Brilliant: Learn by doing Mod Apk

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Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно


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Оттачивайте свои навыки в области математики, данных и информатики за считанные минуты в день с Brilliant. Для профессионалов, студентов и тех, кто учится на протяжении всей жизни, — Brilliant — лучший способ учиться. Присоединяйтесь к более чем 10 миллионам человек и исследуйте тысячи небольших интерактивных уроков, которые помогут вам освоить основные понятия во всем, от математики и информатики до анализа данных и физических наук.

Команда отмеченных наградами учителей и исследователей Brilliant создает интерактивные уроки по множеству тем STEM. Развивайте математические навыки, пройдя вводный курс по продвинутым курсам, охватывающим алгебру, геометрию, исчисление, вероятность и статистику, тригонометрию, линейную алгебру и многое другое. Изучите передовые темы, такие как искусственный интеллект, нейронные сети, алгоритмы, Python, квантовая механика и многое другое. В какой бы области математики, данных, информатики или науки вы не хотели совершенствоваться, Brilliant поможет вам.



Наглядные интерактивные уроки делают концепции интуитивно понятными, поэтому даже сложные идеи просто щелкают мышью. Наша обратная связь в режиме реального времени и простые объяснения делают обучение эффективным. Исследования показывают, что интерактивное обучение в 6 раз эффективнее, чем просмотр лекций.


Brilliant позволяет легко оставаться на правильном пути, видеть свой прогресс и повышать уровень всего за 15 минут в день, развивая свои навыки решения проблем по одной концепции за раз.


Профессионалы, студенты и учащиеся на протяжении всей жизни могут оттачивать дремлющие навыки или осваивать новые. Проходите уроки и выполняйте задания, адаптированные к вашему уровню. Изучите вступительные курсы продвинутого уровня по алгебре, геометрии, исчислению, логике, статистике и вероятности, научному мышлению, физике, квантовой механике, искусственному интеллекту, нейронным сетям, алгоритмам, Python и не только.


Сформируйте настоящую привычку к обучению с веселым контентом, который всегда в хорошем темпе, игровым отслеживанием прогресса и дружественными напоминаниями.

**Что люди говорят о Brilliant?**

«Бриллиант научил меня математическим понятиям, которые я раньше изо всех сил пытался понять. Теперь я чувствую себя уверенно как на собеседованиях по техническим вопросам, так и в реальных ситуациях, связанных с решением проблем». —Джейкоб С.

«Я использую это приложение во время занятий по информатике, и оно часто лучше объясняет концепции, чем мои преподаватели». — Эральд С.

«Хорошо организованный, хорошо объясненный, хорошо продуманный. Brilliant — абсолютно хороший выбор, если вы хотите выучить или переучить что-то объективное». - Джоэл М.

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История обновлений

The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better. Inside:
• Bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better. Inside:
• Improved push notification timing
• Bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better. What’s new:
• Fixed startup crashes
• Other bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
The smartest use of your smartphone has never looked better! In this release:
• Give your homescreen a glow up with a brand new app icon featuring Koji!
• Tap into an updated tab bar, complete with new icons.
• Supercharge your experience with various bug fixes and performance improvements.
The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better. Inside:
• Bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
Our latest and greatest app release, featuring:
• Improved login experience
• Bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
More problem-solving fun with fewer bugs—welcome to our latest release. Inside:
• Fixed a crash that happened occasionally on some devices while opening lessons
The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better! What’s new:
- The course overview screen has been redesigned! Now it’s easier (and more fun) than ever to navigate between lessons and track your progress.
- We also made some minor tweaks to support an even more interactive learning experience.
The same Brilliant app you know and love, only better. What’s new:
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
And just like that, a better app. In this release:
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Technology is getting smarter. So is our app. What’s inside:

- Improved the Premium tab to better explain what premium has to offer
- Fixed a redirect loop that could happen when opening a link to a premium course when you don’t have premium
No more waiting—our latest release is here. What’s new:

- When using the app on WiFi, next lessons will automatically pre-load. Less waiting, more learning.
- We also fixed a bug causing lesson load animations to sometimes appear twice.
This release? In a league of its own. What’s inside:

- Leagues are now live! Start earning XP and competing in a weekly leaderboard. Complete a lesson to see info on unlocking Leagues, as well as a breakdown of your XP.
- In other news, we removed the Stats screen and moved that info to the Course Directory.
- And finally, the Subscription Settings page wasn’t opening from Account Settings. Now it is.
Working hard to live up to our name with every release. What’s new:

- There’s a new animation you see when a lesson is loading, for a more elevated experience.
- Improvements to the premium screen to more clearly explain features and require less scrolling.
- Daily challenges have been merged into courses.
- Fixed a bug in the Course Directory where clicking on the Math/Science/Computer Science buttons wouldn’t scroll to the right spot.
Upgrade your math and CS skills. And your app. In this release:

