Brilliant: Learn by doing Mod Apk

Brilliant: Learn by doing ハック - Mod Apk 8.24.0

カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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Brilliant を使用して、1 日数分で数学、データ、コンピューター サイエンスのスキルを磨くことができます。専門家、学生、生涯学習者にとって、Brilliant は最良の学習方法です。 1,000 万人を超えるユーザーに参加して、数学やコンピューター サイエンスからデータ分析や物理科学に至るまで、あらゆる分野の中核となる概念を実践できる数千の簡単なインタラクティブ レッスンを探索してください。

Brilliant の受賞歴のある教師と研究チームは、非常に多くの STEM トピックに関するインタラクティブなレッスンを構築しています。代数、幾何学、微積分、確率と統計、三角法、線形代数などをカバーする高度なコースの紹介で数学のスキルを構築します。 AI、ニューラル ネットワーク、アルゴリズム、Python、量子力学などの最先端のトピックを調べてください。スキルアップを目指している数学、データ、コンピューター サイエンス、または科学のトピックが何であれ、ブリリアントはあなたをカバーします。


- 効果的なハンズオン学習

視覚的でインタラクティブなレッスンにより、概念が直感的に感じられるため、複雑なアイデアでもクリックするだけです。リアルタイムのフィードバックと簡単な説明により、学習が効率的になります。調査によると、インタラクティブな学習は講義ビデオを見るよりも 6 倍効果的です。

- 一口サイズのガイド付きレッスン

Brilliant では、問題解決スキルを一度に 1 つのコンセプトで構築することにより、1 日わずか 15 分で順調に進み、進行状況を確認し、レベルアップすることが容易になります。

- あなたのレベルで学ぶ

専門家、学生、生涯学習者は、休眠中のスキルを磨いたり、新しいスキルを習得したりできます。あなたのレベルに合わせたレッスンと課題を進めてください。代数、幾何学、微積分、論理、統計と確率、科学的思考、物理学、量子力学、AI、ニューラル ネットワーク、アルゴリズム、Python などの高度なコースの紹介をご覧ください。

- モチベーションを保つ



「Brilliant は、私が以前は理解しにくかった数学的概念を教えてくれました。今では、技術職の面接と現実世界の問題解決状況の両方に自信を持ってアプローチできるようになりました。」 —ジェイコブ・S.

「CS の授業を受けているときにこのアプリを使用していますが、多くの場合、教授よりも概念を説明するのに優れています。」 — エラルド C.

「よく整理され、よく説明され、よく設計されています。客観的なことを学びたい、または再学習したい場合、ブリリアントは絶対に良い選択です。」 - ジョエル M.

[email protected] にフィードバックを送信してください。



The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better. Inside:
• Bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better. Inside:
• Bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better. Inside:
• Improved push notification timing
• Bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better. What’s new:
• Fixed startup crashes
• Other bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
The smartest use of your smartphone has never looked better! In this release:
• Give your homescreen a glow up with a brand new app icon featuring Koji!
• Tap into an updated tab bar, complete with new icons.
• Supercharge your experience with various bug fixes and performance improvements.
The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better. Inside:
• Bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
Our latest and greatest app release, featuring:
• Improved login experience
• Bug fixes and performance updates to help you learn on the go
The best way to learn math and computer science, now even better! What’s new:
- The course overview screen has been redesigned! Now it’s easier (and more fun) than ever to navigate between lessons and track your progress.
- We also made some minor tweaks to support an even more interactive learning experience.
Packed with more problem-solving power in every release. The latest:
- Fixed some rare crashes during certain animations
And just like that, a better app. In this release:
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
The app all the smartest phones want. What’s new:
• Learning paths are here! Just set your goal and we’ll design the perfect path, and equip you with the right tools, to reach it.
• We’ve also enhanced our onboarding to give you more personalized learning path recommendations.
Technology is getting smarter. So is our app. What’s inside:

