Complete: Wellbeing & HRV Mod Apk

Complete: Wellbeing & HRV Hack - Mod Apk 5.40

Developer: Complete Coherence Limited
Category: Health & Fitness
Price: Free


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Having the energy and the right emotional state at the right time is fundamental to achieving the results you want in your life. This was our motivation behind building our wellbeing app, the Complete App.

Why does this matter? Well, the vitality and quality of our energy drops by approximately 3% per annum from our early twenties. Some people who go through accelerated aging will decline faster. However, our coaching interventions can help buck the trend. What we've seen is if you teach people to manage their system differently, you can reverse the age-related decline and give people back the energy levels they had 10 years ago, which can be a game-changer in business.

We teach people how to be more effective in their energy management and then through measuring their HRV be able to quantify that objectively. Rather than saying, "Oh, I feel more energetic," or saying to someone, "You look more energetic," forget all that subjectivity. We can prove it to you. We can quote that for you and show you exactly how much energy you've regained or not.

In our app, we give you access to the skills you need to practice daily to help you increase the quantity of your energy and the quality of your emotional state, which enables you to cope better with pressure and think more clearly.

The practices on the app have been developed after 30 years of coaching by Dr Alan Watkins and the team of Senior Practitioners at Complete in this field and the practices can help you effectively reduce stress and the risk of mental breakdown and increase performance levels.

To support your emotional wellbeing and development, we have built out a structured wellbeing program that can help you start your journey to improve your personal performance. There are 12 levels of emotional and social intelligence (ESQ) that you need to develop to be better. The capabilities within each of those levels can only be effectively cultivated when the previous level has been developed. Our framework provides you with a structured program so you can vertically develop by mastering each level until you reach Level 12.

To improve our wellbeing we need to start right at the basement of the human system, which is our physiology.

The word ‘Physiology’ just refers to the data streams in our body. Your body is alive with vast streams of data being sent and received from one biological system to another.

How we interpret those data streams determines how we are feeling at any given moment. This means we ALL have the power to change how we feel at any given moment.

To begin to change how we feel we need to become more aware of our emotions. Most people have an emotional palette that only stretches as far as 20, whilst there are 34,000 distinguishable human emotions that you can feel.

To help you on your journey to improve your emotional repertoire we have loaded over 2000 emotions into the Complete App in our Universe of Emotions which allows you to explore your emotional landscape all for FREE.
This unique map of emotional states will help you discover wellbeing, foster compassion, and unlock an array of positive emotions that can enhance your performance and transform your life.

Our personal and team heatmaps can help create an audit trail of all the emotional planets you have visited in the last day, week, month or year.

This will allow you to identify what is your “home planet” and what part of the Universe you tend to reside in.

Just checking in to the Universe a couple of times a day will make a huge difference to your own emotional repertoire.

The Complete App uses 3rd party Heart Rate Monitors to connect to the bio-feedback software in the app. The bio-feedback works through the Heart Trainer feature which shows your heart rate and the coherence level you can achieve through slow rhythmic breathing.

The Complete App does not provide any medical advice. Please consult your doctor before doing breathwork.

Version history

This release fixes a crash scenario that we encountered in the previous release 5.39
In this release we have added support for logging in with your Microsoft Account and we have created a new alert to update to the latest version if your version is out of date. There are also a host of improvements to synchronisation and this will improve performance of the app for all of our users. We look forward to your feedback!
New movesense features
Changes to Notifications and improvement of mission progress
This release includes a new feature to manually synchronise questions to the app
Optimisation to the way that named information is displayed when commenting in the app.
Social share component will grab the actual icon image used by by tiles
Bluetooth system feature check removed
Crash fix due to data inconsistency
Billing Library Update
New features for notifications and various updates to content to make the app faster.
Feb 24, 2023
A number of changes to the way that the Ebank presents the list of entries have been applied which will make Ebank much easier to use when looking for patterns in your data. There are also changes to Missions and how you are guided from one Mission to the next has been made simpler.

Ways to hack Complete: Wellbeing & HRV

Download Complete: Wellbeing & HRV MOD APK 5.40

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