MobileSheets Trial Mod Apk

MobileSheets Trial Взлом - Mod Apk 3.8.14

Разработчик: Zubersoft
Категория: Музыка и аудио
Цена: Бесплатно


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MobileSheets - это лучшая программа для просмотра нот для планшетов Android. Установите эту пробную версию, чтобы избавиться от необходимости таскать с собой книги и папки, а также получить доступ к любой партитуре в вашей библиотеке за секунды. Он также имеет ряд мощных функций для музыкантов, в том числе:
- Несколько режимов работы, включая две страницы рядом, полстраницы и страницы с вертикальной прокруткой.
- Страница без рук переворачивается с помощью любых устройств Bluetooth или USB (включая модели с двумя и четырьмя педалями) или с помощью функции автоматической прокрутки
- Аннотации для разметки музыки, включая поддержку рисования произвольной формы, основных форм, текста и штампов
- Пользовательский аудиоплеер для воспроизведения звуковых дорожек с вашими счетами. Аудиоплеер поддерживает зацикливание a-b и несколько размеров.
- Пользовательский порядок страниц, позволяющий легко вырезать ненужные страницы, повторять страницы или изменять последовательность страниц, не затрагивая исходный документ.
- Метроном с несколькими режимами отображения и звуковыми эффектами
- Закладки для быстрого и удобного доступа к разделам в партитуре
- Точки ссылок для обработки повторов и быстрого перехода между страницами
- Умные кнопки, которые можно разместить на счете, чтобы активировать настраиваемые действия при нажатии
- Поддержка нескольких типов файлов, включая изображения, PDF-файлы, текстовые файлы и файлы chord pro.
- Поддержка импорта файлов индекса CSV для разбивки больших сборников песен в формате PDF.
- Поддержка связи с MIDI-устройствами через USB для загрузки песен или запуска действий.
- Возможность транспонировать аккорды в текстовых и профессиональных файлах аккордов.
- Ручная и автоматическая обрезка для полного удаления ненужных полей
- Поддержка сетлистов и коллекций для эффективного группирования песен для воспроизведения.
- Мощные функции управления библиотекой с огромным списком поддерживаемых полей метаданных, дающие вам полный контроль над данными в вашей библиотеке.
- Бесплатное приложение-компаньон для ПК, которое упрощает создание и редактирование песен.

MobileSheetsPro действует как файловый менеджер для ваших нотных файлов (PDF-файлы, изображения или текстовые / аккордовые файлы) и напрямую ссылается на них на устройстве. Он позволяет организовать любой из этих файлов и быстро получить к нему доступ. MobileSheetsPro можно настроить для использования существующих файлов и папок в хранилище устройства, что позволяет упорядочивать эти файлы по желанию пользователя без необходимости их копирования или перемещения.

Попробуйте MobileSheets сегодня и ощутите свободу, позволяющую получить все свои результаты одним касанием.

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Это приложение разработано и оптимизировано для планшетов с диагональю 7 дюймов и более. Это приложение не включает нотные записи - вы должны предоставить свои собственные. Это приложение не может воспроизводить файлы PDF, изображения или текстовые / аккордовые профессиональные файлы. Оно может только отображать эти файлы и воспроизвести аудиофайлы.

Пробная версия имеет следующие ограничения:

- В вашей библиотеке разрешено только 8 песен
- Только 2 точки ссылки на песню
- Только 2 закладки на песню

Все остальные функции остались неизменными и идентичны платной версии.

Сопутствующее приложение предназначено для вашего ПК и не входит в комплект. Вы можете скачать сопутствующее приложение здесь:

Политика конфиденциальности:
Условия использования:

История обновлений

- Added new library window that can be displayed while viewing a song or setlist. This provides a way to quickly switch songs or setlists without needing to return to the library screen.
- The new library window can be accessed through the menu at the bottom left corner of the song overlay, a touch action, pedal action, midi action or the quick action box
- Added optimizations when importing CSVs containing audio file paths
- See release notes for full list of changes
- Added scrolling inertia to every display mode. Flinging and scrolling with a finger should now feel smoother and more intuitive.
- Updated camera feature to fix issues on a number of devices such as the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
- Adding back arrow after taking a picture to retake the picture
- Added done option on the image correction screen to end picture taking and generate the PDF
- See release notes for full list of changes
- Fixed issue where MobileSheets would not correct tab sections in a chord pro file that were larger than a page
- Fixed issue with synchronizing that would cause a slowdown if hashes weren't calculated on the client device beforehand.
- MobileSheets will now separate PDF metadata values by semi-colon if one is found, and by comma otherwise
- Fixed slowdown while UI is updating quickly on the sync library screen
- See release notes for full list of changes
- Added significantly improved picture taking capability that supports image correction
- Added new feature to extract PDF metadata. This can be turned on under the import settings or manually triggered in the song editor.
- Added new option to import and export application settings. This can allow settings and custom stamps to be backed up without having to backup the full library.
- Fixed issue with chord pro autosizing not working properly
- See release notes for full list of changes
- Fixed issue where some PDF pages could be displayed as blank in certain situations
- The MIDI listen dialog will now ignore one byte system exclusive messages
- Fixed some issues with parsing and rendering certain chord pro and text files
- Fixed panning issue in annotation editor when a single page song is used with the two page display mode
- Fixed issue with the overflow exit option not working
- The library screen lists now shift up when the keyboard is displayed to ensure the bottoms of lists can be reached
- Fixed issue where apostrophes would be stripped from exported files
- Adjusted logic when keyboard is displayed while editing groups to eliminate space between bottom of lists and the keyboard
- See release notes for full list of changes
- Fixed crashes that can occur on devices running older Android versions
- Stylus button actions should now work with non-Samsung pens/styluses
- Fixed issue where it was not possible to annotate at the bottom of a page if the option was enabled to move the page below the toolbar
- Added option to disable pinch zoom gestures on the Zoom/Pan Settings dialog
- Fixed issue when editing groups where the keyboard would temporarily be shown
- See release notes for full list of changes
- Added feature to use pitch bend messages to change the current song's page for better interoperability with Gig Performer and other applications
- Added new option to automatically shift the sheet music down below the annotation toolbar for users that prefer that behavior
- Fixed issue with the two page display where a page could be positioned incorrectly after entering and exiting the annotation editor
- See release notes for full list of changes
16 мар. 2023 г.
- Added option to specify a custom color for the page color tone setting
- Added option to display the caption below the song title in the song overlay title bar
- Fixed issue where the S-Pen would cause crashes on some devices
- Fixed S-Pen button press issues when air actions are enabled
- Fixed issue where a swipe could be processed after triggering a link point
- See release notes for full list of changes
2 мар. 2023 г.
- Fixed issue where half page slider does not work correctly while viewing a setlist
- Fixed issue where the half page slider background is colored incorrectly when the page color tone setting is used
- Fixed library sync issues where conflicts would occur when a large number of songs share the same title
- Added support for S-Pen remote button presses in the annotations editor
- See release notes for full list of changes
13 янв. 2023 г.
- Fixed crash that can occur while using the audio player and metronome
- Fixed issue that prevented the "Goto Previous Song" from working in some situations when Repeat Mode is enabled
- Stylus erasers will now work properly in the annotation editor
- If a stylus eraser is hovered or touches the screen, this will now trigger the annotation editor
- Bluetooth permission warnings will now only be shown once
- See release notes for full list of changes
7 янв. 2023 г.
28 дек. 2022 г.
- Fixed issue with text annotations not rendering on devices below Android 6.0
- Adjusted recent tab to show the remove and delete options next to each other to reduce confusion
- See release notes for full list of changes
19 окт. 2022 г.
- Fixed issue with Dropbox using lowercase file names
14 окт. 2022 г.
- Fixed issue where numbers would be incorrectly appended to generated song titles under certain situations
- Fixed issue with the last used import folder not being correctly saved for cloud services
- The last selected settings for the backup and restore dialogs are now saved and persisted
- Fixed issue where changes to the library text alignment setting would not be processed without a restart
- See release notes for full list of changes
30 июн. 2022 г.