- Improved the Premium tab to better explain what premium has to offer
- Fixed a redirect loop that could happen when opening a link to a premium course when you don’t have premium
No more waiting—our latest release is here. What’s new:

- When using the app on WiFi, next lessons will automatically pre-load. Less waiting, more learning.
- We also fixed a bug causing lesson load animations to sometimes appear twice.
This release? In a league of its own. What’s inside:

- Leagues are now live! Start earning XP and competing in a weekly leaderboard. Complete a lesson to see info on unlocking Leagues, as well as a breakdown of your XP.
- In other news, we removed the Stats screen and moved that info to the Course Directory.
- And finally, the Subscription Settings page wasn’t opening from Account Settings. Now it is.
Working hard to live up to our name with every release. What’s new:

- There’s a new animation you see when a lesson is loading, for a more elevated experience.
- Improvements to the premium screen to more clearly explain features and require less scrolling.
- Daily challenges have been merged into courses.
- Fixed a bug in the Course Directory where clicking on the Math/Science/Computer Science buttons wouldn’t scroll to the right spot.
Upgrade your math and CS skills. And your app. In this release:

- A few visual updates to course screens and practice lessons.
- Some design tweaks to make signing up and logging in easier.
- Fixed a crash while updating to 7.11.0
And just like that, a better app. In this release:

- Improvements that will fix several bugs within lessons—and make it easier to fix similar issues moving forward.
The best way to learn, now even better. What’s new:

- Your streak progress will now appear in more places, so you can better track your progress.
- On course pages, you’ll now jump to your most recent lesson.
- Sometimes, the loading spinner would get stuck on a page. Now it should dismiss properly.
- We’ve also made a few design tweaks for a better experience.
The more things change, the more they…improve. At least when it comes to this release:

- You can now pick up right where you left off learning.
- The transition from one lesson to the next has been smoothed out.
- Course landing screens now feature prerequisites.
- The sign up process looks and feels a little smoother.
In life and apps, it’s the small things that matter. In this release:

- Improved error handling for lessons, to help avoid blank screens when you head through a tunnel or your friend’s wifi goes down.
- The look of course pages has been tweaked slightly to boost usability.
- We’ve also continued to improve how bugs are reported, so they get fixed faster.
What’s new? Glad you asked:

- Password reset links weren’t opening properly. Now they are.
- We’ve improved our support options, to help fix issues faster.
There’s a new release in town. And here’s what’s in it:
- New animations—including for streaks and XP boosts—just for fun.
- Fix for a bug causing issues with Facebook sign-in.
- Some user privacy improvements.
We’ve learned. We’ve improved. We’ve updated! The details:

- We replaced the navigation drawer with a new More tab.
- We improved animations when navigating around the app.
- As for bugs, the Show Explanation button wasn’t working for some lessons in offline mode. Now it is.
- There was also an issue causing a “validating purchase” message to appear sometimes when the app opened. That’s been fixed.
For this release—some bugs were squashed, some features improved, and a good time was had by all. The highlights:

- On tablets, screen rotation is now enabled.
- When opening a lesson, the progress indicator would disappear too quickly. It should now stick around until the lesson appears.
- Before, if you tapped “Redo Lesson,” the lesson progress might get reset back to complete. That’s now fixed.
Sometimes even small updates can make a big difference. Like two in this release:

- Before, clicking the “Redo Lesson” button wouldn’t always reset the lesson. Now it should.
- Also, when you clicked “Show Explanation” in a Daily Challenge, you might get sent to the home screen. Now you see the explanation as expected.
We love learning things. Including what needs to be fixed in our app. What’s new:
- Setting Daily Challenge reminders now works properly
- Fixed an issue with Xiaomi devices messing up the text color
- Fixed a bug where payments could occasionally fail to validate
- Links in lessons now work properly
- Svg images now render correctly

ハッキング方法 Brilliant: Learn by doing

ダウンロード Brilliant: Learn by doing MOD APK 8.24.0

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