- A few visual updates to course screens and practice lessons.
- Some design tweaks to make signing up and logging in easier.
- Fixed a crash while updating to 7.11.0
10 мар. 2023 г.
And just like that, a better app. In this release:

- Improvements that will fix several bugs within lessons—and make it easier to fix similar issues moving forward.
27 янв. 2023 г.
The more things change, the more they…improve. At least when it comes to this release:

- You can now pick up right where you left off learning.
- The transition from one lesson to the next has been smoothed out.
- Course landing screens now feature prerequisites.
- The sign up process looks and feels a little smoother.
6 янв. 2023 г.
In life and apps, it’s the small things that matter. In this release:

- Improved error handling for lessons, to help avoid blank screens when you head through a tunnel or your friend’s wifi goes down.
- The look of course pages has been tweaked slightly to boost usability.
- We’ve also continued to improve how bugs are reported, so they get fixed faster.
19 дек. 2022 г.
Looks better. Works faster. There’s a lot to love about our latest release:

- Trying out a new, simplified layout for Course pages with easier navigation.
- The onboarding experience for new users has been updated to get learners started in the right spot.
- Lessons now load much quicker than before (often by up to 40%!). Learn faster!
6 дек. 2022 г.
What’s new? Glad you asked:

- Password reset links weren’t opening properly. Now they are.
- We’ve improved our support options, to help fix issues faster.
8 нояб. 2022 г.
Change is good. Especially when it includes these improvements:

- Our app now has full Android 13 support.
- To report a bug, you can now just shake your device or tap the question mark in a lesson.
- Speaking of bugs, we fixed a few that made the progress spinner not appear when loading lessons, and fixed some lesson progress bugs with split screen.
5 окт. 2022 г.
There’s a new release in town. And here’s what’s in it:
- New animations—including for streaks and XP boosts—just for fun.
- Fix for a bug causing issues with Facebook sign-in.
- Some user privacy improvements.
25 авг. 2022 г.
We’ve learned. We’ve improved. We’ve updated! The details:

- We replaced the navigation drawer with a new More tab.
- We improved animations when navigating around the app.
- As for bugs, the Show Explanation button wasn’t working for some lessons in offline mode. Now it is.
- There was also an issue causing a “validating purchase” message to appear sometimes when the app opened. That’s been fixed.
17 авг. 2022 г.
For this release—some bugs were squashed, some features improved, and a good time was had by all. The highlights:

- On tablets, screen rotation is now enabled.
- When opening a lesson, the progress indicator would disappear too quickly. It should now stick around until the lesson appears.
- Before, if you tapped “Redo Lesson,” the lesson progress might get reset back to complete. That’s now fixed.
3 авг. 2022 г.
Sometimes even small updates can make a big difference. Like two in this release:

- Before, clicking the “Redo Lesson” button wouldn’t always reset the lesson. Now it should.
- Also, when you clicked “Show Explanation” in a Daily Challenge, you might get sent to the home screen. Now you see the explanation as expected.
14 июн. 2022 г.
We love learning things. Including what needs to be fixed in our app. What’s new:
- Setting Daily Challenge reminders now works properly
- Fixed an issue with Xiaomi devices messing up the text color
- Fixed a bug where payments could occasionally fail to validate
- Links in lessons now work properly
- Svg images now render correctly
19 мая 2022 г.
If you love more awesome features and fewer annoying bugs—you’ll love this release. What’s new:

- Streaks are here to help you build a daily learning habit. Get your streak on!
- We added the Home screen to help you better navigate your learning journey.
- And finally, we fixed lots of bugs, including ones causing problems with scrolling, signing up through Facebook, a few buttons that didn't always work, and logging out (without the app crashing).
2 мая 2022 г.
Spring cleaning is in full swing. Here’s everything we cleaned up for this release:

- Some new users weren’t seeing part of the onboarding experience and couldn’t select any lessons. That issue has been fixed.
- Occasionally, upgrading from v6 to v7 of the app caused it to crash. Now it won’t.
- Swiping up and down in some lessons was buggy. It’s not anymore.
- For unsubscribed users, links Premium lessons weren’t working properly. Now they are.
20 апреля 2022 г.
The most-up-to-date version of the Brilliant app you’ve been looking for is here. What’s inside:

- Fixes a crash when navigating the courses page after starting a lesson
- Fixes a bug where recent courses sometimes didn’t update after working on a lesson
- Fixes an incorrect button title when restarting older lessons
- Stability improvements
25 февраля 2022 г.
Fixed an issue with push notifications
19 февраля 2022 г.
Fixed an issue where some offline images wouldn't display properly
3 февраля 2022 г.
Fixed wiki links not opening
Updated push notifications
9 декабря 2021 г.
Fixed a crash when opening Daily Challenges
Fixed a crash on Android S devices when receiving a notification
Added sounds to lessons as an experiment (you can turn it off in Account Settings if you don't like it)
20 сентября 2021 г.
Lesson improvements
Reduced app size

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