- Fixed issue with songs showing incorrect metadata after changing group assignments (genres, albums, artists, etc)
- Fixed issue with bookmarks being duplicated when changing the page order of a PDF
- Improved error reporting when accessing Google Drive on devices that don't support Google Play Services
18 июн. 2022 г.
- Fixed issue with EXIF changes impacting page sizes and cropping even while the setting is disabled
- For existing users that see any image files rotated differently than they would expect, go to Settings-Import Settings and uncheck the "Process EXIF Data" setting to revert to the old behavior
23 мая 2022 г.
- Fixed issue with missing permission required for making a device discoverable through bluetooth Android 12
- Added AirTurn Direct Mode functionality back after addressing crashes and power consumption issues
- Smart buttons can no longer be moved while performance mode is enabled
- Fixed issue with canceling the SD card prompt while restoring a backup file that uses an SD card storage location
- Fixed crash while removing a paired device in the AirTurn Direct Mode connection screen
15 мая 2022 г.
- Fixed issue with missing permissions required for bluetooth connectivity on Android 12 devices
- Fixed issue with pedal events not triggering properly unless page up/page down was used
- Fixed issue with zooming in the annotation editor while using the half page display mode
24 апреля 2022 г.
- Reduced delay when starting the metronome and increased the accuracy of the audible beats over longer periods of time
- Fixed Dropbox connectivity issue on devices running 4.4 or lower
- Improved Dropbox transfer speeds on some devices
- Renamed MobileSheetsPro to MobileSheets
- Fixed issue where the two page display mode would shift the page slightly when entering the annotation editor
- See release notes for full list of changes
10 апреля 2022 г.
- Added support for optional chords in chord pro files that are surrounded by parenthesis, i.e. [(C)]
- Improved the snap-to-grid functionality when moving non-freeform annotations
- Added icon for smart buttons to set the audio track start time to the current time position in the audio player
- Fixed issues on some devices with accessing files and folders on certain types of removable storage such as thumb drives
- See release notes for full list of changes
8 марта 2022 г.
- Fixed issue where songs could be cropped incorrectly when cropping a setlist that uses descending sort order
- Fixed issue with automatic scrolling that could cause an unexpected page turn under certain situations
- Fixed issue with the library sync feature where audio files would not be sent correctly from Android to Windows
- Fixed issue where an import of a .msf file could hang if file conflicts are detected and files are renamed
- See release notes for full list of changes
25 февраля 2022 г.
- Fixed issue with metadata being overwritten when importing duplicate files
- Filters other than the search text will now function properly on the bookmarks tab
- Fixed issue with potential double page turns if a touch gesture is triggered twice immediately by the device
- Fixed issue with songs switching in the half page and vertical scrolling display modes when repeat mode and automatically load next song are both enabled and a one page song is loaded
20 февраля 2022 г.
- Fixed error with text and chord pro files that would prevent them from loading if the first link is blank
- The dialog used to show "Apply To" selections will now require a selection and confirmation with the OK button
- Added extra validation of freeform annotations to prevent corrupted annotation data from being rendered or saved
- Triggering a page turn in the annotation editor while book mode is active will always turn a single page now
- See release notes for full list of changes
27 января 2022 г.
- Fixed issue with the alphabet list on Android 11 devices where the long press capabilities did not work correctly
- Added support for removing entries from the recent list
- Fixed issue with MIDI port filtering with batch commands where the child commands would use the wrong ports
- Fixed issue where scrolling would not pause before starting when the option is enabled to automatically scroll through all songs in a setlist
- See release notes for full list of changes
4 января 2022 г.
- Fixed issue where a black page could be displayed while using half page turns with the single page display mode in landscape
- Fixed issue with the layer link feature where the same layer could potentially not be active on each page
- Fixed issue where a file ending with an underscore would result in a song title with a trailing blank space
- See release notes for full list of changes
17 декабря 2021 г.
- Fixed issue that prevented files from being imported through some applications in the system file browser
- Fixed issue where blank pages would not flip the background color in night mode if a page color tone was in use
12 декабря 2021 г.
- Fixed issue with the share feature not listing all potential share targets on Android 11 devices
- Fixed issue with navigation bar showing up with a light background on Android 11 devices
- Fixed issue with the scroll time not being saved correctly in msf files when using the "Scroll Entire Song in Fixed Time" scroll behavior
- The file browser now has a back button displayed for easier access on ChromeOS devices
- See release notes for full list of changes
8 октября 2021 г.
- Fixed issue where pieces would be displayed instead of songs in certain locales
- Fixed issue with the checkbox for synchronizing text display settings not working on the settings dialog
- Fixed issue with the initial tab setting not working correctly when set to Pieces

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