Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
1. The 9th Anniversary Celebration series events are about to kick off. Join the events to have a chance to win tons of rare items and the new Decoration Set!
2. The all-new Decoration Set-Sea World is about to make its grand appearance.
3. Fixed some problems and optimized some experiences.
Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
1. Changed collecting the free Void Heal Potion in the Void Hospital from claiming on the day of the event to claiming while the Void Hospital exists.
2. Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
1. Added ""Pegasus"" and ""Lyra"" in the Northern Palace. Cultivate to increase the Stats Buffs and get tons of Star Power.
2. Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
Fixed some online problems and optimized the system performance.
1. Increased the max limit of Blue and Purple Decoration buildings from Lv.15 to Lv.20.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
War of Frontiers Event Adjustments:
a) Added the Fortify Stat ""Defense Troops Shield Penetration"" to the Alliance Marks. Its effect: Defense Troops dealing Damage in the battle will ignore the Attacker's Shield effect by a ratio. This Stat won't reduce because of destruction.
b) Added the Purple Defense item ""Chaotic Judgement (Defense)"" and the Blue Defense item ""Flame Trap (Defense)"".
c) Added Attack items with use times limited to a single battle.
1. The new season of “Dragon’s Domains” will start on October 1. Complete the Quests daily to get rewards. Buy the Superior Rewards to get even more prizes.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
1. New Orange Crown Artifact: Thunderbolt Crown. Use it to increase the combat abilities of Archers and Mages.
2. Optimized the effects of the Asylum Armor item in the Brave Valley event. We preserved the original effects and added the dealing continuous Burning Percentage Damage to the enemy Troops within a certain time.
3. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
1. We will perform the update maintenance for the Subscribe feature (the Fortification Pack feature) for some time, so we will temporarily close or hide this feature during the maintenance. Subscriptions that have already taken effect won’t be affected.
2. After fully upgrading all Alliance Technology, the “Infinite Prosperity"" Technology will be available for Lords to complete the Donate Quests conveniently and donate in exchange for Alliance Honor and Alliance Points.
1. Optimized the Scout rules in the War of Frontiers event. When Lords scout, they won’t count toward the number of attackers after the optimization.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
1. Added the all-new Boss gameplay in the Savage Lands event.
2. Expanded the useable area in the Garden in the Sky. After the expansion, Lords can one-tap move to place the entire Garden Decorations.
3. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
1. New Sacred Advance System.
2. New Troop Levels Available.
3. Troops Lv.XIV will get all-new Passive Skills, making the soldiers’ abilities become more balanced.
4. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
1. Added the Resource and Speed Up Item Info feature. Lords can conveniently check the total amount of every resource and Speed Up item in their Packs.
2. Optimized the rules of the Wounded entering the Hospital. Angels will have priority to enter the Hospital after the battle.
3. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
1. Unlock the new season of Childlike Realm on June 1. Complete the Daily Quests to get rewards. Buy the Superior Rewards to get more prizes!
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
1. Added the Orange Totem-Guardian Totem, with its powerful Guard Skills. At the same time, the Guardian Totem strengthens the Troops’ Damage Reduction abilities.
2. Changed the Totem “Reset” feature to the “Power Shift” feature.
3. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
1. Added “Fortress War” and “Realm Invasion” to the Alliance’s Battle Contribution Ranking.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
1. Increased the number of “Achievements” Presets in Fast Re-equip from 3 to 5.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
1. Unlock the new season of Spring Revival on April 1. Complete the Daily Quests to get rewards. Buy the Superior Rewards to get more prizes!
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Mar 16, 2023
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Mar 9, 2023
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Mar 2, 2023
1. Artifact Gameplay’s New Revision.
2. New Crown Artifacts Available.
3. Start the 7th Anniversary Gala series events on March 3. Join the events to get tons of rare items and the limited 7th Anniversary Exclusive Skin!
4. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Feb 16, 2023
1. Beast Talent System Revision.
2. Beast UI Revision and Remodeling.
3. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Feb 9, 2023
1. Added the Valentine’s Day Castle Decorations.
2. Added some Decoration Guides and UI optimizations.
3. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Feb 2, 2023
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Jan 17, 2023
1. Reduced the Beast Level needed to unlock the Beast Talents from Lv.16 to Lv.12.
2. Reduced the Beast Level needed to upgrade all Talent Skills to Lv.12.
3. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Jan 10, 2023
1. Adjusted the restrictions on the number of times to use items in the Brave Valley event.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Dec 27, 2022
1. Unlock the new season of ‘Angel’s Arrival’ on January 1, 2023. Complete the Quests every day to get rewards. Buy the Superior Rewards to get more rewards.
