once!
- Balance changes and many bugfixes (Tilted worlds and... Pangea again!)
- Added a new setting to switch the pause and skill button positions
7 мая 2022 г.
- Added new dragon: Hastalak
- Improved and smooth screen shake effects
- Added remaining time indicators in nest screen
- Fixed a bug where certains enemies would appear rotated
- Fixed audio clipping and some audio problems related to Pangea
- UX improvements on the Nest screen
- Localization improvements
2 апреля 2022 г.
- Localization improvements
29 марта 2022 г.
- Reduced loading times! (and added a loading bar)
- Added a new panel in the dragon selection screen (mastery, highscore and hatched dragons)
- Fixed some localization texts
22 марта 2022 г.
- Added a new random dragon button in the dragon selection screen.
- New settings button to switch between soul and bones particles.
- General dragon balance changes.
14 марта 2022 г.
- Added the "Lab" to the Nest screen, there you can consume 3 eggs to randomly open one of them.
- Fixed missing Russian characters.
- Added control tips to the main screen to help understand the controls better and renamed Tap R and Hold R.
- Added new settings buttons to enable/disable the camera screen shake, power-up music and the new highscore indicator.

- Fixed a bug what would cause some Hold dragons to go to infinity when using a skill button.
6 марта 2022 г.
- Fixed a visual bug when tapping in more than one egg in the progression screen.
- Updated engine version.
27 февраля 2022 г.
- Fixed a bug related to the report of the achievement "Explorer".
- Added a Mastery Indicator in the dragon selection screen (in the dragon stats panel).
- Localization improvements.

Dragon Changes:
- Aciagoh: Fixed a bug where the Dragon Chilli and Cosmic Stars power-ups were not affected by the dragon skill.
- Proto Flappy: Removed skill indicator due to its distracting constant appearance.
- Axoximbo: Removed skill indicator due to its distracting constant appearance.
21 февраля 2022 г.
- Fix a "teleportation" bug when a power-up is enabled/disabled for some dragons.
- Fix for black screen / graphic issues in some devices that used Vulkan.
- Updated privacy policy.
- Relabel free eggs in the store.
- Relabel and change icons of revive and duplicate crowns ads.
- Now ads are skippable after 5 seconds, but if you skip you don't get the reward.
9 февраля 2022 г.
- Fix for some dragons not destroying towers properly (Axoximbo)
- Update engine and packages versions
- Fairy Dust and Evil Mushroom fixes and improvements
- Reduced number of crown particles that were causing crashes with certain dragons (Koraline)
- Fixed some skills dragon descriptions
- Fixed a bug related to crowns when getting a duplicated dragon
- Make the Nest arrows, ad-buttons and dragon selection arrows more prominent
15 января 2022 г.
- Fixed a problem where the screen would remain black in some devices.
21 декабря 2021 г.
- Fixed some problems with the font in the skills description.
- Fixed a bug where some powerups wasn't resetting the scale of the dragon.

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