2. Increased the max limit of Purple and Orange Totem Skill Levels from Lv.20 to Lv.30.
3. Added the current Equipment info for the Equipment Presets.
4. Added the Artifact Share feature. Lords can share their Artifacts at any time.
Dec 20, 2022
1. Added some Decoration Guides.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Dec 14, 2022
1. Added some Decoration Guides.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Dec 8, 2022
1. Artifact System Revision.
2. Added some Decoration Guides and UI optimizations.
3. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Nov 29, 2022
1. Unlock the new Christmas Prelude event on December 1. Complete the Quests every day to get rewards. Buy the Superior Rewards to get more rewards.
2. Optimized some art effects and fixed bugs in the Garden in the Sky gameplay.
Nov 21, 2022
1. Launched the all-new Garden in the Sky gameplay.
a) Lords can unlock the Garden in the Sky gameplay at Castle Lv.12. The Garden in the Sky can be entered through the exclusive building.
b) Lords can use “Decorations” to decorate their “Garden in the Sky”.
c) “Decorations” can use specific amounts of the same “Decorations”. After upgrading, Lords will get more Stats.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Nov 3, 2022
1. Added the Defense Totem gameplay.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Oct 28, 2022
1. Adjusted the unlocking level of the Totem system to Lv.20.
2. Removed the restrictions for setting Artifacts on all Totem qualities.
3. Unified the Totem Force’s additional stats bonuses for Purple Totems and Orange Totems.
4. Added 5 Stats slots a piece for Purple and Orange Totem Force.
5. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Oct 27, 2022
1. Adjusted the unlocking level of the Totem system to Lv.20.
2. Removed the restrictions for setting Artifacts on all Totem qualities.
3. Unified the Totem Force’s additional stats bonuses for Purple Totems and Orange Totems.
4. Added 5 Stats slots a piece for Purple and Orange Totem Force.
5. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Oct 18, 2022
1. Optimized the UI of Officer Appointments and Seize the Royal City.
2. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Oct 13, 2022
1. Adjusted the current Totem Force Stats to General Stats.
2. Adjusted the Purple and Orange Totem Stats. After the adjustment, the same Runestones used to upgrade ‘Totem Force’before the adjustment will get more Stats.
3. Reduced the costs of Totem Skills and increased the max limit of the Totem Skill Level, but overall the Psionic Tattoos used and the Skill effects won’t change.
Sep 29, 2022
1. Pet Carnival Major Revision.
2. New Beast Skins “Dark Star” Available.
3. Unlock the new season of Dragon’s Domain on October 1. Complete the Quests every day to get rewards. Buy the Superior Rewards to get more rewards.
4. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Sep 21, 2022
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Sep 15, 2022
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Sep 8, 2022
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Sep 1, 2022
1. Unlock the new season of Lost Civilization on September 1. Complete the Quests every day to get rewards. Buy the Superior Rewards to get more rewards.
2. Optimized the artistic effects of the Totems.
3. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Aug 25, 2022
1. Added Oracle Quests in the Daily Quests of Lords with Castle Lv.26 or above.
2. Optimized the Pest Block feature.
3. Added the “Ignore Level” feature to Pest Block. Lords can customize blocking the Alert effect for rallies and attacks of Lords of any level.
4. Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Aug 18, 2022
1. Optimized the “Seize the Royal City” Phase and removed the “Guard the Crown” Phase in the Crown War.
2. Adjusted the rules of the “Wilderness Battlefield” event. After entering Phase 3, you are no longer permitted to attack another Lord’s Castle.
3. Fixed some problems and optimized some experiences.
Aug 11, 2022
1.After the update, the recovery of the cooldown time for the Totem Reset is 7 days.
2.Fixed some problems and optimized some experiences.
Aug 2, 2022
1. Comprehensive upgrade of the developing items for Purple Totems and Orange Totems is as follows.
2. Added the Battle Replay feature for subsequent “Fortress War” events.
3. Fixed some problems and optimized some experiences.
Jul 26, 2022
1. Unlock the all-new “Journey of Miracles” event soon. This event is an exploration of the Totems’ Code in the Journey of Miracles. Coming soon.
2. Optmized the “Elite War” Battle Report. After the update, you can view and share the Battle Report from the Elite War in the Mail’s Battle Report folder.
3. Fixed some problems.
Jul 21, 2022
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Jul 14, 2022
1. Optimized the Savage Lands gameplay. Lords can choose to join any 2 of the 3 battles.
2. Increased the max number of Attack Times in the Star Ruins from 4 to 6.
3. Optimized the display of the Honor Roll in the Realm Invasion event.
4. Fixed some online problems.
Jul 7, 2022
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Jun 21, 2022
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
Jun 16, 2022
1. Unlock the Oracle Square at Castle Lv.26. There is more content coming soon.
2. Totem Force: Totem Force needs the help of the Artifacts’ forces. After setting the Artifacts, you can upgrade the Totem Force to get the corresponding Stats. After removing the Artifacts, Totem Force won’t be put to use.
3. 3D Artifacts: Optimized the art presentation effects in the Altar. All Artifacts have a 3D presentation for a stronger visual perception.
May 31, 2022
1. The Children’s Day event series is coming soon!
2. “Strongest Frenzy Lord” Related Optimizations.
May 12, 2022
1. Optimized the filter for viewing the Star Ruins Lodes.
2. Optimized the Farplane Invasion event.
3. Fixed the problem of being unable to collect rewards in the Wilderness Battlefield event.
April 26, 2022
1. Mystic College New Revision.
2. The new season of “Journey of Trials” will start on May 1. Complete the Quests daily to get rewards. Buy the Superior Rewards to get even more prizes.
3. Optimized the performance effects of the Wilderness Battlefield event. Fixed some problems.
April 19, 2022
1. Optimized the visual effects and operating experience of some events.
2. Fixed some online problems.
April 7, 2022
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
March 31, 2022
1. April Fool’s Day is coming. Check to see if there’s anything new in your chat emojis!
2. Optimized the visual experience and operating experience in the “Realm Invasion” event.
3. Optimized the operating experience in the “Breakthrough” event.
4. Optimized the Sanctuary’s Quests to lighten the Quests’ difficulty.
March 25, 2022
The Hades‘ Secret Order event is about to unlock. Collect and complete the Quests together with your Allies to get points. Coming soon.
March 17, 2022
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
March 5, 2022
Optimized performance and fixed some online problems.
February 17, 2022
1. Camel Growing Up: The “Ask for Help” Packs will be available soon! Hurry up to ask your Allies to help you buy Packs! Coming soon.
2. Pet Carnival: Added the Multiple Pony Catches feature.
January 26, 2022
Azurite News: After a period of the Realm’s development, the all-new “Azurite Card” will emerge the moment you reach Castle Lv.30! Unlocks at 00:00 (server time) on January 26!
January 18, 2022
1. 2021 Year in Review is about to unlock. You will be able to see your annual report for 2021.
2. Camel Growing Up is about to unlock. Complete the Quests to get the corresponding rewards.
3. Added 2 Avatars.
4. Fixed some problems in the Wilderness Battlefield event.
January 6, 2022
War and Order is entering its 6th Anniversary. My Lords, thank you for always accompanying us!
The Anniversary Gala event will gradually be available. We look forward to your participation!
The 6th Anniversary has a new look with an all-new loading picture for everyone to see.
December 30, 2021
New Year’s Day is almost here! This is a day to ring out the old and ring in the new! War and Order Team wishes everyone a Happy New Year!
This week’s update:
Angel’s Arrival is about to unlock. Complete the Quests to get rewards. Buy the Superior Ticket to get even more rewards.
December 24, 2021
1. Optimized the display effects of the Castle Decoration UI.
2. Optimized the UI display effects of the Pet Carnival event. The output of Beast Skin Fragments and other items in the Pet Carnival event is more clearly displayed.
3. Optimized the mail's reward collection mechanics of the Governing Scale event.
December 14, 2021
1. Optimized the display effects on the Boss UI in the Savage Lands event.
2. Long-press the deployed Queues in the upper left corner for the Army Details to pop up. It’s easier for Lords to check the status of every Queue.
3. Optimized the adaptation effects of some devices.
December 2, 2021
December is a joyful month! The Christmas Carnival event is about to unlock. A variety of Christmas events will unlock at different times. Coming soon.
November 25, 2021
1. Made optimizations to the category UI in the Mail System.
2. Added the Sweep feature to the Anubis Tower event.
3. Added the Reset feature to the Beast Talent Skills.
4. The Christmas Prelude event is about to unlock. Complete the Quests to get rewards.
November 16, 2021
Beast Talent Major Revision:
1. Reduced the types of Beast Talents and Skill Levels. Reduced the overall costs of Beast Elements.
2. When upgrading the Talent Skills, the current Beast Level and the prerequisite Talent Levels must both meet the conditions to complete the upgrade, but the restrictions of the prerequisite Talent Levels are lower than before.
November 9, 2021
1. New Artifact Available: Poseidon's Trident is an all-purpose, powerful Attack Artifact with Cross-Realm Stats.
2. New Castle Skin Available: Legend Of Excalibur can be obtained from the Goddess’ Blessing event. When the Troops are attacking, Attack, Defense, and HP are increased.
3. Fixed some problems.
November 4, 2021
1. Optimized the page layout of the Event page. The events will be classified into “In Progress” and “Unlocking Soon”.
2. Optimized the page layout of the Blacksmith’s Storage. Now you can more intuitively see the material classifications.
3. Optimized the display effects of the Alliance Flag UI.
4. Fixed some problems.